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Legacy of Death Part IX: The Ultimate Tomb


He takes the silence as an affirmation of his guesses. "from strange quarters indeed" you hear him mutter under his breath.

"My name is Allowyn of Akronas. My feline companion and steed is Leandre. Minions of Zorrath threaten my world, and it was prophesied by Tessa of Plennax that only the Horn of Valeria can prevent the destruction. I led 12 of the greatest adventurers of my world, Dimmaria, to this forsaken place to retrieve the Horn of Valeria. However, upon our entrance to this plane, we were set upon by twisted golems of flesh and steel. We continued, albeit greatly hindered by the dread of this place, making healing a curse and bringing a great despair. Our mystics warned us something about “being careful with the dead”, but I know not what they meant. In a seeming maze of ruins, we were attacked by terrible ghosts and spirits. Only a few survived. As those of us who survived the initial onslaughts struggled to revive our fallen companions a powerful lich and its skeletal followers attacked us. Only Leandre and I survived. I've been subsisting here ever since and I've quite possibly lost track of the days.

The prophesy becomes clearer to me now, as it warned of great loss, but also promised aid from strange quarters. You small men and you, blue one, must be the aid that was prophesied.

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They seem genuine, Buckthorn thinks to himself. Perhaps I am just gullible, but I trust these strangers.

Buckthorn will step from the shadows of bushes and trees.

"Hail and well met,Allowyn of Akronas and Leandre. Ander Buckthorn is my name, and my friends call me Buckthorn - which you may do as well, if you be a friend.

After the past few years I've learned more of prophecy than I would ever care to. I do not know if we are indeed the aid that was promised to you, we did not come here for the purpose of aiding you... though I would say we do indeed travel from strange, strange quarters. However, you are strangers to us and I reggret that I have never heard of a place called Akronas. Nor have I heard of any horn of Valeria.

However, a lich and a maze we have heard of and are all too familiar with. We have some experience travelling the planes, however; so it would not surprise me if we do not share the same world. But, perhaps, we share common purpose.

Perhaps you could tell us of this maze and this lich for it is a lich of terrible power that we seek."


Jin Abackis

Halfling are trusting souls. It’s a wonder they are not extinct. Simorai turns to the human; I am Simorai Calborian from the City of Brass.

So you’ve lost your way and companions, but your story is not so unique. We are all but pawns in the games of Gods and Ascendants. There is a new house that vies for power in the cosmos. Powers beyond comprehension are in play and we are at a convergence. It is likely that we face the same foe in different guises for his dread extends too many worlds. For better or worse, I believe that we are the aid that has been prophesied.

The lich you speak of is likely the one we seek
(although, thinking to himself, this human's meeting may have been with a younger, less powerful version). It has defiled the Everflow and must be destroyed. I have also heard of your world but know not whether the horn will save it. However, if the horn is on this world it is also likely in the tomb of the dead gods that the lich has usurped for his schemes.

While our need is great because our enemies are many and powerful, we will not lead a fool to slaughter. You speak of great deeds and wear the gear of an adventurer and yet you hide in a hole while your comrades have not been avenged. Have you any skills that will
be useful in battle because we travel a deadly path.


"Well met Buckthorn. I think we will become friends." He reaches out his hand in greeting and clasps Buckthorn's forearm. He practically lifts him off the ground with a hearty shake.

Allowyn turns to Simorai "Yes, from what we have discovered the Horn is said to lie in the ancient tomb of Tuern the Betrayed, which is also the resting place of the mighty hero Karn himself. Our paths seemed destined to have crossed. I know little of prophesies, planes, gods and ascendants but what I am told. I lead men where they are needed and strike down those who would seek to overwhelm my world with darkness."

He moves toward Leandre and strokes the cat's astoundingly clean mane. "And Simorai, I understand your concerns, but you have no need of worrying about my skills. Every battle has a time to push forward and a time to regroup. My companions will be avenged, but the hunt for the horn is most important, for a nation and possibly a world are at stake."

While clearly affected by this place Allowyn's words and demeanor fill you with confidence that his task can be accomplished, as can yours.

Jin Abackis

Well, human, you have the optimism of a privileged, untested youth and the tongue of a noble or priest, i.e., you speak much but whether anything spoken is of consequence is nebulous. Nevertheless, if Buckthorn vouches for you so be it. Can you tell us anything further that may be useful about the horn, tomb or creatures that killed the 12 greatest warriors of your world?


5ever, or until 2024
His words actually do seem to fill you with confidence. As for lich...if Nar where still here, he might realize a lich is not necessarily a demi-lich.

The dark shape and its eldritch storm presumably still loom above the cave.

EDIT: And it seems like he has said a lot...
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"It's been a long time since anyone has complimented my youth! I appreciate the flattery. Unfortunately, I can provide little more information than what I already have. If you have need of rest, I think is this a defensible position for a time. Otherwise, We should continue along the path you were taking."

Jin Abackis

Sim smiles (compliment? At least Nar was intelligent) and extends his arms outward as if to embrace Forge and Buckthorn: It seems your prayers have been answered human. Sim does not enter the stone hovel. He has seen enough. Make haste and gather your belongings and pet. There is no time to waste. We can rest when we are dead. Sim moves to get a better view of the path ahead.
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"Excellent! I admire a man of action. You can tell me your tell on the journey." Allowyn picks up the large saddle and walks out of the cave, Leandre gets up, stretches and follows. While fastening the saddle to the large cat, Allowyn nod to Buckthorn and quietly inquires "Have I done something to offend the blue one?" He listens for an answer while he fastens the great helm onto Leandre. Allown then packs up his meager belongings.

Voidrunner's Codex

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