Lesser Vigor (2 Yes votes as modified)


Edit 7/27/6: Current Issues

1) Shall we allow the Lesser Vigor spell?
2) Shall an extended lesser vigor have a 15 round cap? (The alternative being a 30 round cap.)

Original Post:
Appears in Spell Compendium, p. 229. Complete Divine 186
Short Description: Fast Healing 1 to 1 target touched for 10+level rounds, max 15 rounds.
Cleric 1, Druid 1

Discussion: Excellent mop up after the battle spell, great to put in magic items such as scrolls or wands.
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I like the Vigor line of spells, although some people will argue that they are more powerful than the cure line of spells, they have differing uses.

Cure line of spells = all the healing quickly at once (can often be swapped for spontaneously by a cleric)
Vigor line of spells = healing slowly over time (must be prepared or chosen as a spell known)

Less Vigor will provide 11 hp at 1st level in 11 rounds
Cure Light will provide 1d8+1 (avg 5.5) hp at 1st immediately

I think the difference is balanced and effective, means less waste of cure spells after battle.


First Post
Yeah, even if it heals more HP, it is balanced compare to CLW as you must wait to have the full healing, which isn't always a good thing when you are in battle.


It's true that this is more of a heal-after-battle spell than a heal-during-battle spell. It's my experience in living EN world, and I expect it will prove similar in Living Eberron, that parties are rarely well balanced. If you happen to have a Cleric, you're all set for healing anyway, but if you have a Druid or a UMD skill user, this spell would be nice to have.

Of course, if your only healer is a low level ranger, which has happened to me at least twice, you're still out of luck. ;) Not on their class list.


First Post
Yeah, the wand of Cure Light Wound find a better competitor. Two charge of a wand of CLW heals as much (taking the average: 5.5) than a wand of Lesser Vigor (11).


I've found it a little annoying in my f2f game because my cleric built 2 lesser vigor eternal wands (ecs pg 265). Each wand is only 410gp to create and with 2 of them that is 66hp of healing post combat 1/day.


Erekose13 said:
I've found it a little annoying in my f2f game because my cleric built 2 lesser vigor eternal wands (ecs pg 265). Each wand is only 410gp to create and with 2 of them that is 66hp of healing post combat 1/day.

Actually... it should be only 44hp (11hp per spell, twice per day per wand).

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