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Leif's DISCONTINUED GURPS Traveller Game, Recruiting Thread

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Were you planning on having us ship based a la Farscape/Firefly/Blakes 7/Lexx etc - in which case will we need to fill all the standard pilot/engineer/medic type roles - or will we just book passage if we need to move about and most of the activities will be ground based (or at least on something large and solid like a space station)?

EDIT: WOW! That Traveller Wiki is incredible. I spent 5 minutes reading just the main Zhodani page, so I'd be old(er) and grey(er) before I got through all of it!
Yeah, I was thinking that you'd be on a ship that's basically yours for all intents and purposes, so having the necessary skills to be a starship crew would be a good thing.
Per previous discussions, I'm good with a exploring more of the GURPS options with Traveler as the basis of the game.
Cool, so am I! :D


First Post
Alrighty, how would others take to having a Vargr engineer on the ship to fill the 'techie' role if we are trading into Vargr space and beyond?

Is there a racial 'package' of stats/modifiers for other races or just buy to suit based on racial info available?


Alrighty, how would others take to having a Vargr engineer on the ship to fill the 'techie' role if we are trading into Vargr space and beyond?

Is there a racial 'package' of stats/modifiers for other races or just buy to suit based on racial info available?

[sblock=Something like this?] From Alien Races 1

Vargr characters can be created using the normal Basic Set system or the streamlined template system found in GURPS Traveller.

So that players won't have to flip between two books. the Vargr racial template given on p. GT83 is repeated here, in slightly expanded formal. This template also codifies the earlier descriptions of Vargr physiology and psychology in game terms.

ST -I [-IO points]: DX +1 [lO points]. Vargr are somewhat smaller than Humans, but have faster reflexes.
Vargr are smaller than Humans, but have superior senses, faster reflexes and are belief short-distance sprinters. They possess natural weapons (claws and teeth) and protection (fur).
Acute Taste/Smell+3 [6 points].
Acute Vision + I [2 points].
Alertness +1 [5 points}.
Claws (+2 damage) [15 points].
Enhanced Move I (doubles Move, with the limitation that running fatigue begins after five seconds, -30%) [7 points].
Fur (DR 1, keeps wam) [4 points].
Teeth (1 d-1 bite in close combat) [5 points].
Cannot Kick [•5 points). Due to their digitigrade posture, Vargr can't kick in close combat (unless a foe is prone and the Vargr standing, in which case they can stamp downward), This disadvantage's cost was set at -5 points. Canceling the 5 point cost that Vargr pay for having sharper than-normal teeth.
Chummy {-5 points). This is the famous Vargr gregariousness, a "pack mentality" that leaves them happiest when in groups they have come to find trustworthy, whether among Vargr or not.
Curious (-5 points]. Even more than Humans, a Vargr will go out of his way to investigate new things.
Easy to Read [-10 points]. Vargr find hiding their feelings an alien concept.
Even if the Vargr doesn't say what he thinks (which he usually will), posture. Facial expression, ruffled fur are all easy for other Vargr to read. These cues are also fairly obvious to Humans, as Vargr are descended from canines
and Humans have been reading their dogs' body language for millennia (the correlation is not total, but comes close enough).
Proud [-1 point). Vargr are always concerned with their own status within any individual group, and that group's status in society. They are also quick to take offense at racial slights.
Reduced Fatigue (-1 fatigue) [-3 point]. Vargr are good sprinters but lack the long-distance endurance of Humans.
Reduced Hit Points -1 [-5 points]. The lighter Vargr build, Thus, the average Vargr has HT 10 but only nine hit points.
Reputation -2 [-10 points]. Vargr have a universal reputation as chaotic, easily swayed and potentially disloyal.
Vargr average 4" less than a Human of the same ST and weigh proportionally less.
Their hearing is in a higher range than that of Humans, as described under Senses on p. 65. And they react to Charisma, Rank, and Status in different ways than do Human - see the discussion of the appropriate advantages, below.

