Thanatos, God of Death - Revenant Brawler/Dreadnought/Undying Warrior
Original post on 2010 November 29:
"And there the children of dark Night have their dwellings, Sleep and Death, awful gods. The glowing Sun never looks upon them with his beams, neither as he goes up into heaven, nor as he comes down from heaven. And the former of them roams peacefully over the earth and the sea's broad back and is kindly to men;
but the other has a heart of iron, and his spirit within him is pitiless as bronze: whomsoever of men he has once seized he holds fast: and he is hateful even to the deathless gods."
Want to play a Brawler that soaks up damage and status effects, and keeps on going? Makes a joke of the time between extended rests? Has considerable control over the domain of death? Doesn’t need a leader for anything?
Look no further.
This build has:
1.) Highly playability during all tiers of play.
2.) Extremely high control from EARLY Heroic onwards.
3.) Preventative measures against standard Brawler weaknesses.
4.) Unhittable Fort, high AC/Reflex, protective measures against Will.
5.) Completely self-sufficient mechanisms for healing and status effects.
6.) The ability to continue fighting after hitting zero HPs.
7.) High mobility, even with creatures grabbed.
8.) Extremely high health.
This build does NOT have:
1.) Damage (seriously, this build makes no excuses. Paragon+ is low).
2.) Will defense. Who needs it? Just block the stun/daze!
[sblock=Updated RC Grab Rules]
Several key changes in RC added some clarity (and some confusion) to the grab rules. A (somewhat) agreed upon result is:
1.) Whatever limb/weapon/item was used to grab the creature remains occupied as long as the creature remains grabbed. You cannot use this limb/weapon/item for *anything* else, including attacking the creature grabbed by it.
Note: Grasping Weapon property specifically allows you to attack creatures held by it.
2.) If you lose the ability to take ANY of your actions (OA, immediate, standard, move, minor), you immediately release any grabs you currently have going on. Even if you are able to take OA or immediate actions during a stun/daze, you still will have lost the ability to take actions during your own turn, thus you release the creature immediately.
[sblock=Revenant Rules]
I have seen a couple different takes on Unnatural Vitality, and I have to say the one I got back from CS makes more sense than some of the other interpretations going around…
1.) Unnatural Vitality only works for the *first* death saving throw the entire encounter.
2.) You still get OAs and Immediate Actions during Unnatural Vitality.
3.) Fierce Vitality only changes the end condition of Unnatural Vitality, not the actions.
4.) Ghostly Vitality means your character has all of his actions back.
I honestly think that some others have seriously over read the rules and bent them into a rather confusing situation. I think this is fairly close to RAW, and definitely more RAI.
Please discuss the Revenant Rules with your DM, as the decision you DM comes to will affect you considerably if you are unable to make immediate or OAs while below zero HPs, and whether or not you can hold onto your grabs in epic.
[sblock=Level 1 Discussion and Overview]
Thanatos, level 1
Revenant, Fighter
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Choose your Race in Life: Dwarf
Background: Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Noble Adept
Str 18, Con 13, Dex 16, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
Str 18, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
AC: 18 Fort: 18 Reflex: 13 Will: 10
HP: 33 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 8
Intimidate +7, Endurance +8, Athletics +9
Acrobatics +3, Arcana -1, Bluff, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Heal, History -1, Insight, Nature, Perception, Religion -1, Stealth +3, Streetwise, Thievery +3
Level 1: Inescapable Hold
Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Dual Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter daily 1: Seize and Stab
Revenant was chosen for the race, mostly due to the interactions with our Paragon Path and Epic Destiny. Sadly, with no bump to Strength, we start with an 18 (gasp!) in our Primary, and 16 in our secondary (Dex). Wisdom is being ignored with this build. Mourn your Will Defense, for it will be forever low, no matter how hard we try! Past Life: Dwarf gives us access to some nice feats to reduce forced movement.
Assuming backgrounds and themes, Background goes to Born Under a Bad Sign (bland, yet effective) and Noble Adept (for when you really need to hit, or make a death saving throw. 1+1d4 at level one means even if you go down, you've got a pretty good chance at making a save when you need it). Both are completely optional to this build.
