D&D 5E Lists n' Options n' more Lists: A suggested 5e


Steeliest of the dragons
Introduction of the "Advenuters Set"
levels 1-5

Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis, Cha (everyone agrees about those, right?)
- Scores from 3-18
- With 6 optional methods for generating Ability Scores. Include a "Classic" (3d6 in order), "Legacy" (4d6 drop lowest, arrange as desired) and "Point Buy" options, plus 3 other choices.

"Classic" options: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Human
"Legacy" options: Dragonborn, Gnome, Half-elf, Half-orc, Tiefling

Cleric*, Priest, Druid
Fighter*, Paladin, Ranger
Mage*, Illusionist, Witch
Rouge*, Assassin, Bard
*indicates "Classic" game option.

Optional Rule: Alignment
9-point, 5-point, 3-point*, or None.
*indicates "Classic" game option.

4 +d4/lvl: Mage, Priest, Witch
6 +d6/lvl: Bard, Illusionist, Rogue
8 +d8/lvl: Assassin, Cleric, Druid
10 +d10/lvl: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger

Special Abilities:
Detailed on the 1(ONE!) Page each Class receives (including a Garotte Attack for Assassins and Sneak Attack for Thieves)

Themes...Whatever/how they are going to be. But no more than 20.

Defenses/Saving Throws
"Classic" option: AC, 6 separate saves
"Legacy" option: AC, Fort/Ref/Will
some other option for how to handle them.

Optional Rules to/for Combat:
Dual-wielding, Shield-bashing, Parrying, Grapple, Charge, Setting Spears, all of that good stuff.

Dagger^...................Sling....................Club/Cudgel...........Hand Axe^
Short Sword.............Short bow*..........Hammer^.............Morningstar
Broad Sword............Longbow*............Staff*....................Spear*^
Long Sword..............Hand Crossbow....Mace^..................Halberd*
Great Sword*...........Crossbow*...........War Hammer*......Battle Axe*
*indicates a Two-handed Weapon. Shields may not be used while this weapon is wielded.
^indicates may be Thrown for use as a missile weapon.

Equipment List
Optional use: Pre-made "Adventurer Backpacks" (Cleric, Fighter, Mage and Rogue) for easy/immediate play.

Detail spell levels 1-3 (only 10-12 spells per level)
Cleric/Divine Spell List
Druid/Nature Spell List
Mage/Arcane Spell List
-Bard Spell List (some Cleric, some Druid, some Illusions),
-Witch Spell List (some Druid, some Mage)
-Clerical break down of "Spheres" to define sample Priest Spell List (access to xyz spheres).
-Mage break down of "Schools" to facilitate a sample Illusionist Spell List (access to xyz types of spells)

"Champions Set"
levels 5-10

Nothing new necessary with Abilities.

Introduce: Aasimar (reverse Tieflings), Dark Elves (Drow), Deep Gnomes (gotta love the Svirf's ;) ), Satyrs.

Introduce to "Cleric Classes" - Shaman
Introduce to "Fighter Classes" - Barbarian
Introduce to "Mage Classes" - Necromancer and system/guidelines or developing other "Specialist Mages"
Introduce to "Rogue Classes" - Monk

Themes: 10-20 more new Themes.

New/Additional Weapons:

Details for things like underwater rules, flying, mounted combat, etc.

Spell lists for casters up to 10th level (5th level spells? again with only 10-12 spells each level)

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4 +d4/lvl: Mage, Priest, Witch
6 +d6/lvl: Bard, Illusionist, Rogue
8 +d8/lvl: Assassin, Cleric, Druid
10 +d10/lvl: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
How about this...minor change but really helpful for those on the low end:

6 +d6/lvl: Mage, Priest, Witch
8 +d8/lvl: Bard, Illusionist, Rogue
10 +d10/lvl: Assassin, Cleric, Druid
12 +d12/lvl: Fighter, Paladin, Ranger

Consonant Dude

First Post
Optional Rules to/for Combat:
Dual-wielding, Shield-bashing, Parrying, Grapple, Charge, Setting Spears, all of that good stuff.

It's not just good stuff. It's awesome stuff and the 5th edition should make sure these kind of maneuvers are explained so well, so concisely and play so fast that it's not even an optional section.

I don't want heroic action to be buried in some kind of optional module as something that slows down play. It should be easy to use and part of the default DnD experience.



I like the proposed contents, but I would rather do away with rolled HP. A few bad rolls really ruin a fighter.

I'd be fine with rolled, average, and full as optional ways presented, choice is important!


First Post
I'd be fine with rolled, average, and full as optional ways presented, choice is important!

The question is the default. I'm fine with all the options you can cram into print, but people will play the default 90% of the time. It's one of the main reasons why organ donors are so rare in the US and so common in Europe. And then, that's the rule that sticks. For this core of a component, I'd rather the default not be rolled.



The question is the default. I'm fine with all the options you can cram into print, but people will play the default 90% of the time. It's one of the main reasons why organ donors are so rare in the US and so common in Europe. And then, that's the rule that sticks. For this core of a component, I'd rather the default not be rolled.

I'm not so sure that only a single method should be presented as the default, it may be obvious that more options will appear as the set progresses, but it reminds me of 4e. If stats aren't rolled, why even say a class gets a dX worth of HP? When not just give them a flat value? In order to say classes get a dX of HP per level, then it automatically presents rolling as a default.

So unless HP per level isn't presented as a dX value, then rolling is naturally the default, since well, that's what you do with dice, roll them.


Steeliest of the dragons
I'd be fine with rolled, average, and full as optional ways presented, choice is important!

Exactly what I was going to write/propose. It was a toos up when I first typed it out when to use the dx or just have it be full/automatic...shoulda just put both. haha. The third option is a good idea. Random, Average, or "Top of their game" as the group wants.


Steeliest of the dragons
A thrown mace? Not heard that one before.
That aside, pretty nice proposal. I'd be pretty happy with that actually.

I wasn't gonna add it..but then thought...if you can throw a hammer, a la Thor...then why not be able to throw a mace, a la Hawkgirl?

If we're gonna make the Marvelites happy, then the DC-ians deserve some love as well. :D


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