I realized my first post in this thread was just about how I wasn't looking forward to anything coming out in 2025. This will add things to look back on from 2024.
Completed running my 4e campaign. It was a struggle, but we had a satisfying ending for the players instead of abandoning it.
Introduced my group to Dragonbane and had a fairly successful playthrough of the boxed set campaign.
Got to become a player again in PF2E and Call of Cthulhu groups, finally not running 3 games a week anymore.
Got some great deals on PDFs through Humble Bundle.
Started paring down my physical RPG collection so I can better organize and focus on games I like.
My wife and I were finally able to return to Origins since the first time before COVID.
Ran a Spaceballs RPG (based on WEG Star Wars) at a wedding reception, and it went over great.
Finally had revenge on an adventure that TPKed my original group in 1995 when my old friends got together.
Found some good YouTube channels and gaming podcasts to help pass the time.