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Last Stand of the Dorinthians- Dead Secrets

Deuce Traveler

"It wouldn't be a worse idea than staying where we are now. My former slaves can be tenacious, trust me on that."

You keep Nefius in the middle, while Barok takes point and you move in last. Barok uses a torch as you find a rear door into the cellar. The cellar is quite large and square, about 40 feet by 40 feet in dimension. Across from the bottom of the stairs you see a large wine rack filled with cheap sacremental wine. To your left there is an open door to a supply closet with such items as candles. To your right is a simple banner that stretches across and covers the surface of the wall and depicts a darkened rider and horse on a light yellow background.

As you take in your surroundings you can hear more hammering above. It sounds as if the undead creatures have found something heavy in order to drive into the barricaded entrance to the chapel.

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Silas closes the cellar door behind him and looks around. When his eyes come to rest on the tapestry of the Rider he closes them. Rider protect me! Opening them again, he moves on down. "At least we won't get thirsty." He looks back up towards the door when the heavy pounding starts. "Let's start looking." Silas will look behind the tapestry, check out the wine rack, and look in the closet (stuffing a couple of candles in his pocket).

Deuce Traveler

Silas grabs some candles that he finds in the closet as Barok smiles and checks out the wine racks. The smile turns into a frown, however, as the rogue sees that the wine is of poor quality and low alcoholic content. Nefius continues to stare up the stairs and mumbles to himself in frustration as you hear the sounds of breaking glass above. As Silas moves the tapestry away he sees what seems to be a normal wall, however when he taps at it Barok claims that there is a faint hollowed sound. With one solid hit from his staff, a fist-sized section of the wall seems to crumble and fall by Silas' feet.


"Over here!" Silas will quickly peer through the hole to see if he can see anything, then continue bashing at the wall to enlarge the hole enough that the three of them can squeeze through.

Deuce Traveler

Nefius and Silas pull off the tapestry and frantically slam their staves against the weakened wall in an attempt to break a passage through. Meanwhile, Barok hears some more activity from upstairs as the creatures can be heard breaking through the wooden doors and scrambling above. He draws a blade and faces the stairwell as the creatures fling open the stairwell door and begin to rush downstairs.

Silas and Nefius break into a tunnel with walls painted with strange scenes of women and men fighting insect-like humanoids, but their inspection of the tunnel is interrupted as four of the undead stumble down the stairs and towards Barok's waiting sword.


"Locusi!" says Silas in a breathless whisper. Shaking off his academic interest in the paintings he pushes Nefius through the hole. "Barok! We're through!" he calls as he climbs through the hole himself. Standing off to one side but peering through the hole, he'll ready his Scorching Ray spell and wait for Barok.

Ready an action to cast Scorching Ray once Barok disengages from the zombies

Deuce Traveler

Barok hears Silas begin to chant and briefly slashes at the first incoming creature before rolling backwards to allow the abjurer a clear shot. The opportunity isn't wasted and Silas destroys the attacker utterly before the next two undead rush into the small room and attack. Barok easily avoids the clumsy attack of his opponent, but the other creature charges Silas and glances him with a strong punch (-3 hps to Silas). Nefius uses Silas and Barok as shields as he lands a solid strike with the butt of his staff against the face of the creature that is engaging Silas, although he fails to fell it.

Another couple of creatures peek out from the bottom of the stairs, contemplating trying to enter the melee in such a tight area.


"Go on down the passage, Nefius!" urges Silas. He will attack any zombies that leave themselves open and then back down the passage to give Barok room to enter. If he has the chance he'll look around to see what place they have backed themselves into.

Deuce Traveler

Nefius smirks at the irony of Silas protecting him and shuffles down into the tunnel while Silas and Barok make a fighting withdrawal. Both Silas and Barok manage to slightly injure the undead of the oncoming crowd while dodging their return strikes.

At the end of the tunnel a doorway with a rusty iron door is seen, and the trio decides to escape through it, dropping a metal bar behind them to stop the rushing horde.

As Barok's torch reveals a large room without an obvious exit, Nefius remarks, "Well, at least that will hold them for a slight while although I believe they'll find a way to us while we rot here."

The room is 30 feet wide by 50 feet in length with frescoes similar to the ones on the wall in the tunnel. In the center of the room is another statue of the rider, but older and covered in green tarnish.


Silas will light one of the candles taken from the storage room and begin looking around. "They certainly were fond of secret chambers in ages past, weren't they?" He'll investigate the statue of the Rider and the base that it sits on and then make a circuit of the room examining the walls and frescoes.

As he goes, Silas will say, "So, Nefius, we have a bit of time to breath, I suppose. How about you tell us what exactly happened back there? Why did my words set them off like that?"

OOC: Take 20 on Search?

Voidrunner's Codex

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