First feat goes to the ever popular Inescapable Hold, a cornerstone of the Brawler strategy. 18 Fort at level one means you will actually hang on for a good while.
Grappling Strike will be used on OAs, and that grab will end the movement, allowing us to take Combat Agility for some interesting tactical options on OAs. Dual Strike will allow us to keep multiple targets in check.
Hack and Hew gives us a nice multi-attack power, and Seize and Stab gives us our very first full fledged grab/attack power!
[sblock=Level 2]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
New Feat Level 2: World Serpent's Grasp (HotFK, anytime you hit a slowed or immobilized creature with an attack, you knock it prone)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 1,920):
L5 (1,000 gp): Amulet of Life +1
L2 (520 gp): Dwarven Scale Armor +1
L1 (360 gp): Challenge-Seeking Trident +1
TOTAL: 1,860
Grappling Strike and Forceful Drag are a very powerful combination. Grappling Strike grabs until end of your next turn. Next turn rolls around, Forceful Drag the mob off to a fire. End your grab (that was ending at the end of the turn anyways) to knock him prone. Grappling Strike again. Mob cries and begins cooking. Forceful Drag also allows us to move around the battlefield and threaten new targets, even after we have grabbed a creature.
World Serpent's Grasp used to be an epic feat for Brawlers. Now it's heroic. Lovely. As long as you keep Grappling Strike the same target, you will be proning them every round. Keep in mind that if an ally has slowed a target, you can just run up and prone it.
Amulet of Life gives us the ability to spend two healing surges instead of one, once an encounter, as well as a bump to all of your NADs. Basically, if your Revenant drops to zero, you use your one standard action to second wind, and spend two surges. Ta-Da! Now you are at bloodied value! Dwarven Scale Armor gives us some low level healing, once a day. Challenge-Seeking Trident for some low level damage and accuracy.
[sblock=Level 3]
+6 HP
New Fighter encounter 3: Rain of Blows
Triple attack at level 3? Yes please! No new items this level.
[sblock=Level 4]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
+1 Str. (19), +1 Dex. (17)
New Feat Level 4: Pin Down
Prone targets can no longer stand up. Remember those mobs we keep dropping in fires? Not going anywhere, even if they break free from the grab (can’t shift while prone, so they would have to spend a second move to stand up). Grabbed the final boss? Knock him prone for -2 to all of his attacks. The combination of World Serpent's Grasp and Pin Down is a terror for mobs. You are *at-will* grabbing and proning creatures, and keeping them like that. No new items.
[sblock=Level 5]
+6 HP
New Fighter daily 5: Rain of Steel
Magic Items (Expected GP = 4,480):
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L5 (1,000 gp): Amulet of Life +1
L2 (520 gp): Dwarven Scale Armor +1
TOTAL: 3,588 gp
Remember how we examined the new grab rules? It's a pity there isn't a weapon with a specific property to allow you to grab creatures being held by it... Hello Grasping Weapon. Not only can you make grabs WITH the weapon (gaining enhancement modifiers to the grab), but it has an encounter power that auto grabs the creature hit with it. And you can attack creatures grabbed by it with it. Fantastic Brawler weapon.
Rain of Steel + grabs = fun times. The brawler daily is ok, but this is auto hit, and can affect more than one creature.
[sblock=Level 6]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Feat Level 6: Master At Arms (HotFL, +1 feat bonus with weapon attacks, minor action to swap weapons)
New Fighter utility 6: Daring Shot
Magic Items (Expected GP = 6,400):
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L5 (1,000 gp): Amulet of Life +1
L4 (840 gp): Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier)
L2 (520 gp): Dwarven Scale Armor +1
TOTAL: 6,228 gp
If you weren't given Expertise for free, take Master At Arms. Daring Shot gives us a nice multi-mark ability (Makeshift Shield is another nice choice, +dex mod to all defenses as an interrupt is nothing to scoff at).
Iron Armbands of Power and Gauntlets of Blood give you some additional punishment.
