We played another session today. Fea-bella and Golin were the two PCs.
Fea-bella's player had written up notes, and gave us a thorough prologue. This relieved Fea-bella of her Exhaustion, meaning that both PCs were free of conditions.
I started the action on Tolub's river galley, heading north-west towards the mountains. I also rolled for weather, which indicated that it was snowing.
Prior to the session, I had decided that, in this session, I was going to use my work on
the Dice of Chaos and Deck of Many Things. I told Golin that he found himself on the deck of the galley, at night, alone except for Fea-bella (if her player agreed that she was there - her player agreed). And a mysterious black-cloaked figure, who didn't seem to have come from beneath the deck, approach Golin and asked him if he wished to roll the dice.
The players conjectured that this figure might be Death. I asked if Fea-bella's player wanted to make a Theologian test. The reply was affirmative; Golin helped with Scholarship. The test was a success, and the characters did indeed recognise this being as a Minor Death, crossed over from the Other Side. The hand that held out the dice was a skeletal one; the dice were of obsidian, with the one pips being skulls.
Golin's reply to Death was also affirmative: he would roll the dice. The first roll was a skull and a 3 - Golin was afflicted with a disease, the Sick condition. Death asked if he wished to roll again, and he opted to double down: the second roll was double 3, which brought down the Travelling Curse.
Golin's player wanted to have another roll, but Death was not willing to permit that. I asked Golin's player if he was going to trick Death into letting him have another roll. He decided that he would - he told Death that his
second personality wanted to roll the dice. This initiated a Trickery conflict - Death's disposition was 5, and Golin's 8. Golin started out strongly, using his Odd Trait to help him, and making his case for a second personality; Death had equipped the Book of the Dead, but when he said that it recorded nothing about a second personality Golin retorted that Death needed to read the book properly. But Death's Nature 8 came to the fore, and while he went as low as 2 hp remaning, a successful Defend brought him back to full hp. So Death was not tricked, and Golin was rendered Afraid.
Fea-bella had not helped Golin in his brush with death; she was quipping away, however, about Golin coming face-to-face with Death and the like, going for a Fate point for gallows humour.
When Golin regained his composure, the sun was rising and the galley was on its final approach to the mountains: it was almost as if he had slipped into the Otherworld in his dealing with Death. Fori the Beardless had arranged for the PCs to take some water from the vessel's supply, and they filled their waterskins. The snow had stopped falling, and they set off to the mountains. Fori told the PCs that
first there is a stair, and then a tunnel …
At about this point, Golin set as his goal to stage an ambush. (Against Death, perhaps, or someone/something else. He made it clear he was not too fussy!) He also sweated out his sickness; I reduced his Manipulator from 3 to 2.
Fea-bella persuaded Fori to tell her more about where they were going (Persuader vs Manipulator: the roll failed, and it made Fea-bella Angry that Fori should withhold important information from his companions):
The place they were heading to was once a place of pilgrimage. Orcs, Trolls and Giants would go there to hear prophecies and to placate the dark spirits of the Otherworld, under the guidance of the Bugbear seers.
Later, Hobgoblins came made and made the shrine their own, displacing its earlier custodians until, before Fea-bella was born, the Half-Elven planewalker Meryn Caradeth assaulted the shrine by travelling through the Aether and then crossing back from the Otherworld into its great vault. Meryn Caradeth routed the Hobgoblins, but it is said that he was himself killed by a crossbow bolt shot by the Hobgoblin's warlord. The Hobgoblin armies went on to serve the new temple of elemental spirits.
Fea-bella set as her goal to bring light to the dark places.
Climbing the stairs required a Dungeoneering test - Golin made the test, helped by his cousin Aldric and by Fea-bella Scouting ahead, and using his rope as gear. This was successful, and they came to the top of the stairs despite the snow and Golin's lack of tools.
While climbing the stairs, the PCs noticed some lint caught on an outcrop of rock. Fea-bella examined it, and a Beginner's Luck Peasant test was rolled. This failed: so Fea-bella recognised that the lint was from the breeches of an Orc, and became Afraid as a result. This didn't stop the PCs reaching the top of the stairs, where the characters could see a tunnel entrance (facing east; so entering it would be heading west); and they could see writing carved above the entrance, and on the southern (left) side of the entrance. Fea-bella tried to read that second piece of writing, but the Scholar test failed and so I sprang my twist: a group of Orcs was coming down a narrow way that continued upwards from the top of the stair - a narrow way that the PCs had not noticed - and was attacking the PCs, to drive them off.
