Let's Write a Bad Module


From seemingly out of nowhere, the most pointless, useless, lazy-crap-writer's cliche surprises the group. There is no warning and no plot purpose whatsoever for these fellows to jump the party and fight to the death in the face of a supremely overpowered, magic-enhanced party all just to demand a few coppers.

Bandits (3)
AC 12, hp 4, 3, 3,1; Damage by weapon 1d6, Morale: fights to the death because its better than a life of honorless, stereotyped banditry. Treasure: a sack of moldy apples and drawings of their loved ones.
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Temple of Thorglaak

The temple is hidden by a section of collapsed corridor. It will take 125 man hours to clear a path large enough for a human to crawl through. Diggers have a 1 in 6 chance to fall victim to a rock slide or collapse. Victims should save versus Breath Weapons or take 2d4-1 damage and be trapped until freed by a companion (1d4 rounds of digging, half that if a dwarf is digging).
Once the PCs find a way past the rock pile, read the following:

If any character places a magic item of no less than 1,000 gp value on the altar, the item will disappear and the chamber will be filled with the gurgling sounds of the deep and the smell of rotten fish. A great eyeball will appear in the altar and fix its gaze upon the character who made the offering. All who witness this unspeakable horror must Save vs Death Magic or run fleeing from the room. The character who made the offering must make the same save and if he fails will die only to return as a wraith in 1d10 hours. If he makes the save, roll on the following table:

1: A Deck of Many things appears on the altar.
2: The offerer gains 1 point of Strength.
3: The offerer gains 1,000 xp but goes blind.
4: The offerer changes gender.
5: The eye turns into a sphere of annihilation.
6: 2d12 X 100 copper pieces appear on the altar. They are stamped with the Eye on one side and the offerer’s face on the other.
7: An Imp appears on the altar. The Imp becomes the offerer’s henchmen but will tempt him to damnation at every opportunity.
8: DM’s choice.

In any case, if the eye is caused to appear, one of the columns will turn into a purple worm, the others will turn into purple trolls (which attack as a stone giant). The trolls and the worm will attack the party immediately.
Duck of many things...

Voidrunner's Codex

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