Letters to Home

  • Thread starter Thread starter Saera
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Needfest, the Feast of Telchur, the MidWinter Festival, Wintergifting, Yule, Solstice... many worlds and many cultures have a holiday around this time of year that gathers family and friends or at least recalls them to mind. So probably many letters are being written, the crumpled drafts ending up in the tavern's hearthfire but perhaps a few ending up available for perusal or noticed while still being written. With Saera's letter, the ability to read thoughts also helps. ((OOC: feel free to post the letter(s) your own character might write!))


Dear Mother and Father,

I'm very, very sorry but I will not be home for Needfest, the Feast of Telchur, this year. As I wrote you beforehand, I'm still on holiday from Lacia and I'm posting this from the city of Greyhawk. ( which is true... it's just that I'm not staying in Greyhawk... but now they won't go looking for me in Ford Keep...) It is unfortunately much easier to send a letter than it is to send me. (they know I don't have a teleport on my own... hope they don't guess how easy it would be to get one... expensive, but easy... ) I will remember to keep the feast here, to remember our family traditions and recite the family tree, missing all of you very much, even Atli. (gods, I can't believe I ever thought my little cousin was trouble... not compared to those here... )

I am fine here, happy and healthy and yes, I'm eating properly. (if drinking the taven's coffee could ever count as eating properly... ) I'm learning a lot about different cultures and seeing all the important sites. (of an underdark drow city... oh they'd just love that... ) I've met many interesting people, including a very well-brought up priestess who does great good helping people, and a very nice girl who is an apprentice bard of the old school and doing well in her colleges. (they'd like Rainsong and Lark... well.. they'd like the -idea- of Rainsong and Lark.. ) I've even met people of prominence and high status. (Prince Eternox... that other one who claimed to be head of an empire... and of course, Eclavdra... mustn't think about her... ) People have admired my work and someone has loaned the use of a workshop, so I'm also busy with commissions for jewelry and other pieces, including some commemorative coins. (that will impress them... as long as they never find out the subject matter... I'm still surprised he agreed to pose nude...) My skills with magic are also being put to good use but yes, I am being careful. (because it's damn hard to figure out how to use it without getting into an all-out battle... )

I want to tell you (... so many things that I can't possibly tell you...) how much I miss you. I'll try to visit sometime soon. (if I manage to stay out of trouble with the vampire... and the yuggoloth... and the dragon woman... and who knows who else I've probably offended... ) Give my love to all.

Your always obedient and loving daughter,


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A young human steps up to the board, perusing the various letters idly. His eyes fall on Saera’s and a brief smile twitches at his lips. Pausing a moment, he takes a scrap of parchment and a bit of charcoal from his pack and begins to write.

To Branen Casterly
The Three Crowns Tavern
Kelebrind’s Gambit

Dear Bran,

I know four years is quite a stretch of time to not hear from someone, but I pray your forgiveness, my old man. I had planned on coming back to the ‘Crowns this Yuletide, but I’m sadly unable to…for reasons that will probably be quite apparent the next time I see you again. I’m tacking this letter to a bulletin board, in the remote hopes that some kind passer-by may be on his way to Kelebrind’s Gambit and see it safely into your hands. Kelebrind being rather remote, my hopes aren’t too high, though. Ah, well…Am fear a thèid a ghnàth a-mach le lìon, gheibh e eòin air uairibh. Or, so you always told me. He’s rather astute.

The days find me well, as I hope they find you and Armina. I’ve come across a rather…interesting tavern. By the Saints, Bran, you wouldn’t believe the types they get in here. I’ve been flirting with death like it was a green-eyed girl at the village dance. I’ve found steady work in a tavern in Greyhawk and have settled down for awhile. No, you don’t need to go fetch your spectacles, Bran; you read that correctly. Eryk of the quick strings, vagabond and incurable wanderer has planted his feet. If you find yourself choking in surprise upon reading this, have Armina whack you on the back. I seem to remember that she packs quite the punch.

Bran, there are stories to be told between us that can not be casually penned on a single scrap of parchment. I hope to see you soon. Perhaps we’ll swap some of these tales around a roaring fire with a mug of the ‘Crowns’s finest in hand.

Well, I had best be off before my ramblings start to bore you. Stay well, my dear friend. Pinch Armina for me and tell her I still deny ever having anything to do with that string of pie thefts a few years back. Give Jarl my best and tell him he might have less cause to complain about the poor fishing season if he ever actually went out and fished instead of sitting around and drinking your ale. If you should see Lyra…tell her I miss her.

Saints watch over you, Bran.


Karmen sits by the fire side with a parchment spread over her legs. She is a pretty human girl of about eighteen years . Her rich golden hair is thick and a mass of curls which cascade about her bare shoulders. In her blackend fingers she clutches a stick of charcoal and taps the end of it against her bottom lip as she thinks.

