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Game #4 - 2/23/03
Chapter 14, “Look at all this stuff they gave us!”, July 4, 1019, 3:45 P.M.
The stealth team had no sooner entered the great hall of Kulp’s Comfortable Castle when Narg instructed them to “Make yourself at home in here, and protect the items.” Narg and the fighters then left, shutting the doorway behind them. “What the hell was that all about, and what is this place?” asks the elvan thief Dennismore. “I don’t know, be he told us to guard the chest and cabinet,” states the halfling Blip. “Should we open them?” asks the gnome Blip. “Well…we really should find out what we are guarding,” the drow Ailsheir states. “Open, Open, Open,” the hengeyokai ranger Ebony impatiently states.
Ailsheir says “OK, Blake or Dennis, these things appear locked. Go at it.” “What am I? Chopped Liver,” Blip yells. Ailsheir says “What, they’re thieves. You’re an illusionist, or an sorcerer, or an assassin, or something!” The halfling answers “Okay, forget I said anything. For this mission it’s probably better that nobody remembers what I am.”
Between Blake, Blip and Dennismore they manage to get all of the drawers open, and begin to inspect all of the items. Ebony is unimpressed, saying “It’s only a bunch of rocks! What good are rocks. You can’t eat them, and they’re heavy to carry.” Ailshear tells the cat hengeyokai “That’s okay, you don’t have to keep any of them. We’ll just take them all and give you a nice ball of yarn.” In response she draws her bow, knocks an arrow, and points it at the drow, stating “What was that?” “Nothing,” he meekly replies.
Just as they are finishing up Serita opens the door, tosses in the jeweled dress, and then exits. Ebony examines the dress, saying “Well, this is nice.” “About time she discovered clothing,” Blip comments. “Hey, I like her in the leather bikini,” Dennismore replies.
They all then check out the castle. They decide to store the items in the room furthest from the door (Room #11 on the Castle map). They then debate who should stay in that bedroom to guard the items. The group decides on Ebony, as she has the best senses and also has little to no interest in keeping the items. “Yeah, but she’ll probably lick ‘em all,” Dennis comments. “Or will keep us up batting them around on the floor with her paws,” Ailsheir adds.
Dennismore is sent to take first watch guarding the doorway in the great hall, as the other three settle into the rooms around Ebony’s. Just as the halfling Blake is climbing into bed he hears a voice say “Hello Mr. Blake. This is exciting mission.” Recognizing the voice as that of his teenage hengeyokai apprentice Lee-May, Blake yells out “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!” She reminds him that the previous week she had been doing a test while invisible, and says “I just never turn back visible.” “BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!” the halfling exclaims. “Did I do good?” she asks. “NO!” he yells. She starts to cry, until he says “Yes, yes you did do good. Now stop crying.”
By now his yelling has attracted the attention of the others, who open his door and see the halfling talking to the wall. He explains to the others Lee-May’s presence. “Great, he brought along his girlfriend,” Ailsheir states. “SHE’S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” Blake yells. Ebony comments “What’s the problem? I’ve known she was here all along.” This prompts the others to all get mad at and yell at Ebony. She replies “We are on a stealth team. What could be more stealthy than someone who can become a spider monkey rogue, and is also invisible.” Ailsheir says “That’s not what has me worried. We’re supposed to be the stealth team, and go up agaisnt high level assassins! How good are we if an apprentice can follow us without being seen. Lee-May says to Blake “See, he thinks I do good too.”
The group settle down, reluctantly accepting her presence. She bunks in the same room with Ebony. The group maintain shifts for the next day, watching the doorway, which does not open at all.
Chapter 14, “Look at all this stuff they gave us!”, July 4, 1019, 3:45 P.M.
The stealth team had no sooner entered the great hall of Kulp’s Comfortable Castle when Narg instructed them to “Make yourself at home in here, and protect the items.” Narg and the fighters then left, shutting the doorway behind them. “What the hell was that all about, and what is this place?” asks the elvan thief Dennismore. “I don’t know, be he told us to guard the chest and cabinet,” states the halfling Blip. “Should we open them?” asks the gnome Blip. “Well…we really should find out what we are guarding,” the drow Ailsheir states. “Open, Open, Open,” the hengeyokai ranger Ebony impatiently states.
Ailsheir says “OK, Blake or Dennis, these things appear locked. Go at it.” “What am I? Chopped Liver,” Blip yells. Ailsheir says “What, they’re thieves. You’re an illusionist, or an sorcerer, or an assassin, or something!” The halfling answers “Okay, forget I said anything. For this mission it’s probably better that nobody remembers what I am.”
Between Blake, Blip and Dennismore they manage to get all of the drawers open, and begin to inspect all of the items. Ebony is unimpressed, saying “It’s only a bunch of rocks! What good are rocks. You can’t eat them, and they’re heavy to carry.” Ailshear tells the cat hengeyokai “That’s okay, you don’t have to keep any of them. We’ll just take them all and give you a nice ball of yarn.” In response she draws her bow, knocks an arrow, and points it at the drow, stating “What was that?” “Nothing,” he meekly replies.
Just as they are finishing up Serita opens the door, tosses in the jeweled dress, and then exits. Ebony examines the dress, saying “Well, this is nice.” “About time she discovered clothing,” Blip comments. “Hey, I like her in the leather bikini,” Dennismore replies.
They all then check out the castle. They decide to store the items in the room furthest from the door (Room #11 on the Castle map). They then debate who should stay in that bedroom to guard the items. The group decides on Ebony, as she has the best senses and also has little to no interest in keeping the items. “Yeah, but she’ll probably lick ‘em all,” Dennis comments. “Or will keep us up batting them around on the floor with her paws,” Ailsheir adds.
Dennismore is sent to take first watch guarding the doorway in the great hall, as the other three settle into the rooms around Ebony’s. Just as the halfling Blake is climbing into bed he hears a voice say “Hello Mr. Blake. This is exciting mission.” Recognizing the voice as that of his teenage hengeyokai apprentice Lee-May, Blake yells out “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!” She reminds him that the previous week she had been doing a test while invisible, and says “I just never turn back visible.” “BUT WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!” the halfling exclaims. “Did I do good?” she asks. “NO!” he yells. She starts to cry, until he says “Yes, yes you did do good. Now stop crying.”
By now his yelling has attracted the attention of the others, who open his door and see the halfling talking to the wall. He explains to the others Lee-May’s presence. “Great, he brought along his girlfriend,” Ailsheir states. “SHE’S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!” Blake yells. Ebony comments “What’s the problem? I’ve known she was here all along.” This prompts the others to all get mad at and yell at Ebony. She replies “We are on a stealth team. What could be more stealthy than someone who can become a spider monkey rogue, and is also invisible.” Ailsheir says “That’s not what has me worried. We’re supposed to be the stealth team, and go up agaisnt high level assassins! How good are we if an apprentice can follow us without being seen. Lee-May says to Blake “See, he thinks I do good too.”
The group settle down, reluctantly accepting her presence. She bunks in the same room with Ebony. The group maintain shifts for the next day, watching the doorway, which does not open at all.