[sblock=Level 7]
+6 HP
New Fighter encounter 7: Come and Get It
Magic Items (Expected GP = 9,600):
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L5 (1,000 gp): Amulet of Life +1
L4 (840 gp): Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier)
L2 (520 gp): Dwarven Scale Armor +1
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL: 6,748 gp
Come and Get it allows you to grab a decent chunk of the battle field and center it on you. You can even keep them marked for another turn with Daring Shot.
Once an encounter, if you would be forced to break your grab by a push, pull or slide, you can instead fall prone. Not quite as good as a Dwarf, but it does the trick.
[sblock=Level 8]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
+1 Str. (20), +1 Dex. (18)
New Feat Level 8: Improved Defenses (HotFL)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 12,800):
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L4 (840 gp): Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier)
L2 (520 gp): Dwarven Scale Armor +1
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL: 9,948 gp
Scaling feat bonus to all defenses from Improved Defenses? Sounds good. Str/Dex hit an even number, there’s some more. Add in a Steadfast Amulet, which will help us to avoid those nasty stun/daze problems. +4 Fort in once level!
Oh, and remember, Noble Adept + Steadfast Amulet = pretty good chance of preventing that critical daze/stun.
[sblock=Level 9]
+6 HP
New Fighter daily 9: Staggering Blow
Magic Items (Expected GP = 16,000):
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L4 (840 gp): Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier)
L2 (520 gp): Dwarven Scale Armor +1
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL:14,948 gp
Staggering Blow gives you a nice push/daze power, something this build could use.
Diamond Cincture gives you some more Fort, and a once a day heal (use carefully).
[sblock=Level 10]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Feat Level 10: Toughness
New Fighter utility 10: Body Shield (Fighter)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 22,400):
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L4 (840 gp): Gauntlets of Blood (heroic tier)
L2 (520 gp): Dwarven Scale Armor +1
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL:18,348 gp
Toughness is Toughness. Woo! Bland! Very effective though.
Mindiron Coif is going to help us avoid being dazed against our terrible Will, once an encounter. For your new utility, how about an out of turn, full action grab that reduces damage to you and damages the enemy you grab? Sound ok to you?
Seriously though, Body Shield rocks.
[sblock=Level 11 Snapshot and discussion]
Thanatos, level 11
Revenant, Fighter, Dreadnought
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Choose your Race in Life: Dwarf
Background: Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Noble Adept
Str 21, Con 14, Dex 19, Int 9, Wis 11, Cha 11.
Str 18, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
AC: 26 = 10 + 5 (half level) + 8 (Drakescale) + 2 (enhancement) + 1 (Brawler bonus)
Fort: 29 = 10 + 5 (half level) + 5 (Str) + 2 (enhancement) + 2 (class) + 2 (Brawler bonus) + 1 (Diamond Cincture) + 2 (Improved Defenses)
Reflex: 23 = 10 + 5 (half level) + 4 (Dex) + 2 (enhancement) + 2 (Improved Defenses)
Will: 19 = 10 + 5 (half level) + 2 (enhancement) + 2 (Improved Defenses)
HP: 116 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 29
Intimidate +12, Endurance +14, Athletics +15
Acrobatics +9, Arcana +4, Bluff +5, Diplomacy +5, Dungeoneering +5, Heal +5, History +4, Insight +5, Nature +5, Perception +5, Religion +4, Stealth +9, Streetwise +5, Thievery +9
Level 1: Inescapable Hold
Level 2: World Serpent's Grasp
Level 4: Pin Down
Level 6: Master at Arms
Level 8: Improved Defenses
Level 10: Toughness
Level 11: Fierce Vitality
Fighter at-will 1: Dual Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter daily 1: Seize and Stab
Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
Fighter encounter 3: Rain of Blows
Fighter daily 5: Rain of Steel
Fighter utility 6: Daring Shot
Fighter encounter 7: Come and Get It
Fighter daily 9: Staggering Blow
Fighter utility 10: Body Shield (Fighter)
Spiked gauntlet, Grasping Trident +2, Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier), Jester Shoes (heroic tier), Steadfast Amulet +2, Diamond Cincture (heroic tier), Coif of Mindiron (heroic tier), Drakescale Armor of Sacrifice +2, Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier), Strikebacks (heroic tier)
+7 HP
Strength +1 (21), Constitution +1 (14), Dexterity +1 (19), Intelligence +1 (9), Wisdom +1 (11), Charisma +1 (11)
New Feat Level 11: Fierce Vitality
New Dreadnought Encounter Power 11: Inexorable Advance
New Paragon Path: Dreadnought
Magic Items (Expected GP = 32,000):
L10 (5,000 gp): Drakescale Armor of Sacrifice +2
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL: 32,308 gp
Dreadnought PP offers a rather solid array of features a level 11. You gain DR 10 on an AP, and a solid double attack encounter power. You also gain 10 HPs. What else, you ask?