Although not required, these modifications are suggested when creating Vargr characters from scratch, or adapting existing GURPS Traveller templates for use with Vargr.
Appearance see p. 815
Decide what color the Vargr's fur will be: usually brown. black, or rust, or a mix of these shades. Some Vargr may have natural gray or white fur, hut these are much rarer.
Charisma see p. 819
The bulk of Vargr have no Charisma. About I in 4 have a +1 Charisma: maybe 1 in 20 have +2. 1 in 100 a +3. one in 500 a +4, and after that, the rarity increases exponentially. For realism and play-balance, GMs should forbid stating Vargr PCs (and possibly others) from having more than Charisma +5.
Vargr react to Charisma bonuses at double value, i.e.. +2 per level. As Charisma equates with dominance, GMs can optionally use a more complex set of rules:
A lower Charisma Vargr reacts to one with higher Charisma at +2 per level of difference between their Charisma.
A higher Charisma Vargr reacts at no bonus to a lower Charisma personage under normal circumstances. However, if that personage does anything that could he perceived as challenging the higher-Charisma Vargr's leadership or position, or acts in an overly familiar or presumptuous fashion (for example, interrupting him, or asking for an unearned favor) the Vargr will react al a penalty equal to twice the level of difference between their Charisma.
An equal Charisma Vargr reacts at no penalty under normal circumstances, but if the other individual acts in a way that can be construed as challenging them, apply twice the challenger's full Charisma as a penalty.
Charisma and Race: GURPS officially assumes Charisma works across racial boundaries without penalty. For more realism, GMs can assume this is true, but the doubled Charisma bonus only applies when two Vargr interact, or when one of the aliens has a suitable advantage, such as Cultural Adaptability (p. CI23), or has lived among Vargr for some time and also makes a Xenology skill roll.
Challenges: When dealing with reactions and loyalties of a group of Vargr, GMs may also wish to reroll existing reactions whenever a situation changes to create uncertainly as to the relationship between dominant and subordinate Vargr. For example, if a leader's position is weakened by a bad decision, Vargr will reconsider their loyalty.
Variable: Charisma: A Vargr's charisma is closely lied to his self-confidence and his perception of the worth accorded him by others, especially other Vargr. Success or failure at important tasks can cause Charisma to fluctuate. In game terms, GMs should allow Vargr to buy added levels of Charisma with experience whenever they succeed at something that would boost a Vargr's se1f image, especially in public. Note that as a Vargr's Charisma rises, the magnitude of success needed also rises! Similarly, GMs should allow Charisma levels to drop from failure, especially in public. (In the later case. the GM should allow the player to regain such losses without paying any character points for them if subsequent actions make up for it.)
For example, suppose the group is in trouble, and unable to decide on a strategy. A Vargr character lakes command and leads them out of danger. If the Vargr were used to taking such a leadership role, success wouldn't be worth an alteration in Charisma unless the party was much larger, the danger greater, or the task involved more important than usual. If the Vargr had never done this sort of thing before, his Charisma could certainly rise!


I don't know much about Traveller, but I know GURPS fairly well (both 3rd and 4th ed). I've always wanted to check out Traveller, so I suppose if I threw in for this, it would give me an excuse to learn the setting.

Any opening for a drunk and somewhat lecherous ship's doctor?


First Post
And there lies a pitfall of being Zhodani. Among the Consulate, mental deficiencies like addiction and lecherousness are as treatable as physical ailments are anywhere else. It seems like we'll need somewhat convoluted backstories to explain flavorful personality traits that aren't strictly positive in nature...


And there lies a pitfall of being Zhodani. Among the Consulate, mental deficiencies like addiction and lecherousness are as treatable as physical ailments are anywhere else. It seems like we'll need somewhat convoluted backstories to explain flavorful personality traits that aren't strictly positive in nature...

The crew could still be mixed, couldn't it? Not having any mental disadvantages sounds kinda boring.


First Post
It could be. Probably no Imperials in the crew, but there are humans in the Vargr Extents that might work with Zhodani.

This is also EXACTLY the kind of mission Zhodani would put their few 'incorrigibly' antisocial citizens on. Extended space duty outside the Consulate. So if your character loves his flaws and refuses therapy and rehabillitation (a la Dr McCoy), this would likely be where he winds up.

Given those possibilities...I'm in. I'd like another shot at a spunky pilot. :)


First Post
I'm thinking my character might be a sort of 'black sheep' of a noble family. Enough psionic potential that she can't just be ignored or kept out of sight...but too much scandal-potential to be given free reign. A sort of voluntary exile is worked out therefore. She doesn't have to deal with the Zhodani culture that she finds stifling...and they don't have to constantly waste time, money and influence cleaning up her rebellious messes. :)

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