The Orcs and PCs started out with equal dispositions - 9 hp each - but my cunning scripting, together with the Orcs' helmets and shields that let them absorb damage, and also the PCs inability to help one another properly (due to being Afraid), meant that the Orcs were victorious in this conflict: the PCs were, indeed, driven off. But I owed a significant compromise, as the Orcs had lost all but 3 hp by the end of the conflict, and so I agreed to the the player's suggestion that they were able to fall back into the tunnel. This did mean, though, that Fea-bella had to leave behind her half-moon glaive, of which she had been disarmed by the Orcs during the fight.
Not too far into the tunnel, in a slight alcove, the PCs found a pile of dried pine needles next to a pile of ash, with writing in yellow ochre. They had 5 camp checks at this point (four from breaking ties against themselves, and one from taking a -1D penalty) and so decided to camp, using the pine needles to start a fire. They also drank from their waterskins, to recover from Hunger and Thirst as the Grind clocked over.
The camp was quite successful: Fea-bella recovered from Angry and Afraid, and Golin recovered from Afraid (getting a free test from Fea-bella's Song of Serenity). Golin cooked up his forage (from last session) to ensure that his cousin Aldric was able to eat during the camp. He used his instinct to try and find more forage: Fea-bella aided with Herbs-wise and Fori helped with his Delving Nature; and Golin's player spent a Persona to channel Golin's own Delving Nature. The roll nevertheless failed, and so when Golin did find some forage hidden on a high rock shelf in the alcove, he and Fori had become Hungry and Thirsty. Golin therefore cooked again, using a portion of fresh rations, to enable them both to eat. Fea-bella was able to make an elixir that would lift the Angry condition for one turn (using Alchemist and her instinct), and the fifth camp check was spent to enable her to memorise spells. She stored Lightness of Being (= levitation) and Wizard's Aegis (= shield spell) in her dream palace.
So the PCs were once again free of conditions.
The PCs elected not to try and make sense of the ochre writing, thinking it was far too likely to just be a note from an Orc or Bugbear not to touch its stuff; and so they headed down the tunnel. This led them to the vault of the shrine proper: as I told the players, the vault is roughly circular, with the tunnel entering it on its east side. In its centre is a pool, with boulders lying in it. The ceiling is very high, and too dark to be seen, but with an opening visible at its top, through which they could see the red light of dawn. They couldn't properly judge the height, but it seemed clearly too high to drop a rope down. On the other (western) side of the pool, just illuminated by their candles, they could see a stone plinth.
They filled their waterskins from the pool, but made a point of not examining it closely; as a result (as I subsequently taunted them, near the end of the session) they did not find the 6D of gold coins at its bottom, nor the body of the mountain goat that had recently fallen into it (which would be two portions of game for cooking).
Rather, they moved on to the plinth, to see if anything was on it or written on it. On it was a box and two swords, and there was writing. They read this, with the Scholar test for Fea-bella succeeding, and I told them it was a fragment of poetry:
… and I passed beyond to journey 'mongst the planes
Sought death, found life and swords that shall ever bear my name
The Black, death black, be ever at my side
For fear of death I ever play death's game
Sought law, found pain and swords for heroes' glory wrought
The White, pure white, you have your sting
Bitter experience has your lesson taught
This quarrel's mortal wound shall see me breath my last breath
This night, in pain, shall see the end of Meryn Caradeth
I dwell on pain, for pain is …
This meant that a turn had now passed in the shrine, and so - as per my notes - the haunting spirits now attacked the PCs. This was a drive off conflict, except that success for the spirits would instead mean that the PCs were Afraid and Exhausted, due to the enervating effect of the spirits' touch. Golin decided to equip his Dream-wise sword Awakener of Dreams - a good decision, as (unknown to the PCs or the players) the spirits were immune to mundane weapons but I had already decided that this blade could bite them - and Fea-bella her religious amulet of the sun, which I decided would grant +1D to Manoeuvre against these spirits of darkness, just as it would in a spiritual conflict. Fori equipped his hand axe, but was relatively quickly taken out of the conflict.
This was a close-fought contest, and I got in some cunning Feints. But in the end Golin was able to defeat the lead spirit (a nattmara) with 1 hp remaining. As my major compromise, I imposed Afraid and Exhausted on the two characters who had been taken out - Fea-bella and Fori - and also said that Aldric was not available for a turn or two as he recovered.
With the spirits driven off, Fori argued that they should attempt to banish or abjure them, but Fea-bella and Golin thought that this was too risky in the circumstances. Fea-bella instead took the box from the plinth. This caused the plinth - a Rock Spirit, with the instinct to
protect the memories of Meryn Caradeth (the poem, the swords and the box) to come alive. The PCs tried to Convince the spirit that they were there to honour Meryn Caradeth's memory, but despite their equal starting dispositions of 7, and the spirit's mere Nature 3, this did not work: the PCs were defeated with the spirit having lost only 1 point of disposition. So the PCs were convinced to leave the place, and the compromise was simply that they could leave through the top of the vault if they so wished.