Oh, right. The ability to end any save ends effect on your for 10 HP and a minor action. Amazingly powerful. So, why not make it even better? Armor of Sacrifice allows you to take a save ends effect off an adjacent ally for the cost of a minor action (also comes with a healing daily). So, not only are you able to end a great number of effects as a minor action, but you can also take effects off of allies and then end it on yourself. Disgusting.
You also gained Strikebacks and Backlash Tattoo this level, for some out of turn fun.
Fierce Vitality feat allows you to remain conscious until you fail two saving throws, instead of just attempting your first saving throw. In short, even if you drop to zero a second time an encounter, you are still active.
Huge explosion in power this level.
[sblock=Level 12]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Feat Level 12: Brawler Guard
Magic Items (Expected GP = 48,000):
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L10 (5,000 gp): Drakescale Armor of Sacrifice +2
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL: 41,308 gp
We finally(!) pick up Brawler Guard. Pick up a new Grasping Trident, but hang onto your old one. Never hurts to have a second grab ready to use (even with a -1 to hit/damage).
Your level 12 utility from Dreadnought isn’t that awesome, but its some free DR5.
[sblock=Level 13]
+6 HP
New Fighter encounter 13: Bash and Pummel (Replaces Hack and Hew)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 64,000):
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Drakescale Armor of Sacrifice +2
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL: 50,308 gp
Double attack daze? Yes please. Pick up some dice for some fun.
[sblock=Level 14]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
+1 Str. (22), +1 Dex. (20)
New Feat Level 14: Crushing Pin
Magic Items (Expected GP = 80,000):
L15 (25,000 gp): Wyvernscale Armor of Sacrifice +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL: 74,308 gp
Very large bump to our defenses this level. New armor, even level and strength/dex hit an even number. Crushing Pin gives you Dex mod auto damage each time a creature fails to escape.
[sblock=Level 15]
+6 HP
New Fighter daily 15: Unyielding Avalanche (replaces Seize and Stab)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 112,000):
L15 (25,000 gp): Wyvernscale Armor of Sacrifice +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
L2 (520 gp): Jester Shoes (heroic tier)
TOTAL: 74,308 gp
Rain of Steel with some fun features. No new items, saving for some big ticket items.
[sblock=Level 16]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Feat Level 16: Stonefoot Reprisal
New Fighter utility 16: Tangle Up
Magic Items (Expected GP = 160,000):
L18 (85,000 gp): Defiant Boots (paragon tier)
L15 (25,000 gp): Wyvernscale Armor of Sacrifice +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
TOTAL: 159,204 gp
Some fun new toys this level. It really sucks when someone moves you and breaks your grab. How about a free OA when that happens, and if you hit, you cancel the movement? OA missed? How about some boots that reduce that forced movement by 2 squares, and have a daily free action that can cancel the movement?
Also, once an encounter, hit OR MISS, on an OA, you can knock the target prone and mark as a free action (save ends mark).
Oh, hey. When you crit, you gain DR10. Woo?
[sblock=Level 17]
+6 HP
New Fighter encounter 17: Battering Ram (replaces Rain of Blows)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 240,000):
L18 (85,000 gp): Defiant Boots (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L15 (25,000 gp): Wyvernscale Armor of Sacrifice +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Steadfast Amulet +2
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
TOTAL: 203,904 gp
Trade Rain of Blows for Battering Ram. New Iron Armbands.
