Level Up (A5E) Light weapon?


Looking at the lvl 11 adept ability Unlikely Wield. "You can wield three weapons with the Light property at once."

Looking at equipment list I don't see a light property listed. I see light for shields or armor.

Anyone have insight on this?

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Oh wow, you're right. I didn't even realize. There's "Defensive (Light)" for some weapons, regarding weapons you can wield alongside shields to get an AC bonus, but I don't think that's what's intended.


Looking at the lvl 11 adept ability Unlikely Wield. "You can wield three weapons with the Light property at once."

Looking at equipment list I don't see a light property listed. I see light for shields or armor.

Anyone have insight on this?

Three weapons at once? That's unlikely enough to be downright silly.

Voidrunner's Codex

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