Looking Back on 2024 – Looking Forward to 2025

Let's see...

I'm not playing D&D currently. I'm out of the loop regarding the 2024 revision. That's okay, but it means I'm disconnected from the biggest game in the world with the most coverage and largest community. On here, I don't even have much to talk about. So I'm feeling disconnected from the hobby.

I am playing PF2, but I haven't been excited about the remaster. I haven't purchased Player Core 2 or the Bestiary. I'm not running a game, so I'm not motivated to purchase APs, monster books, or anything. Even my character in the one game I am playing is not being remastered, so there's no point in buying anything else Paizo makes for the foreseeable future.

I am a player in a Call of Cthulhu game. There's nothing to buy, nothing to engage with.

I use Foundry and like it. I'm not excited about using Maps or Project Sigil. There's no point to use DND Beyond (because I'm not playing D&D).

I have backed two big Kickstarters (DC 20 and Draw Steel) that have gotten less interesting with every development - and I'm fairly certain that when they arrive I'll open them, flip through them once, and then let them sit on the shelves.

The main theme of my feelings is that I'm ... directionless. I don't feel like there's a single community that I can engage with. I don't really like any of the games I'm running or playing. There isn't a "standard" anymore. I feel like the Roman Empire has collapsed and there are just these tiny baronies scattered across Europe, completely disconnected from each other.

Even D&D (as it was) is dead. 5E (2014) is no longer the main game. 2024 isn't fully supported yet. It's a strange period of interregnum. I've tried using Level Up to run my 5E games (when I do run them), but I keep having issues, whether I'm running adventures from Sly Flourish or MCDM. (Things like certain spells not existing in Level Up forces me to dig my 5E books out of storage mid-game.)

Everything is just ... a mess. And it will continue to be because we have these half-a$$ed editions (PF2 Remaster, C&C Reforged, D&D 2024) that aren't completely compatible with the previous edition, but not everything is being updated, and we don't have cleanly presented adventures and supplements.

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i had a few big things in 2024 - the planestrider's journal, voidrunner's codex, and monstrous menagerie 2 for level up pop up in my mind first. ironically, the latter (which is the latest release) is the one i've actually used most so far. war of immortals for pf2e was also notable for me, even if i play pf2e pretty much exclusively through pathbuilder and archives of nethys. mythic rules are neat.

for 2025 i'm most interested in goodman's 5e rules (mainly out of curiosity), 13th age 2e (also out of curiosity) and acks 2 (which i've heard good things about from friends). don't know if i'll buy any of them, but i'm definitely keeping an eye out.

Looking back on 2024

Tribes and Tribulations: A WFRP sourcebook for orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, trolls and ogres.
Ubersreik Adventures III: a WFRP adventure anthology.
Stone and Steel: A dwarf player sourcebook for WFRP
Deft Steps and Light Fingers: A WFRP sourcebook for all things rogue and ranger.
Finishing my year long Ubersreik Adventures campaign
Fininishing my 3 year Age of Worms campaign
Continuing my Enemy Within Campaign
Finishing the Scarlet citadel campaign as a player
Starting my Dragonheist/Dungeon of the Mad Mage/Curse of the Crimson Throne/Phandelver/Golden Vault mash up in the WFRP system.
The 5e 2024 Players Handbook and Dungeonmasters Guide.

Looking Forward in 2025

The WFRP elf players supplement
The WFRP dwarf GM supplement
The WFRP elf GM supplement
The WFRP Marienburg city guide
Starting my Dungeons of Drakkenheim campaign for 2024 D&D
Continuing to GM my Waterdeep mash up in WFRP
Starting Eye of Ruin as a player for 2024 D&D
Running Way of the Wicked for WFRP
Finishing the excellent Enemy Within Campaign
Learning to play Call of Cthulhu and running Masks of Nyarlathotep.
The Monstrous Manual
The new Forgotten Realms campaign setting.

To summarize lots of gaming this year. Lots next year.
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Let's see...

I'm not playing D&D currently. I'm out of the loop regarding the 2024 revision. That's okay, but it means I'm disconnected from the biggest game in the world with the most coverage and largest community. On here, I don't even have much to talk about. So I'm feeling disconnected from the hobby.

I am playing PF2, but I haven't been excited about the remaster. I haven't purchased Player Core 2 or the Bestiary. I'm not running a game, so I'm not motivated to purchase APs, monster books, or anything. Even my character in the one game I am playing is not being remastered, so there's no point in buying anything else Paizo makes for the foreseeable future.

I am a player in a Call of Cthulhu game. There's nothing to buy, nothing to engage with.

I use Foundry and like it. I'm not excited about using Maps or Project Sigil. There's no point to use DND Beyond (because I'm not playing D&D).

I have backed two big Kickstarters (DC 20 and Draw Steel) that have gotten less interesting with every development - and I'm fairly certain that when they arrive I'll open them, flip through them once, and then let them sit on the shelves.

The main theme of my feelings is that I'm ... directionless. I don't feel like there's a single community that I can engage with. I don't really like any of the games I'm running or playing. There isn't a "standard" anymore. I feel like the Roman Empire has collapsed and there are just these tiny baronies scattered across Europe, completely disconnected from each other.

Even D&D (as it was) is dead. 5E (2014) is no longer the main game. 2024 isn't fully supported yet. It's a strange period of interregnum. I've tried using Level Up to run my 5E games (when I do run them), but I keep having issues, whether I'm running adventures from Sly Flourish or MCDM. (Things like certain spells not existing in Level Up forces me to dig my 5E books out of storage mid-game.)

Everything is just ... a mess. And it will continue to be because we have these half-a$$ed editions (PF2 Remaster, C&C Reforged, D&D 2024) that aren't completely compatible with the previous edition, but not everything is being updated, and we don't have cleanly presented adventures and supplements.
You know none of those things are actual problems right. In fact they’re almost all good things.

Not playing D&D when you don’t enjoy D&D is good.
Having foundry and not needing other VTTs is good.
Playing CoC and not needing to buy anything is good.
Playing PF2 and not feeling obliged to upgrade is good.

These are all good things.

I’m sorry 5e is not dead. It’s just been boosted to keep it fresh. It works fine with previous adventures and monsters. It is pret a manger. To say it is unsupported when it has been out for two months and is a minor change to the previous edition is nonsense.

The only things that is a mess are your expectations.

@Retreater , I continue to think your time would be better spent in a clean break from roleplaying games a while. I haven’t forgotten your explanations about why you can’t do that. But you sound eerily, troublingly like me in the depths of acute depression (on top of the chronic stuff) and I don’t think you’re actually serving the people you want to support very well, while definitely not doing yourself any favors. I hope that in the new year you find your way toward a kind of rest and satisfaction that rolegaming hasn’t been giving you for some time.

PF2e Player Core 2 completes the remaster code of the game, so nice to have the entire thing to wrap my head around moving forward.

The Starfinder 2e playtest is basically as advertised so it’s either a great or terrible thing depending on your view of the PF2e ruleset. My group has had fun with it.

Call of Cthulhu Arkham is a fantastic resource for running a sandbox CoC game. I haven’t used it yet, but it’s definitely inspired some ideas.

I am looking forward to getting the Dolmenwood physical books. The PDFs look great, I just hate reading PDFs for anything beyond a quick rule reference.

Otherwise looking forward to starting my 2nd PF2e AP and one of my players wants to take a turn at running something (Free League Aliens) so it will be fun to be in the player seat again. We also intend to run the adventure in the Pendragon Starter Set to see how that plays.

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