[sblock=Level 18]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
+1 Str. (23), +1 Dex. (21)
New Feat Level 18: Armor Specialization (Scale)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 320,000):
L18 (85,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Defiant Boots (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L15 (25,000 gp): Wyvernscale Armor of Sacrifice +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
TOTAL: 288,224 gp
Upgrade your neck and pick up Scale Specialization.
[sblock=Level 19]
+6 HP
New Fighter daily 19: Persistence of Blades (replaces Rain of Steel)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 400,000):
L18 (85,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Defiant Boots (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L15 (25,000 gp): Wyvernscale Armor of Sacrifice +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
TOTAL: 378,224 gp
A very nasty stance, given the amount of multi-attacks you can make. You gain another Grasping Weapon, and a new ring that gives you ANOTHER -1 to forced movement (-3 currently).
[sblock=Level 20]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Feat Level 20: Mobile Challenge
Magic Items (Expected GP = 520,000):
L20 (125,000 gp): Stormscale Armor of Sacrifice +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Defiant Boots (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L10 (5,000 gp): Diamond Cincture (heroic tier)
L8 (3,400 gp): Mindiron Coif (heroic tier)
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Trident +2
TOTAL: 498,224 gp
Upgrade your armor (woo Fort) and pick up Mobile Challenge. You get your PP daily, which is kind of lack luster.
[sblock=Level 21 Snapshot and Discussion]
Thanatos, level 21
Revenant, Fighter, Dreadnought, Undying Warrior
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Choose your Race in Life: Dwarf
Background: Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Noble Adept
Str 24, Con 15, Dex 22, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Str 18, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
AC: 36 = 10 + 10 (half level) + 9 (Stormscale) + 4 (enhancement) + 1 (Brawler bonus) + 1 (Shield) + 1 (Scale specialization)
Fort: 48 = 10 + 10 (half level) + 7 (Str) + 4 (enhancement) + 2 (class) + 2 (Brawler bonus) + 2 (Belt of Vim) + 3 (Improved Defenses) + 4 (Epic Fortitude) + 2 (Stormscale)
Reflex: 34 = 10 + 10 (half level) + 6 (Dex) + 4 (enhancement) + 3 (Improved Defenses) + 1 (Shield)
Will: 28 = 10 + 10 (half level) + 1 (Wis) + 4 (enhancement) + 3 (Improved Defenses)
HP: 184 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 46
Intimidate +18, Endurance +19, Athletics +22
Acrobatics +16, Arcana +10, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +15, Dungeoneering +11, Heal +11, History +10, Insight +11, Nature +11, Perception +11, Religion +10, Stealth +16, Streetwise +11, Thievery +16
Level 1: Inescapable Hold
Level 2: World Serpent's Grasp
Level 4: Pin Down
Level 6: Master at Arms
Level 8: Improved Defenses
Level 10: Toughness
Level 11: Fierce Vitality
Level 12: Brawler Guard
Level 14: Crushing Pin
Level 16: Stonefoot Reprisal
Level 18: Armor Specialization (Scale)
Level 20: Mobile Challenge
Level 21: Epic Fortitude
Fighter at-will 1: Dual Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter daily 1: Seize and Stab
Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
Fighter encounter 3: Rain of Blows
Fighter daily 5: Rain of Steel
Fighter utility 6: Daring Shot
Fighter encounter 7: Come and Get It
Fighter daily 9: Staggering Blow
Fighter utility 10: Body Shield (Fighter)
Fighter encounter 13: Bash and Pummel (replaces Hack and Hew)
Fighter daily 15: Unyielding Avalanche (replaces Seize and Stab)
Fighter utility 16: Tangle Up
Fighter encounter 17: Battering Ram (replaces Rain of Blows)
Fighter daily 19: Persistence of Blades (replaces Rain of Steel)
Spiked gauntlet, Grasping Trident +2, Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier), Strikebacks (heroic tier), Grasping Trident +3, Dice of Auspicious Fortune (paragon tier), Defiant Boots (paragon tier), Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier), Steadfast Amulet +4, Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier), Grasping Trident +4, Stormscale Armor of Sacrifice +4, Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier), Belt of Vim (paragon tier), Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 800,000):
L20 (125,000 gp): Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
L20 (125,000 gp): Stormscale Armor of Sacrifice +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Defiant Boots (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 791,544 gp
It’s finally coming together. As a minor action, you can heal up to your bloodied value. Remember how you stay awake under 0 hps? So, for a single surge, you can heal from nearly negative bloodied to positive bloodied.
