[LFP] [Online] [LGBTQ+/POC Friendly] [PF1e] War for the Crown Campaign


Looking to run a War for the Crown campaign using Pathfinder 1e and Fantasy Grounds. Heavy on the roleplay side of things the campaign would be about social reformers trying to gain power to improve things via putting Princess Eutropia on throne of Taldor. More RP and Skill work than combat though combat is still a decent part of the campaign.

Thinking Thursday Nights after work (6/630?) and I'm interested in incorporating things the players want to see as part of the campaign. This will not start directly with book 1 but with some prologue missions. Drop me a message with questions or interest.
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I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I am currently playing in this campaign (we are about to wrap up book 2) and it is as advertised. Just wanted to stop by and say that for folks giving this a thought.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I dont think so. We did make separate level 7 characters and the GM ran us through a PFS scenario that keyed us to some NPCs and goings on.

Voidrunner's Codex

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