Dear Jaco (She writes in the bold hard script of a child still new to writing. Each letter is of a different size to the last)
I hvent seed you fer ages and I am geting woried bout you.are you a daddy now and when can I come see?.(Pushes too hard and the stick passes through the paper. She takes it out with a frown and rubs the hole with her balled fist only making it into a horrible messy smudge

please ask Mrs jaco if I can come soon luv Karmen

Letter to...a place

(A young woman of about 19 years moves to a corner and sits crosslegged on a chair. She frowns at the blank page infront of her, pencil poised...)

Dear (....More frowning. 'What..do I call her?') Mother (And Liam),

You'll be pleased to know Adan reached the plane safely enough and found me easily. 'Did she want Adan to find me?' Well...um...anyway...Adan's safe. 'Yeah right' And I wanted to wish you a good solstice. Say hello to Liam for me, perhaps he should be forced to break in his preperations? A rest would do him good, he knows how to find me if he wants.

I hope you are well, its been busy here for me.

Adan (Pause) might contact you regaurding my behaviour here, so I thought I would send this message first. No, I have not followed the codes that you taught me when I was younger. But I am not going to make the excuse of not remebering them after being parted from you all for so long. I do remeber them. (If you could have, you would have tattoed them to my skull.) Well enough. I just chose to live in a diffrent way, one you might not approve of but...the way of the court codes is not living. Not in my eyes, and perhaps my sight is misguided, but that one is out of my control. No matter how you....feel on whatever report Adan gives you...I'm not changing, for you and for anyone. (Thank you sweet.)

A happy solstice to you and Liam, I hope to see you both perhaps.

Your Daughter, Tya.

(...by the way....Your a grandmother...just thought I'd slip that one in.)

An invitation has been pined to the boards, with the many other well wishes of holiday cheer.

To all who love this joyful time of year!

Come one come all, be ye small or tall!

Come celebrate this year of Winter Solstice, with the Bardic Musical Troup, of the Agudo School of Light and Magic.

We have traveled far and wide; to bring you the joyful songs of this season’s magical time.
Come hear the classical melodies of your youth that remind you of warm fireside chats with mum and dad.

Bring a friend or two; drink hot apple cider and fresh honey cakes.
Don’t be alone this night or the next!
Lets be in high spirits together and feel the joy of good friends and good songs.

We can be found in the emporium by the tall oak tree in its center

From all the kids in the Bardic Class of Lady Hoot
In the year of the Bountiful Feast

Czasohil and Luka Timaukogacki
Under the watch of my uncle, King Arnoritel
Valley Res-vitik Ine (or the after life which ever is closer)

My Dearest Wife and Tender child,

Had I protected you better and not allowed them to make you pass from this life so many years ago, I believe it is now twenty since the summer, we would be together now, but alas . . .

I must confess I have turned to strong drink. It at first worked, but now it helps not, and my entire life is shrouded in liquor. I am seriously considering coming to join you. Death has been ever increasing on my mind, and in the last two days it has taken full hold as I have heard word that there is one about these parts who is searching for me.

I must not run but also never look back. If I am caught he shall not take me alive. I shall fight to the end, and I shall join you my dear family. I do not fear death, for the dispare I now feel is more painful than death ever could be.

Roho Eriwoj
Loving Husband and Father
Failed Warrior

Was sloppily scrawled in an elven dialect on an old, empty coin purse laying on a table near the posting board. The writter had long since left and many past it without regard.

::A dusky-skinned elven woman makes her way to the board, perusing the notes there. With a smile, she looks at Eryk's letter to Bran, murmuring "We'll be trading stories with them in person soon enough, love. I just hope Bran and Armina like me as much as you think they will." Then she tacks up a note of her own with a chuckle.::

Dearest Mother,

A Blessed Yule to you, and I hope you're having fun at the village celebration. I'd toyed witht he idea of coming back for it, just to annoy the elders, but I decided the recent visit I made with Eryk was enough for this year. Bad enough in their eyes that I still consider the village my ancestral home, but to have come for a visit flaunting my human lover...! Well, you know how they are. You've lived with them longer than I have.

Speaking of Eryk, he's taking me to visit his place of origin in the next couple of days. It's going to be interesting, as elves are just about nonexistant in his homeland. I'm borrowing a ring of polymorph to disguise my ears while we're there. Normally I'd take my chances, but under the circumstances, I'd prefer to avoid trouble.

What circumstances, you ask? Well... are you sitting? You're going to be a grandmother sometime next fall! How's that bit of news for a Yuletide gift? I'm healthy aside from the morning sickness. My friend Willow gave me something that helps with that, and Eryk is very sweet about making sure I'm eating properly. He also extracted a promise from me that I'd avoid trouble whenever possible. I think I scared him a bit that time I shaved the dwarf that grabbed my... anyway. I'm doing my best to keep a rein on my temper and I'm avoiding fights.

Well, I'd better wrap this note up before I take up the entire bulletin board hear in the 'Roads. You'd probably enjoy this place if you ever decide the elders are driving you too crazy. And if not, I'll come for a visit once the baby arrives, so you can show off your grandchild to one and all.

Love, Rose

::The young woman takes one last look at the board, then smiles and heads to the bar for a cup of hot cocoa.::

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