*That’s the equivalent of your entire health pool for one surge*
Minor action, surges permitting. Congrats. You no longer require a healer. You can remove effects from yourself, from allies, and also heal yourself. You possess considerable melee control with prones and grabs, and have focused your defenses on preventing creatures from breaking free/standing up, and preventing the conditions that make you automatically release.
This level, we upgraded our Coif (stun AND daze now), belt of vim (who needs item healing anymore?) and grabbed a ring that gives us another stun/daze jail card (also with a scaling Will bonus). We grabbed Epic Fort, which pretty much just put your Fort in the “completely untouchable” zone.
[sblock=Level 22]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Feat Level 22: Ghostly Vitality
New Fighter utility 22: Martial Supremacy
Magic Items (Expected GP = 1,200,000):
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L20 (125,000 gp): Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
L20 (125,000 gp): Stormscale Armor of Sacrifice +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Defiant Boots (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 101,6544 gp
Finally, you have your full set of actions, meaning you are able to maintain grabs when below zero hit points (assuming you interpret the Revenant rules the same as I do), and you also gain Insubstantial below zero. You pick up a very, very nasty stance, considering how long you can go without spending a surge (full to zero, and then Insubstantial from zero to negative bloodied). Basically, every encounter, you get a lot of rerolls.
Upgrade Grasping another time.
[sblock=Level 23]
+6 HP
New Fighter encounter 23: Warrior’s Urging (replaces Come and Get It)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 1,600,000):
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L20 (125,000 gp): Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
L20 (125,000 gp): Stormscale Armor of Sacrifice +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 1,524,544 gp
Upgrade Come and Get It to something slightly larger. We trade out the great Defiant Boots for an extreme mobility option, with +2 item bonus to reflex.
[sblock=Level 24]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
+1 Str, +1 Dex
New Feat Level 24: Crushing Grab
Magic Items (Expected GP = 2,100,000):
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L24 (425,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +5
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L20 (125,000 gp): Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
L20 (125,000 gp): Stormscale Armor of Sacrifice +4
L19 (105,000 gp): Feyslaughter Talid +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 2,037,544 gp
Crushing Pin gives you another form of auto damage. Upgrade Steadfast. Pick up a Feyslaughter TALID (does not occupy hand slot when enchanted) to give you a tool against teleporting creatures.
What’s that? 1d4 surges per milestone? Why the heck not. Congrats. Basically, you will never run out of surges.
[sblock=Level 25]
+6 HP
New Fighter daily 25: Reaper's Stance (replaces Unyielding Avalanche)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 2,800,000):
L25 (625,000 gp): Nagascale Armor of Sacrifice +5
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L24 (425,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +5
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L20 (125,000 gp): Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
L19 (105,000 gp): Feyslaughter Talid +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 2,637,544 gp
Reaper’s Stance is nasty on this character. Upgrade Armor of Sacrifice.
[sblock=Level 26]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
New Level 26: Rapid Combat Challenge
Magic Items (Expected GP = 4,000,000):
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Grasping Trident +6
L25 (625,000 gp): Nagascale Armor of Sacrifice +5
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L24 (425,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +5
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L20 (125,000 gp): Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
L19 (105,000 gp): Feyslaughter Talid +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 3,762,544 gp
Rapid Combat Challenge allows us to use a few more of our interrupts. Upgrade Grasping Trindent for the last time. You pick up a fun free action ability to roll an additional 2 d20s on an attack.
[sblock=Level 27]
+6 HP
New Fighter encounter 27: Cruel Reaper (replaces Bash and Pummel)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 6,000,000):
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier)
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Grasping Trident +6
L25 (625,000 gp): Nagascale Armor of Sacrifice +5
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L24 (425,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +5
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L20 (125,000 gp): Ring of Agile Thought (paragon tier)
L19 (105,000 gp): Feyslaughter Talid +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 4,878,544 gp
Upgrade Iron Armbands and take Cruel Reaper.