The players decided to take up this option. Fea-bella's Arcanist is rank 3, and it is Ob 3 to levitate a small group with Lightness of Being. I asked if she had an ash or maple seed pod (the relevant material component), which prompted Golin to use his instinct to check through the forage collected earlier to see what was there: the Scavenging test failed, which prompted me to tell Golin that he found one, but also that the whole affair in the tunnel and vault had left him Exhausted. Fea-bella took the pod and used it; she also added a die for her Fiery trait, having been driven to wrath and using her anger to help pull the aethereal strings through the Shroud Between Worlds. But her test also failed, and so she did indeed levitate the characters up through the hole, but became Angry in doing so.
As the PCs levitated up through the vault, I told the players that about half-way up, by the dim light of their candles, they could see that part of the northern wall of the vault was polished crystal, which would surely be worth something if chipped out. They noted this, and continued on their way.
At the top of the vault they found themselves on a wide ledge with a frozen pond (the water source for the pool in the vault below). They could also see that this was at the top of the narrow way that led down to the top of the stair. With the players' concurrence I rolled for weather, and determined that it was extremely cold up here on the exposed mountainside.
Golin's player, both wanting to earn camp checks and also to act on his goal, noted that they would now be above and behind the Orcs, whom they might be able to ambush. Fori made a Scout test, but (as determined by me) lied about the result, saying he saw nothing below them down the mountainside. Golin tried to press him to see if this was the truth, but the test (with a penalty from using a trait - I think Cynical) against himself failed.
The players now had two camp checks, and so decided to camp although they could not light a fire. The thought was that, with two tests plus Fea-bella's instinct and Song of Serenity, they might clear four conditions from the two PCs. Unfortunately the camp event roll was a net 3, which on the table means that biting instincts make camp impossible and which I narrated as their fleas and lice - from the dungeons of the Moathouse, and then the stables in Nulb, and then the river galley, not to mention the swamp - feeling the sting of the cold wanted more warm blood than ever. Their camp checks were lost, and they had to remain in the adventure phase.
This caused quite a bit of consternation. They considered just pushing on to the Forgotten Temple Complex, and then the possibility of a Dwarven Hall was raised. I mentioned that Fori had Dwarven Halls-wise, and so would know the way; and also that the toll in this case would be one less as they would still be within the mountains rather than having to leave them. So they opted for this.
The Trouble on the Road roll indicated delay, and so +1 toll, and so together with a base 3 toll and +1 toll for the cold, the overall result was 5 toll, or 6 for Golin due to his curse.
After discussion and calculation, the upshot was that:
*Fea-bella's cloak absorbed one toll, and she drank her tonic of 1 turn's relief from Angry, so that she took four points of toll as conditions: Hungry and Thirsty, Exhausted, Angry and Sick. When her tonic wore off, the return of Angry caused her no extra problems! Of course she is also still Afraid.
*Golin ate their last portion of fresh rations and drank the last of their water, to absorb one point of toll. He also used up his rope helping them climb through the mountains, absorbing another point. And he drank the tonic of 1 turn's relief from Exhaustion. So like Fea-bella, he took four points of toll as conditions: Hungry and Thirsty, Exhausted, Angry and Sick. And when the tonic wore off, the return of Exhaustion caused him no extra problems either.
*Fori took four points of toll as conditions, with me deciding that his clothes or raiment - unspecified in my write-up - could absorb 1 point. So he gained Hungry and Thirst, Angry, Sick and Injured. The full set.
At the Dwarven Halls, the roll for events indicated a surly watch - was that Fori the Beardless?; they couldn't be sure, given how bedraggled he looked:
The axe bearers on watch at the gates are particularly surly. To gain entry to the halls, ask permission of the Gate Master Sergeant. Test Persuader vs Persuader 4.
Fea-bella's player rolled the last test of the session, and this was successful. But due to being Sick, no test could be marked for advancement.
We then allocated artha. Fea-bella got three Fate - for her gallows humour, for pursuing her goal (in the tunnel and vault), and for using her instinct; and two Persona, for seeking refuge in the Dwarven Halls despite her Belief about the untrustworthiness of the Dwarves, and for Teamworker. Golin got two Fate - for pursuing his goal (trying to see if the Orcs could be ambushed) and for using his instinct; and one Persona, for MVP (he did all the damage in driving off the nightmare spirits).
The overall Fate/Persona situation is Fea-bella 3+24 spent/2+33 spent, and Golin 2+28 spent/1+28 spent. So Golin will likely be eligibe for 6th level after one more session (31/30), but Fea-bella needs more Fate to get to the same position!