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Pathfinder 1E Living Pathfinder

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
What if we use something like the Transdimensional Tavern of Sigil, but modify it so that it only opens to particular spots in the world. A set of door leading from the tavern, each opening to a 'sub-tavern' (called something cooler, though :)). One or two for each continent, or something similar.

That way, we'd still get the exploration of the unknown factor but there would be a little more flexibility for starting areas and DMs wouldn't be limited to one type of climate or terrain. Also, it wouldn't be prone to the chaos of 'just set up your game anywhere in the world you like.'

Set the 'main' tavern up in the port city, set up three to five 'sub-taverns' around the world, and expand outward from them.

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I don't think we should be too ambitious to begin with. Have one starting area and some organization (something similar to the Pathfinder Society, perhaps) has discovered an ancient ruin with a magical gate. It doesn't work yet and so the first adventures could be how to get it to work and what keys open it to where. Then as areas are opened (created and explored) they would become available as new starting areas. Otherwise front-end creation would be just too much. This way we could discuss new areas while games are going on and add them to the setting when finished.

I'd rather we come up with something other than a transdimensional tavern. That idea is a bit overdone if you ask me but the concept of interconnecting gates is a good one. Camps would build up at the locations of these gates obviously that the pc could use as bases. Maybe the main base is in a ruin fairly near a town (so we have someplace to buy gear, etc.) or even a floating keep. I would like it if the other gates had different appearances: a fairy ring in one spot, a menhir or circle of standing stones in another, a pyramid, things like that.

Walking Dad

First Post
... Then as areas are opened (created and explored) they would become available as new starting areas. Otherwise front-end creation would be just too much. This way we could discuss new areas while games are going on and add them to the setting when finished.


Should all classes/races be available at these starting point? It would be possible if it is really a new "World" or "plane" to explore, with all PCs hailing from different parts of another one.

We could combine this, like discovering 'new' classes (base & prestige) and races during the exploration, too.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
I don't think we should be too ambitious to begin with. Have one starting area and some organization (something similar to the Pathfinder Society, perhaps) has discovered an ancient ruin with a magical gate. It doesn't work yet and so the first adventures could be how to get it to work and what keys open it to where. Then as areas are opened (created and explored) they would become available as new starting areas. Otherwise front-end creation would be just too much. This way we could discuss new areas while games are going on and add them to the setting when finished.

I'd rather we come up with something other than a transdimensional tavern. That idea is a bit overdone if you ask me but the concept of interconnecting gates is a good one. Camps would build up at the locations of these gates obviously that the pc could use as bases. Maybe the main base is in a ruin fairly near a town (so we have someplace to buy gear, etc.) or even a floating keep. I would like it if the other gates had different appearances: a fairy ring in one spot, a menhir or circle of standing stones in another, a pyramid, things like that.

We could combine this, like discovering 'new' classes (base & prestige) and races during the exploration, too.

Excellent thoughts on both parts! Mowgli likes!


Thy wounds are healed!
What I was thinking on today was if we had these points of light areas (now centered around Transportation circles), we would be able to play two or more characters at once.

I have two charcaters, Traxsor and Bob. And let's say there are six points of light (i.e. starting threads- but one only to start). Traxsor the wildman from the north could be closes to point/thread B while Bob the sneaky rogue who lives in the city is at point/thread C. This is all for later on but needed the ideal out because it will help with our world building.

So Far...

We need to set up new account
Start a social group (which will do what exactly??)
And start building this world.



I was the one who went through the process of creating the L4W forum. Here's what I did, as far as I can recall.

1. I created a social group: EN World D&D / RPG News - Social Groups, and asked people who were interested to join it.
2. Once a certain number of people had joined the group (I think it was 10), it gave me a link on the group admin page to create a private forum for the group. I did that.
3. We used that forum for discussion, planning, worldbuilding, and, when we were ready, playing games.
4. We created a thread in Meta asking Morrus to link that forum from the Living Worlds subforum. At the time, he wanted to see how the private forums concept would work out, so he asked us to wait and see. We did. After perhaps six months, when activity had picked up quite a bit, we asked again, and he did it.

If I had it to do over again, I would have created a judge ENWorld account to create the social group with. The reason for that is that the person who creates the group becomes the moderator of the private forum, and doesn't have the power to add more moderators. If it's a shared account between the judges, then they can all be mods, and the forum isn't broken if the person who happened to create it disappears.

We need to set up new account
Start a social group (which will do what exactly??)
And start building this world.

To begin with those things that covaithe mentioned. So, rules on running the LPW (and borrowing as much wisdom from previous Enworld Living Worlds as we can would be a good idea) and the initial worldbuilding which would include deities/religion for starters since it seems unlikely that we'll be able to use gods from Golarion.


Thy wounds are healed!
Oh! So the social group is where we will start playing. I think we should start really small then allow only one character, keep the dieties to around 9 (one for each alignment), and one starter city.

Then we can build and have DMs use their games to help, they could introduce new peoples, religions, and such.

When do we start, hmm.. I'm going to look into what I want my first character to be.


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
I find points of lights are fine for some things, but I wouldn't base the whole setting around them.

I rather see the old world as a closely packed area of compeating *civilizations*, followed by more spread out barbarian nations/nomadic tribes further inland. Major cities in the civilized old world would be linked via permanent-gate "highways", with rogue faery ring portals in the "points of light" outback flickering on and off into the network according to cycles of the moon, holy days, only when sunlight hits a certain peak, etc (ex. the mining town of Germanium has its gate connected to the network only on the first day of the week, provided a certain ritual sacrifice is propriated at the proper place). That way we have (1) civilizations and (2) semi-isolated points of light with a way for DMs to isolate any one as plot and/or circonstances demand.

I think it's important that for some reason, gates, teleportation, dimensional travel, etc DO NOT work in the new world, including the separating sea -- at least no one has succesfully transported over more than a few yards and been seen again. Is it the blocking influence of hostile gods, contamination from the elemental realms/spirits of the land or is something fundamentaly *different* about the the spacial/dimensional nature of the geography over there? Whatever the case, if you want to go anywhere in the new world, you'll have to get there the hard way: by actually travelling the interveening distance. This is so the Exploration/Lost in the wilderness aspects are *fully* in force at all times in that part of the world (no chance you'll stumble into a village with an open gate and high-tail it back home). I envision it as a very pionneer spirit, sweat of your brow, nothing worthwhile is ever given away sort of a place.... What do you guys think?
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Thy wounds are healed!
That's what I was thinking. In the old world (more established one) you can get from place to place easily if you wish, but can still use the older method of foot or hoof (although highly dangerous).

In the new world it is just the fort and you have arrived via ship or have been around a few months helping before an adventure is posted. Thinking a posting place where jobs of varying difficulty will be listed and you then go to where the job foreman will give you the details. (Still working on all that.)

The thing is I have brainstormed about 11 adventure ideals for the new world and now thanks to BF I have a 12th.

12. Old worlders wish to erect a portal sight, near fort. Area needs to be cleansed and guarded as locals don't want the high magic to taint the natural order of the area. Possible high lvl 10-12th lvl adventure.

I will most diffently be DMing alot in the New Frontier zone, :p

Watch out for that first adventure, shipwrecked the PC's are the only survivors and must venture up the coast to the fort and safety. And that will be a grand adventure.


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