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Am i the only one who is disappointed from the fact(?) that the popular setting would be a module in the core book? That means what? 5 pages? 10 pages?...20 pages (unlikely) for each setting? What should include? Few nice words of what is lets say Planescape, how cool is it, 5 factions as backgrounds, 5 "new" playable and a brief about the planes? Is that the support they have in mind? Is it enough? For me definetely no.
So, we have again only FR as the setting which gets new material?
I don't think that's even close to what they mean.

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I think that thematically it allows them to stray farther afield then virtues.

And Bardic Colleges are already a thing and make sense. You'd need a special school to teach music, different kinds of magic, sword play, skills, lore from countless subjects, and the Gods knows what else.

I agree.

But "college" and "of valor" do not go together very well. Shall we imagine a bardic college that has VALOR written above the door? Will a bard say: "I have graduated the College of Valor?" I could understand College of Waterdeep or Silverhand College or anything like that. But that would require tying colleges to a certain place or person, which doesn't work with the generic approach to classes. "College of" can also the object of study, as in "College of Music", but shall we imagine the attendents of the College of Valor to study valor as their subject?

They had a similar problem with the Circle of the Oak in their last packet. Why would druids of the spellcasting type care for that particular tree? They improved upon that. Druid of the Circle of the Land is member of a group of druids with a strong connection to a particular land.

Am i the only one who is disappointed from the fact(?) that the popular setting would be a module in the core book? That means what? 5 pages? 10 pages?...20 pages (unlikely) for each setting? What should include? Few nice words of what is lets say Planescape, how cool is it, 5 factions as backgrounds, 5 "new" playable and a brief about the planes? Is that the support they have in mind? Is it enough? For me definetely no.
So, we have again only FR as the setting which gets new material?

If it was an example of how to build a module for a certain style of play, I wouldn't be disappointed. Heck, I'd be overjoyed. However, I didn't feel like they were saying that a module in core would be the totality of what these settings would get. My impression was more along the lines of "We'll give you the tools to run <setting> out of the gate, if you already have the setting or modules from previous editions." So maybe the Planescape rules-module would make it easier to run some old 2e stuff, but that doesn't stop the 2016 release of Planescape5e.
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Am i the only one who is disappointed from the fact(?) that the popular setting would be a module in the core book? That means what? 5 pages? 10 pages?...20 pages (unlikely) for each setting? What should include? Few nice words of what is lets say Planescape, how cool is it, 5 factions as backgrounds, 5 "new" playable and a brief about the planes? Is that the support they have in mind? Is it enough? For me definetely no.
So, we have again only FR as the setting which gets new material?
I suspect the core-rules support for the top five settings will be more along the lines of "here are some rules for magic being a commodity, in case you're running a magic-is-ubiquitous setting like Eberron" or "here are some rules for starvation and enduring the elements, in case you're running a resource-impoverished setting like Dark Sun".

I think it more like technical college, Liberal Arts College, and so on, then College of Newmarket or the college of New York. In other words College of Valour refers to a specific type of Bardic College, a category of Bardic College, not individual colleges.

A College of Valour would be the equivalant to say a Military College. A Bard from the College of the Arcane might be a College focusing on arcane magic the equivalant of a science college, a College of Faith might be the equivalant to a Religiously owned and operated college.

As for the modules they aren't a substute for setting books nor are they intended to be. This would just be so people have the basic rules needed or useful for running these settings until the setting books are released.

Greyhawk has received virtually no products since 1e, but yeah, a vast amount of D&D setting is Greyhawk setting.

Greyhawk actually received a lot of product support during the second edition of AD&D. More actual support than during first edition believe it or not. Third edition had at-least four Greyhawk products. The only edition that no paper supplement or hardcover book was produced for Greyhawk was the fourth edition.

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