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Thy wounds are healed!
I would think you would have to cut the distance as soon as they move up more than 5' in the air (same as moving 5' on the horizontal). Due to the fact that if an opponent is 15' in the air they should not get to use a reach weapon at all but from what I think you are saying they would get to attack in every adjacent square.

If you don't start to lower the reach as soon as they start to "ascend" then you give them an extra 5' to play with.

Case in point I'm looking at is: If your villian (sorry can't spell the name off the top of my head, so not going to try) were to move upward five feet (now at 15') she would then get to attack only in the blue area? Or does she lose the ability to attack at all. That is what has me baffled. How can you move up 5' and lose all those attack areas. Seems better if she were at 10'(up) and could only attack in the blue and if she went up 5 more feet she would then not be able to attack with the weapon at all.



I just took the battle grid and made it 5ft cubes. I applied the same rules in the vertical plane.

See the attachment. One shows standard reach on the vertical and then what is normal for top down.

The second set shows the reach weapon having a ring outside of 5ft out to 10ft when you look at the top down view. But for the cubes in the vertical plane, I colored the 5 cubes on the ground level with 10ft elevation. Increase to 15ft elevation, the reach weapon no longer can attack targets on the ground that don't have large size (occupying cubes 10ft high).

In SnFA, Ausk is occupying a 10x10x10ft cube in my mind.

Does this all make sense?


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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
It makes sense, but withthe movement being 5/10 for diagnalmovement, it seems off for reach-it seems off-and throw in the logic of math and it seems even more off.

I put it in dm only s block to let you know i was not challenging it, just giving an opinion on the matter is all.

On with the game?!? yeee haw!


I could have used that visual for Beggar's Belief during the underwater fight.

Scott, how long you been playing D&D? You should know by now that logic and math only go so far when looking at the rules. ;)


Thy wounds are healed!
Is this one of those times that the math doesn't add up in RP? I know somethings don't work like they do in the real world (like electricity and water), and am wondering if these are one of those times.

Your examples were missing some boxes as you didn't show forward or backward threaten areas, just off to the side. But thinking on them it shows that a flying creature has a lot more threaten spaces.

Go from 24 threatened spaces on the ground to threatening 124 spaces when 10' in the air.

Have to wonder what happens with dragons with a 15' reach, and how deadly they then become.



Trying to draw the whole cube just looked to messy. But a medium creature with a 10ft reach weapon can threaten all the outer spaces of their 5x5x5 cube. BTW, on the ground they still threaten upwards as well.

Looking back at SnFA, Garnet is threatening upwards with a 5x5 square grid at the flying creature's altitude.

A dragon that would threaten 3 squares from the edge of their occupied spaces in every direction is a LOT of squares in 2D and is really a cube extend upwards as well when on the ground.

So a dragon with fly-by attack and 15 foot reach is not going to have anything to fear from melee attacks of medium creatures. Pretty scary. :devil:


Thy wounds are healed!
To much power to give a character or NPC (a dragon yes LOL anyone else I would say no).

Guess I'm going to figure out how to house rule this for my other games. :( Sucks I hate thinking up stuff like this.



LOL. A flying character with a reach weapon is only powerful because the players are not prepared for something like that.

This same encounter for my 3.5ed group lasted 2 rounds. They had melee characters with reach weapons and an effective archer though. So everything is relative I guess.

Lesson learned, be versatile.

Voidrunner's Codex

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