LEB Discussion Thread '10

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Just realized that Unit 16 never got a non-judge approval for level 5.

Even with the new rules, I'm pretty sure he'd need a review, since I did a bit of an overhaul between 4 and 5. I know a bunch of folks are still waiting; go ahead and add me back to the list! I'll wait until I get that 2nd approval to level to 6.


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Funny thing is, Ryda's in a very similar boat. Only her's stems back to lvl 4 since the copy that had both level 4 approvals died in the enworld wiki. R1 approved her as level 5, but I never got the 2nd one there as I just forgot :erm:

Thalin also only has 1 approval...

I'm sensing a trend here


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I'll try to review my old player sheet tomorrow. I'll have to work, but I'll have a lot time ot wait, so that will fill my waiting time.


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In case you missed the proposal thread, PC review has had a small change,

Judge and peer review of characters shall only be mandatory in the following circumstances:

* When the PC is created
* When a PC concludes his association with a DM (and doesn't retire).
* If the current DM requests it.
* If the PC is overhauled (typically on first gained level).

When a judge gets some free time to update the charter, it will be reflected there as well.


I posted this in the L4W discussion thread but I feel the same over here so let's see what LEB thinks.

Essentials feats:

I have to say, it seems like expertise feats (and thus, the feat tax) are here to stay. The fact that they are introducing new expertise feats that are even better than the previous must-have-regardless-of-build feats is really painful.

I'm not really sure what the best solution is. I'm thinking we may just want to dissolve our house rule and letting everyone take the stupid things at level 1 like they're supposed to. Either that, or give them for free at level 1. I mean, 100% of all characters should take one of these feats, preferably at level 1. They are so much better than any other feat, you're really handicapping yourself if you don't. Whatever the math arguments may have been in the past, everyone is clearly supposed to take one of these feats at level 1, and the benefits kick in at level 1.

What do others think?


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We've generally, since the printing of PHB2 at least, given expertise for free in our local games. After a bit of discussion we decided to allow the new Expertise feats with a small change. The +1/2/3 bonus becomes a flat +1 Feat bonus.

This way it's a feat granting a bonus instead of a bandaid trying to cover a math error.

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