Blog (A5E) Level Up’s Archlich: The Mouthless One

With millions of people watching Stranger Things this month, you might be curious what the Level Up version of an archlich might look like. Well, we’re working on one for an as-yet-unannounced project, and we thought we’d give you a preview. If you want a truly challenging end boss, give it a try. Just don’t blame me if your characters learn secrets they weren’t meant to know...

With millions of people watching Stranger Things this month, you might be curious what the Level Up version of an archlich might look like. Well, we’re working on one for an as-yet-unannounced project, and we thought we’d give you a preview. If you want a truly challenging end boss, give it a try. Just don’t blame me if your characters learn secrets they weren’t meant to know.

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Paul Hughes

Paul Hughes

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I just want to chime in on here for anyone who hasn't messed with LevelUp's monster book that even if you don't utilize the player/DM books (my group ended up sticking with the base 5e game), that the Monsters are well worth their own purchase and IMO the absolute highlight. We don't even touch the WotC versions if there is a LevelUp equivalent.

Very much looking forward to this next book.

I just want to chime in on here for anyone who hasn't messed with LevelUp's monster book that even if you don't utilize the player/DM books (my group ended up sticking with the base 5e game), that the Monsters are well worth their own purchase and IMO the absolute highlight. We don't even touch the WotC versions if there is a LevelUp equivalent.

Very much looking forward to this next book.
I can second this. The LU versions are way more fleshed out and complete.

I've only started browsing through LU monsters now that my hardcover book has finally arrived. What struck me is that they're not too different than the original Monster Manual versions. I was surprised at how similar they are. And yet the small changes add up. They're better. Likely the LU monsters will be the versions I use at my table moving forward. rejuvenation?

on a more serious note this dude is awesome, although i don't know why his combat tactics have him dumping out finisher spells (disintegrate and power whisper kill) early on, when targets are least likely to have low enough hp to actually die from them. that seems odd to me, but it's not actually part of his statblock. i don't know how i feel about the secrets table - on the one hand, they're really cool and flavourful, but on the other hand, this guy is CR26, which means you'll probably be fighting him at around level 20, at which point a lot of these seem like they'd already be resolved or known. it's cool flavour, but in an actual campaign it just seems kinda late. looks like a fun fight though!

Helena Real (she/her)
This looks amazingly terrifying—as it should be—and let me add another voice to the chorus of praise for Level Up's Monstrous Menagerie. I've come to rely so much on it that my only wish right now would be to have Roll20 version I could be so I don't have to create homebrew for all the monsters I'm using from Monstrous Menagerie 😂


So for the inevitable comparison to Vecna, we do have to consider that this guy is supposed to be TWO Cr 26 creatures (aka elite). So it’s meant to be twice as strong as Vecna. So keep that in mind.

The big wins to me:

1) the using a person as a living horucru…ehem soul vessel is a nice touch. I would honestly take it a step further and have them kill and reform in the persons body to make them even more terrifying (also gives a great countdown for a high level game, give the party a 4d6 (6 only) countdown each day to find the lich’s essence before one of them becomes the lich!)

2) the know all wizard spells as rituals is a great and simple way to say “master of all magic”

3) wrest magic really turns the tables, and is a lot more exciting than coubterspell.

I do think Vecnas stats pack a lot of punch in a small area. The teleport for damage is a nice touch, and he comes with several strong staple attacks that are easy to use. If you slapped on the “all wizard spells as rituals” it would remove the biggest complaint inthink people have.

1) the using a person as a living horucru…ehem soul vessel is a nice touch. I would honestly take it a step further and have them kill and reform in the persons body to make them even more terrifying (also gives a great countdown for a high level game, give the party a 4d6 (6 only) countdown each day to find the lich’s essence before one of them becomes the lich!)
...i'm stealing this.


This looks amazingly terrifying—as it should be—and let me add another voice to the chorus of praise for Level Up's Monstrous Menagerie. I've come to rely so much on it that my only wish right now would be to have Roll20 version I could be so I don't have to create homebrew for all the monsters I'm using from Monstrous Menagerie 😂
I don't have the monster menagerie yet. I hear it is the best part of LU. I think I will wait until it is available on Roll20, as that is the only platform I use now.

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