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Legend of Cataya (Part1.)


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Wilt overhears the conversation.

Elena, it's okay. Emyn was never one of ... them.

With two friends here, Wilt proceeds to tell them about how the gangs coerced him into taking part of more and more brutal acts, until finally he was ordered to do one act he couldn't do.

After about ten minutes of recounting his street life, he finishes.

So that night I scribbled a note of apology to my parents, and fled the port. I signed up with the king's service, and well... here I am.

I am so glad to have you here my friends. What about you, what brought you here?

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First Post
Right when Wilt is done with his story the door slams open. 6 Man dressed in white enter. They weir soldiers outfits and a halbeard in their hands. On their chainmails is a big symbol of a horse behind a golden sun. You all recognize this symbol as the symbol representing Cataya. Then they position themselves in 2 lines of each 3 men.

As they stand there their king enters as well. He is tall and very muscular. he weirs a leather armour of the finest qualities you have ever seen. On his armour shines a golden horse. With him is a young lad.

The kings walks slowly and says: "You have all fought brave and well. Im glad you are oke or on the healing hand. Many have lost their lives in a battle that shouldve been a Glorious victory for Cataya." The king shows a sign of morning But alas it cannot be helped. However they can and will be revenged. This is why I am here. I am in need of your services again. My great war strategist Wormer went missing . Without him this kingdom is doomed for sure. There are more issue's at hand here though. I also wanna know what the greenskins used to win that battle. To many questions need answering and I want you to answer them for me. This will not be a task of brute force. Its a task of sneaky and cunningness. I offer 250 goldcoins to each of you for bringing back Wormer. Any information on the rest of the questions will be rewarded as I see fit. The kings walks down and forth through the room. "Will you do this for me and for Cataya ? One man had already joined this cause. His name is Jonas, Sir Jonas. He will fight by your side if you accept this honorable mission. He will introduce himself to you in a minute."

The king steps aside and awaits your answer.
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Robbert Raets

Emyndar remembers the screams and bloody massacre of his compatriots. "Yes! I seek revenge for the loss of my fellow soldiers! (He kneels before the King.) I will go where you command, your majesty!"


First Post
If it is a task of sneakiness and cunning, then I am at your service, my liege, for that is my specialty.

Elena will bow her head, but remain in bed.


First Post
Thelenor looks at his wounded arm and sighs. With a fry smile he replies "I'm not sure what help I can be but I would like to join in order to write down the events. The war is a mere inconvenience to our people, but great stories are made here and now and I for one am not planning on missing any of it."

edit: typo
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First Post
I will willingly help, your highness..

Wilt touches the bandages on his face.

But I do not know of what use a blind man can be to this mission.

Nevertheless, if I can be of help, I will help.


Rogue Warrior
Shelton sits up on his bed and biting his lip to ignore the pain, stands up straight with as much respect as he can muster out of his battered body.
Your Highness, I am here to serve you and your people. I will do what must be done to ensure victory for Cataya.


Jonas watched as the injured men (And woman) accepted the quest, 'how humble and courageous they are' he thought to himself. 'It will be a good change from working with the mercenaries, to finally be with people who do what is right simply because it is so.'
As they finished, he stepped forwards, and with a nod from the king, introduced himself. "Well met, fair warriors, My name is Sir Justin, devotee of heironeous, and I am honoured at your obvious courage in accepting such dangers when you have allready faced much."
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First Post
The king sees the tremendous pain some of you are in and says :Please do not strain yourself. Your quest will begin in two days. Seeing as this day is almost over, you have only little time to rest. But please do so. The miracle healer from the west will be here by tomorrow. Im sure he can sure your blindness since i've heard its been magically induced faor warrior. I am pleased that you accept but I have to go now. Go in peace noble warriors. Warwick will come and inform you in two days. He turns to Sir Jonas and says: "I ve heard you are also somewhat skilled in the arts of healing. I want you to stay here and help around as much as you posibly can. Will you do this for me ?"

He turnes around and takes his leave followed by his six gaurds.


First Post
A few moments later the nurse walks in and with her she carries a few plates of food. She says:"Its not much, but its alll i could do for you on such short notice. After you have finished your meals I insist that you all rest." He gives each of you a plate with some food on it. After you have eaten the food she walks away and says: "Now you all should rest"

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