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Steeliest of the dragons
A young man with long blond hair bound in a ponytail on the back of his head strolls into the inn. He is broad shouldered (though not as broad as Girion) and his arms and leather breached legs show a good amount of muscular definition.

He wears a chain mail jacket covered in a tunic of forest green trimmed in white. A handsomely crafted and slightly curved scabbard of green velvet and dark brown leather strappings is slung at his hip. A shortbow and full quiver poke out from beneath the large round shield slung over his shoulder. Those seated around the room notice a rampant unicorn of white emblazoned across the shield when the new arrival turns his back to the room and leans on the bar. A cloak of forest green hangs nearly to the floor (bunched up beneath his shield and quiver), almost concealing the dark brown boots that extend just over the knee.

Ellydd waits patiently for the barkeeps attention and then orders quietly, "Mint tea, please."

He waits for the beverage, occasionally looking toward the door.

When he is served, the newcomer turns to lean with his back to bar and sips calmly at the brew. The limited light of the smoky place seems to momentarily catch a glimmer of gold from the large eyes as they slowly scan the patrons. It seems obvious he is looking for someone, but does not seem to find them and lowers his eyes to the steaming wooden cup.


First Post
Girion Valtar

Girion looks up at the newcomer as he sips his ale once more. Recognizing the livery on the young man's tunic, he speaks in his low voice to Theron. "That man openly wears the symbol of Ehlonna, Lady of the Forests. Likely one of her faithful, mayhap even a priest."

He takes a plain, short-stemmed wooden pipe from his belt-pouch and begins filling its bowl with pipe-weed.


First Post
Theron Greywand

"Good eye, Girion. I think I'll go introduce myself." With that, Theron approaches the broad-shouldered blonde man at the bar. "I noticed the unicorn on your shield. Is that the symbol of Ehlonna?"


Steeliest of the dragons
"It is, indeed, good sir. The enduring symbol of the pure goodness of the woods that is, forever, by Her grace and glory." Ellydd replies with a kindly smile.

His answer complete, he takes another sip of his tea while his eyes drift toward the door at the creak of its hinges as a few over-imbibed patrons leave. Seeing no one enter, Ellydd returns his attention to the inquisitive stranger.

"Are you in need of Her aid?" Ellydd puts the question plainly. He lowers his cup to obviously look the stranger up and down.


First Post
Theron Greywand

"Not yet, but I soon might be. My name is Theron Greywand. I seek to assemble a group of adventurers...sell-swords, if you will. I have been talking to another soldier of fortune at our table just over there. Would you care to join us? I make no promises and there is no obligation on your part either. We are simply tossing around the idea right now. Come, and I'll buy another...what is that you're drinking?" Theron squints his eyes as if trying to discern what is in the mug.


Steeliest of the dragons
Ellydd looks a bit surprised at the idea of beign considered among "sell-swords" but doesn't see the harm in sharing the fellow's company while he waited.

"Most obliging of you, Master Greywand. I am Ellydd Walker. As you've already surmised, a champion and priest of the glorious lady of the green, Ehlonna." Taking another sip and look around the room, the cleric continues, "It appears I have some time to join you.

"As a, um, 'soldier of fortune' I am not sure what use I may be. Though if the associate I was planning to meet here arrives shortly, he might prove interested in such a proposition.

"For myself, if you seek a cause that is good to the service of the Forest Queen, I would be honored to lend my support.

"Though I will confess, Master Greywand,"
Ellydd begins, again looking the illusionist up and down, "You do not seem much the 'solider' type, yourself. What is the course you are proposing that requires the accumulation of 'sell-swords'?"

"As to this?"
Ellydd holds up the wooden cup toward Theron. "haha. Simple green mint tea. I have no desire for stronger drink at this time. Though I appreciate the offer."

Ellydd joins Theron and Girion at the table, nodding a grin to the ranger and offering his opened hand to shake, "Ellydd Walker, champion of Ehlonna."


First Post
Girion Valtar

Girion shakes the half-elf's hand and gives a respectful nod. "Well met, good priest. I am Girion Valtar." He puffs on his pipe and lowers his voice a bit. "I am a ranger from Urnst... not something I necessarily hide, but these common folk don't always know what to make of us..." He grins. "If they think I am a sell-sword, there is no harm done."
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Steeliest of the dragons
"As you wish, Master Valkar." Ellydd answers with a smile. He lowered his voice and leaned in to continue, "Pleased to make the acquaintance of those so appreciated by Ehlonna's servants and familiar with the Forest Queen's ways. I've heard tale of your folk, though I confess I've not had the honor of one's company, til now."

"So..." Ellydd leans back and takes another swig of his quickly cooling tea. His eyes flit to the door again. Rosco was certainly taking his time. Perhaps, wondered the wood-warrior-priest, he had the date wrong? He returns his attention to the fellows at the table, "what is it you are thinking to be about, then?

"I further confess, I am here at the behest of my order and am unfamiliar with any of the goings-on or possible threats to the region. Did you have a course you had hoped to pursue?"


First Post
Girion Valtar

Girion grins again. "Actually, I was just passing through. Our good magician here had just approached me with his idea when you entered. But if you need help in your task, know that you may count on me. "

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