Today on EN5ider a strange melody croons from a cave on the shore, the longing of a love that's been lost turning into a burden upon those who hear it.
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EN5ider: Professional DnD Content For Your Game
Weekly D&D supplements and adventures for less than a cup of coffee!
Lately on EN5ider:
- 579. Mini-Adventure: Looking For Love. Not every enchanting tune heard on the shore is a siren's song and the party finds themselves in melancholy after catching a curious melody echoing out of a seaside cove. What awaits them are a trio of statues—hags one and all—and a host of creatures also drawn to the strange music. Domineeringly designed by Charlie Brooks for 4–5 PCs of 5th level, illustrated by Ellis Goodson, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
- 578. Intriguing Organizations: Light Catchers. Featuring the shiniest shrines in the land, the Light Catchers are solely focused on preserving fantastical, magical, or otherwise noteworthy arrays of light in their specially-made mirrorboxes—and sometimes they'll pay for adventurers to do the job for them. This entry in the Intriguing Organizations series includes quests for all tiers of play, the aforementioned light-catching magic item, archbeacon (CR 9), and glassburned (CR 5). Dazzlingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Savage Mojo.
- 577. Dangerous Scenarios: Addled Temple. In the wilderness the adventurers come across an ancient temple where they might find respite and recuperation, yet its only resident is a strange wild-eyed creature long of limb and peculiar in disposition. The temple beast (CR 5) fervently offers to heal the wounded and even offers its home to safely rest—provided it can control its violent urges and be the helpful guardian it so desperately wishes to be. Disquietingly designed by Joseph McCleave, illustrated by Ali Parlagi, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
- 576. Monstrous Menagerie: Figment Continuum. This entry in the Monstrous Menagerie series is everything you can dream it to be! Each creature within is a figment that’s taken on a life of its own, sometimes to terrible effect (like with the CR 10 delusion), to fool adults (see the CR 2 humbug), borrow someone’s body (such as the CR 1/4 whim), or drag a person down into the very depths of the soul (the purvey of the CR 7 worriment). Dynamically designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Ellis Goodson.
- 575. Adventure: King Cheese’s Holey Dilemma. In the aftermath of a harvest festival attack the PCs follow after the strange cheese creatures at the source of the havoc, led into a cave and a crawling tunnel that takes them to the realm of Curdello. Once there they follow cheeseling tracks into Goudaville (the only settlement of the Demiplane of Cheese) and soon after are invited to meet with King Cheese himself! The adventurers learn that bags of cheese are at the heart of troubles here and abroad, tasked with acquiring the rarest of these magic items that haven’t yet been compromised. To do so the party must travel to a handful of other planes (Ingens, Mergia, Objectio, Terrapolis, and Veskrollo) where they’ll buy, rediscover, steal, swindle, or take the enchanted sacks. Their return to Curdello reveals the villain behind it all and the party must battle to save King Cheese from regicide! Delectably designed by Mike Myler for 4–5 PCs of 3rd–4th level, illustrated by Matt Hilker and Indi Martin, featuring the cartography of Jori Hollander and Mik Holmes.