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Lone Wolf II: The Lakuri Gambit (MS 5022)

Andrew D. Gable

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Relenoir said:
"I'm sure Durenor will be far more appealing."
"I certainly hope so, m'Lady," says the captain between orders barked to the crewmen. "Anything's better than that stinking old port. Fit only for descendents of scurvy dogs, and worse. And scurvy dogs like us Lakuri, of course," he says with a chuckle. "The stern's fine."

Does Moon's Brand have her Sixth Sense activated?

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"Alright, er, aye, captain!" she replies, turning to head toward the aftcastle (if there is one; if not, the highest point at the rear of the ship). "You wouldn't want me to catch cold back there, would you?" she says, reclaiming her Kai Cloak from Kazan before she does. "You'll all know where to find me if you're looking for me," she calls out on her way over.
She finds a good spot that gives her a commanding view of the sea around her, especially for any ships that might be following them. Not especially comfortable with the fact that she is on her first ocean voyage, she positions herself a comfortable distance from the rail by something she can hold onto if need be. She settles in for her vigil, attuning her senses to the world around her.

Yes, Moon's Brand will be using Sixth Sense. Not just to scan for danger around the ship, but on it. A young woman on a ship full of pirates might seem good sport for some of these men.


"I hate sailing," said Hoagar, as he got on the ship. "I hope they have good grog for the journey. I need some warming up. And some food!" Hoagar stays mostly below deck; a creature of mountain and stone, he didn't really enjoy the journey on sea and wave.


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Since today is the first day of spring, I just wanted to share a 'Happy Fehmarn' message to everyone in our game. May your snow melt quickly! :D

Andrew D. Gable

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"Yes, well, make yourself comfortable, Master Dwarf," says Captain Kazan. "Same goes for all of you. The trip to Ryme'll take a day or two, depending on the winds and Kai's favor, and more if we have to make a stop for supplies. I doubt that." He turns and heads towards his cabin, and a few mates open the hatch to the underdecks for Hoagar. "We have some beverages of a dwarven persuasion, if you catch my meaning. We've some fine Vassagonian kourshah and even some Slovian lovka."


The first day passes without incident. Once, the lookouts sight some large birds -- sea-scavengers or even bangrols, most likely -- and while the crew watches them warily and begins to ready themselves for confrontation, the birds move on in favor of a school of fish. Twilight quickens into night as the Scarlet Lady races past the lights of Gorn Cove. It soon rounds the edge of the Wildlands and moves into the rough straits of the Rymerift.

"Anchors away!" Kazan shouts to the crew as the ship enters the rift. "We don't want to be running this route in darkness," he says in answer to the party's unspoken question. "It's a clear night, thank Ishir, and we have the moonlight, but that won't be enough, sadly. Come." He beckons you into his cabin. "Let's have a meal. We'll attempt this first thing in the morning."

The ship rocks a bit more in the rushing waters of the Rymerift, causing utensils to clatter on the table as Kazan reveals a plate of mouth-watering cooked fish. "Freshly-caught just this morning. And some fine Kakushan wine?"


Hoagar stares at the fish and the eye lolling at it. "I'll take the wine," says the dwarf. He spent his time aiming at the birds.


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"Why thank you, Captain," says Moon's Brand, her senses still alert for danger if anything should happen while they are below deck. She will eat, but be very conservative with the wine, drinking it slowly during the meal, and not having more than a glass. "This fine meal is most appreciated!" she beams between bites.


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"Hmmm, an invitation to a captain's dinner", Jesabela all but purrs. "An honour I haven't had ... for some time ..." Her green eyes turn to Kazan, her gaze as enigmatic as her lazy smile. "Tell us, sir, are your intentions ... honourable as well?" Gracefully she accepts a glass of wine, savouring its taste.

[sblock]While apparently enjoying the wine, she'll watch Captain Kazan's reaction exactly for any hints of a hidden agenda. Not seriously of the sort that her question implied, but who knows whether Kazan really intends to honour their deal ... If her Sense Motive gives her reason for distrust, she'll be careful with the meal. Wouldn't be the first drugged meal (or wine) after all! :)[/sblock]

Sorry for posting so late/rarely at the moment, folks, it's just that I have a lot to do - relocate to another Kai Monastery, for example (i.e., move to another apartment). RL, as usual. Though it's annoying that it must be now - being in her element, Jesabela really should be perking up!


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My, my! Thinks Moon's Brand to herself as she observes Jesabela's coquettish demeanor. Here's a side of her I've never seen. Being a woman--well, almost--there are times when having a way with men could get me out of a tight spot or two. I'll have to watch and learn more. She certainly does seem at home here. . . but she did say she spent some time on ships

Moon's Brand, being only a teenager who is not used to the subtle manipulations of the rest of the world, will pay close attention to Jesabela, hoping to learn how to better deal with men in the world outside of the Monastery.

Andrew D. Gable

First Post
"But of course," says Kazan as he seats himself, throwing a short grin towards Jesabela. "I merely wish to speak of things without the crew overhearing. Kai and Manmac* know that these pirates are a fearful lot at times." He looks up between bites, to make certain no members of the crew approach. "I should let you know some things I heard and saw when I was Torrost's captive. I heard some guards mentioning a party that had come to call on Overlord Torrost, and later that day the leader of that party came to see me."

Kazan shudders. "Torrost came down to the dungeons with several men. Most of them were big fellows, sort of rough-looking. The last was a thin man, thin as a rail, wearing a strange silky robe, with a green demon-mask covering his face. He didn't say a word, just stood there and gazed at me. I still get cold sweats remembering that gaze. After a moment, he just shook his head and everybody left. That was probably about a week before you rescued me. Then I overheard the guards talking about sightings of Drakkarim agents on Lakuri ships combing the coasts of the Wildlands, searching for something. But I didn't know what." He shakes his head.

"When a Kai and a dwarf showed up, I figured there's something big going on. Do any of you have any idea what they could've been looking for?"

(Moon's Brand)
[sblock]Your mindscans aren't picking up any wicked intentions, confirming the captain's outward manner.[/sblock]* The Lakuri god of the sea.

Voidrunner's Codex

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