D&D 5E [Legendary Games] Templars & Tyrants 5E is here! Start 2024 with the Best of the Worst!


It's the first fantastic 5E Friday of the year and we start it off right with an awesome new class expansion with Templars & Tyrants! This awesome 80-page accessory brings you a ton of terrific new class options for valiant paladins, including new class features like divine scourges and repel evil, new sacred oaths like the celestial centurion, auroran, grail knight, and oath of zeal, in addition to options for blending other classes with the chivalric ideal like the barbarian angel of wrath and warlock saint patron, plus the versatile paraclete subclass for the pure in heart of every class from bard to wizard! Plus you get the incredible new antipaladin class, deliciously diabolical villains with their own unique abilities like tainted blade, infernal defiance, aura of terror, and sacrifice minion, or specialize with the oath of the dark deacon or oath of the black knight or feats like Piercing Corruption, Face of True Fear, and Bound to Blackest Witchcraft.

This incredible class expansion features over 40 feats and class abilities and nearly 20 new oaths, backgrounds, and alternate classes for paladins and antipaladins. In addition, you’ll find an incredible collection of enchantments both sacred and profane, with nearly 40 magic items from the crusader aegis and holy purifier to the midnight beacon, knight fall bracers, and unholy reaver. You’ll also find over 100 new spells from angelic aspect and blaze of glory to ruthless beating and word of pain to make your spellcasting truly shine, including unique paladin and antipaladin-only spells and lists for every 5E casting class!

Make your heroes truly heroic and your villains truly vile with Templars & Tyrants, and pair this terrific 80-page tome with our companion volume Battlemasters & Berserkers for truly fantastic 5E fighters and brutal barbarians! Grab this new book today at the Legendary Games webstore, Open Gaming Store, Amazon, and DrivethruRPG!

For anyone looking to get incredible new 5E content every single day, we invite you to check out our Legendary Loot Patreon, with Monday Monsters, Saturday Subclasses, Sunday Spells, and Everyday Magic every other day of the week, plus FREE items every week with 5E Friday FREE-day, like today's new item, the verminous beacon, allowing you to bend the targets of any spell to your will! Check it out every day and become a patron today!

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