D&D 5E Legendary Adventures: Epic 5E Kickstarter

Wish that killer D&D 5E game didn't end at 20th level? Keen on taking up a fight with a god? Looking to sunder worlds? I have a thing for you.

Wish that killer D&D 5E game didn't end at 20th level? Keen on taking up a fight with a god? Looking to sunder worlds? I have a thing for you.

Legendary Adventures cover snapshot.jpg

What is this? A 128 page sourcebook for adventuring through 21st–30th level, including epic hazards and a bestiary of 50 lethal monsters.

How much is it? $12 for the PDF, $30 plus shipping and handling for the shiny hardcover.

Why? Many years ago, before the before time shortly after 5E came out, the Hypercorps 2099 Kickstarter (my second project; this is #10) hit a stretch goal for a 5E conversion. I am immensely proud of how the Pathfinder version of that book came out, but the 5E conversion just didn't jive right. It can still be fun mind you—the numbers just didn't work out right for the Hyper Score framework.

That still drives me right up the wall.

This book is my fix for that and after a year of playtesting I am EXTREMELY pleased with how it came out! Not only are the rules tight as a drum, but this is easily the prettiest book I've ever put together.

Epic DnD 5E spreads.gif

128 pages sounds extremely short for you. What are you hiding? Your keen instincts are correct—there is more to this project than the book. Throughout the rest of this month I'll be posting Epic Archetype Features to www.epic5e.com for every single D&D 5E archetype. Originally these were going to be included in the book but ultimately I decided that online was the smarter choice. First of all I'd need to run a playtest game every day for more than a year to playtest all of that material, and perhaps more importantly it would have made most of the book into archetype features (roughly 30 pages of material).

That'd hardly be an agile tool! This whole design—the epic class levels, the hazards, the monsters—is fundamentally built on the principles of D&D 5E, reinforcing and strengthening them for high level play. So as much as I love big honking tomes (and I do, I've made several in excess of 300 pages) the right choice design-wise was to go lighter rather than heavier.
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When does it end? The Kickstarter closes on Thursday, April 22nd at 4:59 PM EST. You've got just under a month to get your pledge in!

Where can I pledge? Right here! Legendary Adventures: Epic D&D 5E

First Stretch Goal: Epic Depths, an adventure for 21st level characters that'll be unlocked at $10,000

epic depths stretch goal.jpg

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler


Some things do have legendary actions (28 out of the 50 monsters in here) but during playtests it became apparent pretty quickly that too much LA is no bueno. So in addition to a decent chunk of monsters that don't fiddle about with turn order, there's a sidebar about what to do with lots of monsters in play all with Legendary actions.

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Yep, I get your point. I ditched LA completely for my epic rules for similar reasons. However, I think having 9 actions on a turn isn't always the rights answer. May I suggest making the actions stronger so you can use fewer of them. Personally, I don't want to DM more than 4 actions per monster.

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Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
Yep, I get your point. I ditched LA completely for my epic rules for similar reasons. However, I think having 9 actions on a turn isn't always the rights answer. May I suggest making the actions stronger so you can use fewer of them. Personally, I don't want to DM more than 4 actions per monster.
You could wrap them up easily enough by doubling damage on this or that attack. I got strong feels for the robodragon though (getting it tattooed on my shoulder soon! PSYCHED for it!) and want it to feel like an onslaught. The marilith effect, if you would.


There have been many discussion of an 5e E6 or E10 on this forum before. I just didn't understand (and still don't) why you brought it up here, in a thread about going beyond level 20!
maby it is just me that any levle 13+ game seams to be a mess to run fun but a total mess


maby it is just me that any levle 13+ game seams to be a mess to run fun but a total mess
If that is how you feel than a 20+ game is probably not for you. That is OK, it is not for everyone.

FYI, may group has talked about do something like you suggest in our next campaign. After level 10 a PC would no longer add their Con mod to their HP and they on get a fraction of their HD in HP. So, starting at 11th level you get the following HP based on your HD:

d6 = 1 HP/level
d8 = 2 HP/level
d10 = 3 HP/level
d12 = 4 HP/level

Mike Myler

Have you been to LevelUp5E.com yet?
maby it is just me that any levle 13+ game seams to be a mess to run fun but a total mess
It's definitely its own tier of play. One of the playtest groups dug a 16 mile tunnel in a matter of days—not something I think even 14th level adventurers are capable of!


So if PC reach level 30 they can challenge lesser gods what are the Cr of gods ? if the avatar of a lesser god-like Tiamat is cr 30
Officially (in 5e) CR 30 Tiamat is the goddess, not the avatar. Now, that is not how I play the game, but it is what it is "officially."


Officially (in 5e) CR 30 Tiamat is the goddess, not the avatar. Now, that is not how I play the game, but it is what it is "officially."
so lesser god is cr 30 out side of there domain so what is a greater god? and will the book have roles for divine assertion

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