[sblock=Level 28]
+6 HP
+1 to attacks, defenses, and checks
+1 Str, +1 Dex
New Feat Level 28: Epic Reflexes
Magic Items (Expected GP = 8,000,000):
L29 (2,625,000 gp): Ring of Free Time (epic tier)
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier)
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Grasping Trident +6
L25 (625,000 gp): Nagascale Armor of Sacrifice +5
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L24 (425,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +5
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L19 (105,000 gp): Feyslaughter Talid +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 7,478,544 gp
+4 Reflexes, and Ring of Free Time. An extra minor action is extremely helpful, when you consider how much status shedding you could be doing.
[sblock=Level 29]
+6 HP
New Fighter daily 29: Force the Battle (replaces Staggering Blow)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 10,000,000):
L29 (2,625,000 gp): Ring of Free Time (epic tier)
L28 (2,125,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +6
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier)
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Grasping Trident +6
L25 (625,000 gp): Nagascale Armor of Sacrifice +5
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L19 (105,000 gp): Feyslaughter Talid +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L18 (85,000 gp): Belt of Vim (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Grasping Trident +3
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
L6 (1,800 gp): Grasping Weapon +2
TOTAL: 9,518,544 gp
Grab another nasty daily stance, and upgrade Steadfast Amulet for the last time.
[sblock=Level 30 Snapshot and Discussion]
Thanatos, level 30
Revenant, Fighter, Dreadnought, Undying Warrior
Fighter: Combat Agility
Fighter Talents: Brawler Style
Choose your Race in Life: Dwarf
Background: Born Under a Bad Sign (Born Under a Bad Sign Benefit)
Theme: Noble Adept
Str 26, Con 15, Dex 24, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 12.
Str 18, Con 11, Dex 14, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 10.
AC: 46 = 10 + 15 (half level) + 12 (Titanscale) + 6 (enhancement) + 1 (Brawler bonus) + 1 (Shield) + 1 (Scale specialization)
Fort: 55 = 10 + 15 (half level) + 8 (Str) + 6 (enhancement) + 2 (class) + 2 (Brawler bonus) + 3 (Belt of Vim) + 3 (Improved Defenses) + 4 (Epic Fortitude) + 2 (Titanscale)
Reflex: 48 = 10 + 15 (half level) + 7 (Dex) + 6 (enhancement) + 3 (Improved Defenses) + 1 (Shield) + 2 (Boots of Caiphon) + 4 Epic Reflex
Will: 37 = 10 + 15 (half level) + 1 (Wis) + 6 (enhancement) + 3 (Improved Defenses) + 4 Epic Will
HP: 240 Surges: 11 Surge Value: 60
Intimidate +23, Endurance +24, Athletics +28
Acrobatics +22, Arcana +15, Bluff +16, Diplomacy +16, Dungeoneering +16, Heal +16, History +15, Insight +16, Nature +16, Perception +16, Religion +15, Stealth +22, Streetwise +16, Thievery +22
Level 1: Inescapable Hold
Level 2: World Serpent's Grasp
Level 4: Pin Down
Level 6: Master at Arms
Level 8: Improved Defenses
Level 10: Toughness
Level 11: Fierce Vitality
Level 12: Brawler Guard
Level 14: Crushing Pin
Level 16: Stonefoot Reprisal
Level 18: Armor Specialization (Scale)
Level 20: Mobile Challenge
Level 21: Epic Fortitude
Level 22: Ghostly Vitality
Level 24: Crushing Grab
Level 26: Rapid Combat Challenge
Level 28: Epic Reflexes
Level 30: Epic Will
Fighter at-will 1: Dual Strike
Fighter at-will 1: Grappling Strike
Fighter encounter 1: Hack and Hew
Fighter daily 1: Seize and Stab
Fighter utility 2: Forceful Drag
Fighter encounter 3: Rain of Blows
Fighter daily 5: Rain of Steel
Fighter utility 6: Daring Shot
Fighter encounter 7: Come and Get It
Fighter daily 9: Staggering Blow
Fighter utility 10: Body Shield (Fighter)
