Needfest, the Feast of Telchur, the MidWinter Festival, Wintergifting, Yule, Solstice... many worlds and many cultures have a holiday around this time of year that gathers family and friends or at least recalls them to mind. So probably many letters are being written, the crumpled drafts ending up in the tavern's hearthfire but perhaps a few ending up available for perusal or noticed while still being written. With Saera's letter, the ability to read thoughts also helps. ((OOC: feel free to post the letter(s) your own character might write!))
Dear Mother and Father,
I'm very, very sorry but I will not be home for Needfest, the Feast of Telchur, this year. As I wrote you beforehand, I'm still on holiday from Lacia and I'm posting this from the city of Greyhawk. ( which is true... it's just that I'm not staying in Greyhawk... but now they won't go looking for me in Ford Keep...) It is unfortunately much easier to send a letter than it is to send me. (they know I don't have a teleport on my own... hope they don't guess how easy it would be to get one... expensive, but easy... ) I will remember to keep the feast here, to remember our family traditions and recite the family tree, missing all of you very much, even Atli. (gods, I can't believe I ever thought my little cousin was trouble... not compared to those here... )
I am fine here, happy and healthy and yes, I'm eating properly. (if drinking the taven's coffee could ever count as eating properly... ) I'm learning a lot about different cultures and seeing all the important sites. (of an underdark drow city... oh they'd just love that... ) I've met many interesting people, including a very well-brought up priestess who does great good helping people, and a very nice girl who is an apprentice bard of the old school and doing well in her colleges. (they'd like Rainsong and Lark... well.. they'd like the -idea- of Rainsong and Lark.. ) I've even met people of prominence and high status. (Prince Eternox... that other one who claimed to be head of an empire... and of course, Eclavdra... mustn't think about her... ) People have admired my work and someone has loaned the use of a workshop, so I'm also busy with commissions for jewelry and other pieces, including some commemorative coins. (that will impress them... as long as they never find out the subject matter... I'm still surprised he agreed to pose nude...) My skills with magic are also being put to good use but yes, I am being careful. (because it's damn hard to figure out how to use it without getting into an all-out battle... )
I want to tell you (... so many things that I can't possibly tell you...) how much I miss you. I'll try to visit sometime soon. (if I manage to stay out of trouble with the vampire... and the yuggoloth... and the dragon woman... and who knows who else I've probably offended... ) Give my love to all.
Your always obedient and loving daughter,
Dear Mother and Father,
I'm very, very sorry but I will not be home for Needfest, the Feast of Telchur, this year. As I wrote you beforehand, I'm still on holiday from Lacia and I'm posting this from the city of Greyhawk. ( which is true... it's just that I'm not staying in Greyhawk... but now they won't go looking for me in Ford Keep...) It is unfortunately much easier to send a letter than it is to send me. (they know I don't have a teleport on my own... hope they don't guess how easy it would be to get one... expensive, but easy... ) I will remember to keep the feast here, to remember our family traditions and recite the family tree, missing all of you very much, even Atli. (gods, I can't believe I ever thought my little cousin was trouble... not compared to those here... )
I am fine here, happy and healthy and yes, I'm eating properly. (if drinking the taven's coffee could ever count as eating properly... ) I'm learning a lot about different cultures and seeing all the important sites. (of an underdark drow city... oh they'd just love that... ) I've met many interesting people, including a very well-brought up priestess who does great good helping people, and a very nice girl who is an apprentice bard of the old school and doing well in her colleges. (they'd like Rainsong and Lark... well.. they'd like the -idea- of Rainsong and Lark.. ) I've even met people of prominence and high status. (Prince Eternox... that other one who claimed to be head of an empire... and of course, Eclavdra... mustn't think about her... ) People have admired my work and someone has loaned the use of a workshop, so I'm also busy with commissions for jewelry and other pieces, including some commemorative coins. (that will impress them... as long as they never find out the subject matter... I'm still surprised he agreed to pose nude...) My skills with magic are also being put to good use but yes, I am being careful. (because it's damn hard to figure out how to use it without getting into an all-out battle... )
I want to tell you (... so many things that I can't possibly tell you...) how much I miss you. I'll try to visit sometime soon. (if I manage to stay out of trouble with the vampire... and the yuggoloth... and the dragon woman... and who knows who else I've probably offended... ) Give my love to all.
Your always obedient and loving daughter,