D&D (2024) Lifetime boycott of D&D-branded products?

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A lifetime boycott doesn't make sense. The point of a boycott, or any protest, is to incentivize a company to reverse a point of contention. If and when they reverse course, folks should be prepared to do likewise--otherwise there's no incentive to change!

Agreed I really hope they reverse course before the movie comes out.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
I don't know about lifetime, but unless WotC changes their tune, I'm not going to be buying any D&D products or playing the game any more. I'll discuss with my players what system they'd like to move to; at the top of my list right now are PF2, A5e, or OSE assuming they get de-OSRified, maybe DW if they don't, or maybe homebrewing something if I can get my players onboard with the idea.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Correct, but even playing the game does. The ecosystem is sustained by that, and 3PP products, but I mean hey I'm not running a billion dollar business.
Playing D&D does, yeah. Buying used copies of D&D adventure modules or otherwise aquiring them in ways that don't direct any revenue to WotC and converting them to play in another game system, I would personally consider fine.


The EN World kitten
Somehow I'm not sure the boycott idea is going to fly.



Yes, Hasbro's current actions tick me off. They are starting to behave like Disney or Apple when it comes to 3PP.

I haven't boycotted Disney or Apple. I also haven't boycotted companies that have in their history much, much worse things than this situation. I am assuming that if you are going to boycott D&D you have already boycotted Nike, Walmart, Amazon, every petroleum company, DeBeers, every major media company, all the major agribusinesses...


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Yes, Hasbro's current actions tick me off. They are starting to behave like Disney or Apple when it comes to 3PP.

I haven't boycotted Disney or Apple. I also haven't boycotted companies that have in their history much, much worse things than this situation. I am assuming that if you are going to boycott D&D you have already boycotted Nike, Walmart, Amazon, every petroleum company, DeBeers, every major media company, all the major agribusinesses...
This is literally the “you have criticisms of society, yet you participate in society” meme but unironically. If you don’t want to participate in a boycott of WotC that’s your prerogative, but “if you boycott anything you have to boycott everything” is an unattainable standard. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, we all have to pick our battles, and it is not at all surprising that in a community of people who are deeply invested in a hobby, the battle over Creative Commons within that hobby is one many of us would pick.
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