D&D 5E Lolth's Warrior, Way of the Drow Book 3 (Drizzt Novel)

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The whole plotline was way too easy for me to ignore, but the less I say on it the better.

He will end up freeing the drow, some will cling to Lolth anyway, and those will remain the 'bad drow' that need to exist, while a large (majority) will follow Drizzt to freedom from her evil ways.

And the messiah complex of this character will essentially be complete.

Actually I think the revolution will fail, Menzo can't become a good city of Drow, it's THE iconic villian city of the Lolthian Udadrow.

No I think it will fail, but the rebellious faction will retreat to other Drow cities or found a new one somewhere. Some how the Lorendrow and Aevendrow will get drawn into this conflict. Maybe other Lolthia cities too.

The real question is whose the Warrior of Lolth, because it can't be Drizzt for obvious reasons. Can it?


Reeks of Jedi
Read the first book in the new trilogy and it was the first Drizzt book to ever leave me disappointed. I don't even recognize him anymore. And the Ice Drow where a huge over correction IMO.

I havent read the 2nd book, which is sad. Usually I had them Day 1, but I can't bring myself to want to.

I guess the 3rd and final will seal the fate of the once grim-dark drow.

BTW whatever happened to the Eilistraee's and her good Drow that WotC seems to have forgotten about? Still no sign?


Reeks of Jedi
Actually I think the revolution will fail, Menzo can't become a good city of Drow, it's THE iconic villian city of the Lolthian Udadrow.

No I think it will fail, but the rebellious faction will retreat to other Drow cities or found a new one somewhere. Some how the Lorendrow and Aevendrow will get drawn into this conflict. Maybe other Lolthia cities too.

The real question is whose the Warrior of Lolth, because it can't be Drizzt for obvious reasons. Can it?
Sure it can. Lolth loves Drizzt. He causes so much delicious chaos amongst her people.


BTW whatever happened to the Eilistraee's and her good Drow that WotC seems to have forgotten about? Still no sign?

A quick google on Eilistraee shows why shes probably being forgotten a bit in the very safe 5e.

Actually I think the revolution will fail, Menzo can't become a good city of Drow, it's THE iconic villian city of the Lolthian Udadrow.

No I think it will fail, but the rebellious faction will retreat to other Drow cities or found a new one somewhere. Some how the Lorendrow and Aevendrow will get drawn into this conflict. Maybe other Lolthia cities too.

The real question is whose the Warrior of Lolth, because it can't be Drizzt for obvious reasons. Can it?

I doubt it. He'll pull a Moses and lead the Drow to the promised land and freedom. SOME Drow will remain loyal to Lolth because again the game needs villiains, but it wont be most of them, otherwise its saying 'a majority of Drow are evil' and that wont fly anymore. The city may stand, but the people will leave, and Drizzt will part the oceans to bring them to a new and prosperous land on the surface, working together with the Dwarves to bring peace and enlightenment.

Watch for it. ;)


A quick google on Eilistraee shows why shes probably being forgotten a bit in the very safe 5e.

I doubt it. He'll pull a Moses and lead the Drow to the promised land and freedom. SOME Drow will remain loyal to Lolth because again the game needs villiains, but it wont be most of them, otherwise its saying 'a majority of Drow are evil' and that wont fly anymore. The city may stand, but the people will leave, and Drizzt will part the oceans to bring them to a new and prosperous land on the surface, working together with the Dwarves to bring peace and enlightenment.

Watch for it. ;)

Wait for the sequels.

Children of the Drow
Drow Messiah
God Emperor of the Drow
Heretics of the Drow
Chapterhouse Drow


Reeks of Jedi
A quick google on Eilistraee shows why shes probably being forgotten a bit in the very safe 5e.

I doubt it. He'll pull a Moses and lead the Drow to the promised land and freedom. SOME Drow will remain loyal to Lolth because again the game needs villiains, but it wont be most of them, otherwise its saying 'a majority of Drow are evil' and that wont fly anymore. The city may stand, but the people will leave, and Drizzt will part the oceans to bring them to a new and prosperous land on the surface, working together with the Dwarves to bring peace and enlightenment.

Watch for it. ;)
Im assuming you mean that she prefers to go "Skyclad". Very puritan thing to be upset about, but i get it. I mean not like WotC couldn't just put clothes on her. She's not ALWAYS naked.

Read the first book in the new trilogy and it was the first Drizzt book to ever leave me disappointed. I don't even recognize him anymore. And the Ice Drow where a huge over correction IMO.

I havent read the 2nd book, which is sad. Usually I had them Day 1, but I can't bring myself to want to.

I guess the 3rd and final will seal the fate of the once grim-dark drow.

BTW whatever happened to the Eilistraee's and her good Drow that WotC seems to have forgotten about? Still no sign?

The Aevendrow Paladin's God IS Eilistraee, she just doesn't bother to mention it until late in book 2 of the Way of the Drow, which is a shocker, because RA Salvatore was well know for not liking Eilstraee.

So I guess Eilstraee is the main Goddess of the Canadian Drow, er I mean the Aevendrow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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