Fighter encounter 13: Bash and Pummel (replaces Hack and Hew)
Fighter daily 15: Unyielding Avalanche (replaces Seize and Stab)
Fighter utility 16: Tangle Up
Fighter encounter 17: Battering Ram (replaces Rain of Blows)
Fighter daily 19: Persistence of Blades (replaces Rain of Steel)
Fighter utility 22: Martial Supremacy
Fighter encounter 23: Warrior's Urging (replaces Come and Get It)
Fighter daily 25: Reaper's Stance (replaces Unyielding Avalanche)
Fighter encounter 27: Cruel Reaper (replaces Bash and Pummel)
Fighter daily 29: Force the Battle (replaces Staggering Blow)
Spiked gauntlet, Backlash Tattoo (heroic tier), Strikebacks (heroic tier), Dice of Auspicious Fortune (paragon tier), Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier), Grasping Trident +4, Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier), Grasping Trident +5, Boots of Caiphon (epic tier), Feyslaughter Talid +4, Grasping Trident +6, Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier), Ring of Free Time (epic tier), Steadfast Amulet +6, Titanscale Armor of Sacrifice +6, Belt of Vim (epic tier)
Magic Items (Expected GP = 14,625,000):
L29 (3,125,000 gp): Titanscale Armor of Sacrifice +6
L29 (2,625,000 gp): Ring of Free Time (epic tier)
L28 (2,125,000 gp): Steadfast Amulet +6
L28 (2,125,000 gp): Belt of Vim (Epic tier)
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Iron Armbands of Power (epic tier)
L26 (1,125,000 gp): Grasping Trident +6
L25 (525,000 gp): Boots of Caiphon (epic tier)
L21 (225,000 gp): Grasping Trident +5
L19 (105,000 gp): Feyslaughter Talid +4
L18 (85,000 gp): Coif of Mindiron (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Ring of Personal Gravity (paragon tier)
L16 (45,800 gp): Grasping Trident +4
L11 (9,000 gp): Dice of Auspicious Fortune
TOTAL: 14,624,384 gp
Upgrade Belt of Vim, Armor of Sacrifice. Take Epic Will for your last feat. Sadly, not enough money left to upgrade Coif of Mindiron to include dominates.
Oh, and, now you literally *cannot die*, if something manages to run you out of surges against all odds, or somehow manages to burst down to negative bloodied. Good luck with that!
Now that you are at the top, go pick a fight with a god or something. You are a God of Death yourself.
[sblock=How it works together]
1.1 Inescapable Hold (creatures must test against your fort) + sky high Fortitude is the standard Brawler recipe for success.
1.2 World Serpent’s Grasp + Pin Down means anytime you hit a creature grabbed by you, you knock it prone, and it stays prone.
1.3 Grasping Weapons allow you to create full fledged grabs on normal attacks, meaning you never have to give up your standard action to grab a creature. You can use your older Grasping Weapons for extra grabs in an encounter.
1.4 Body Shield gives you an out of turn grab.
2.1 Jester’s Shoes, Defiant Boots, Ring of Personal Gravity all reduce forced movement.
2.2 Stonefoot Reprisal allows you to cancel forced movement with an OA.
2.3 Steadfast Amulet, Coif of Mindiron and Ring of Agile Thought all allow you to prevent dazes and stuns.
2.4 Feyslaughter Talid for anything that teleports.
3.1 Revenant Unnatural Vitality allows you stay up until you attempt your first death saving throw (only get a standard).
3.2 Fierce Vitality allows you to stay up until you have FAILED two death saving throws.
3.3 Ghostly Vitality gives you back your move and minor when below zero, and you gain insubstantial.
3.4 DR10 on AP and critical strike. DR5 passively in epic.
3.5 Minor action and 10 HP to remove a status effect.
3.6 Minor action to move a status effect on an adjacent ally onto yourself.
3.7 Minor action to heal to bloodied for the cost of one surge, regardless of total HP gained.
3.8 Regain 1d4 surges per milestone, effectively creating unlimited surges, considering how effective your surges are.