D&D 5E Leif's First 5E Homebrew In-Character Thread 1A


Search for the Door Mechanism

The Stone slab is very nearly vertical, so close that you would need mason's tools to prove that it is not. No unusual or non-natural features are on the slab itself or the ground before it, other than some jumbled tracks that are too confused to follow. They head in no other particular direction, other than to the slab. Following them in the other direction is not possible after a very short distance because of the rocky terrain. Oddly, there seems to be more sand and dirt right here on the "porch" than there is in the general area. There are no markings on the ground outside of the ravine. It is not readily apparent how thick the slab is, but it seems substantial, like a big rock should. You do find one set of prints in the jumbled confusion that departs from the others and goes to a place to the right of the slab.
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Harald finds a rocky out crop to sit on, after thoroughly cleaning it naturally with magic. Satisfied that his rock is clean he sits and begins a magical ritual which does nothing? Happy with his work he commands the very air to dig over there pointing to the more sandy spot and the dirt and sand begin to shift. Like a true foreman Harald then pulls out his water skin uses some more magic to flavour it like a strong cup of coffee taking a deep sip and savouring the flavour"One of you adventurous types may want to look over there" Harald commands pointing at the tracks that branch off.
OOC: Multiple uses of predigistation(sp?) and casting unseen servant as ritual to dig up the sandy patch.


Goblin Watchtower
Round 0

Risia studied the door in the wall. It was fitted very well, disguised quite cleverly. She didn’t see a mechanism, no hinges or lock. She pulled one of her daggers and tried to slip it into the small gap between door and wall, moving it to see if she could find a catch or lock trigger or something.

Bonus Action:
Free Object Interaction:

HP: 10/10
AC: 13

Cantrips: Eldritch Blast, Prestidigitation
L1 (0/1/R): Faerie Fire, Sleep
Fey Presence (0/1/R)


Search for the Door Mechanism

So sorry, the secret door had already been found. Please disregard.

After her inspection of the stone slab, Risia still cannot find a mechanism or any other indication of a door in the slab.
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It isn't really a 'sandy area.' The sand and dirt mentioned are what seems to have been deposited in the area by foot traffic.


OOC: Oh i thought it had been deliberately piled up my bad.

As much as Harald enjoys watching the silly woman fail the longer they stayed here the greater the risk of being discovered.

Harald saunter over to the door placing a ear upon the door he taps at it with his hand trying to ascertain if the door is hollow on some places indicating some mechanism inside.
OOC: [roll=perception]1d20+4[/roll]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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