D&D 5E [Let's Read] 5e: HARDCORE MODE

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Do you plan to review Into The Unknown? It's another OSR/5E hybrid

Not at the moment. For one, I don't own it and haven't read it. Additionally, it's not one convenient book but spread over a half-dozen 40-60 page products. Unless it does something truly notable or unique (which I'm more than happy to hear about) I may just review 5TD as the extent of my O5R analysis.


I'm the Straw Man in your argument
Not at the moment. For one, I don't own it and haven't read it. Additionally, it's not one convenient book but spread over a half-dozen 40-60 page products. Unless it does something truly notable or unique (which I'm more than happy to hear about) I may just review 5TD as the extent of my O5R analysis.

thanks for responding. I'm not savvy enough to make an argument, but the author did compare 5TD and Into the Unknown. Perhaps that might pique your interest. I was curious to read an in-depth critique of the product from somebody other than the author.

Regardless, I appreciate the reviews!
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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Honestly, the candles could be a nice ( and pricey) consumable.

Candles of Glory, very rare, consumable
Those candles are crafted by the disciples of the first god of death and time, working in the deepest reach of the Shadowfell. They are made from the corpse fat of a hanged criminal and liquid time. Once lit, they remained stationary, frozen in time, unable to be moved, for 1d6 days. Strong winds and rain have a 50% chance per day of snuffing the candle if it is exposed. If the creature that lit the candle dies while the candle is still lit, he awakes hanged to the closest three or pillar next to candle. An hourglass-bodied raven cuts the rope with its astral diamond-plated beak, and the character's body falls to the ground at 0 hp but stabilized. If the candle was extinguished and the character dies, the raven never comes and the character suffocate at the end of its rope.

Voidrunner's Codex

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