Looking Back on 2024 – Looking Forward to 2025

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
3pp wanted to tap into the enormous success of the D&D brand but wanted to maintain their own product identity, so pitched clones as alternative games
That's a pretty weird characterization of "wanted to continue to be able to sell their existing 5E-compatible books, even if WotC goes insane again."

Nearly all of these new books predate (most of) 5E going into the SRD and were explicitly intended as finding a way to provide 5E content into the future, in perpetuity, no matter what happens in the Hasbro c-suite.

That's not hubris, that's practical business sense and, frankly, being on the side of the fans.

Muad'dib Pendragon

The Spice must flow... From the Holy Grail
Looking Back:
  • First Gen Con, took family (all adults);
    • played D&D and Warhammer 40K intros together
    • look on son's face when he got a ticket on Day 2 for the early release 2024 Player's Handbook... Priceless!
    • look on daughter's face when she found a 2024 Player's Handbook for sale by WotC on last day of Gen Con... Priceless!
  • Backed way too many crowdfunding projects
  • Bought way too many RPGs/games
  • Received Wyrmwood Random Attack Tower (RAT)
Looking Forward:
  • Play more!
  • Properly catalog books, RPGs and games
  • Make more deliberate and selective RPG/game purchase decisions
  • Receive custom Wyrmwood Prophecy Table accessory storage A-frame
  • Complete game room
  • Go to Gen Con and maybe some other local Cons


I’m looking forward to adventure paths of all different varieties. I’ve been pretty impressed by the stuff produced in the last three or four years and I think there is a lot of creativity and cross system resources and ideas that come out of that.

I’d love to see a really good D&D campaign set in Greyhawk that actually ties property into the setting and explore it as I don’t know much about Greyhawk. I’d also love cubicle 7 to do either a new large format adventure or an Ubersreik Adventures 4 that tied together all the various threads from previous adventures.

I’m also hoping Imperium Maledictum does a quality large format adventure follow up to their starter set.


Very interested in this. You would recommend?

Also forgot about the excellent Monster Overhaul! That makes my list too.
I got it on a whim when buying the Monster Overhaul, because I wanted to add the theme of industrialization to my campaign. It is a little more magical than I had planned, but it pulls it off great, imho. I would very much recommend it.
There are a few inventions given in the book, and it details how those affect the city and how they progress, leading to inevitable disaster. A system is introduced to track all that, and general information about the city.
I didn't get it to the table yet, but so far it has been a very amusing read and a good source of inspiration.

I designed my own single book of (supplemental) player options and houserules to be used alongside Level Up. Been working on it for years, and share it with my players in all my games.

I unapologetically call it the Micahnomicon.

I'm right there with you. I like B/X so much that I copied and pasted the entire text from the PDFs into a word document then edited them together into one book so I didn't have to flip between them or rember what monster was in what book.


I realized my first post in this thread was just about how I wasn't looking forward to anything coming out in 2025. This will add things to look back on from 2024.
Completed running my 4e campaign. It was a struggle, but we had a satisfying ending for the players instead of abandoning it.
Introduced my group to Dragonbane and had a fairly successful playthrough of the boxed set campaign.
Got to become a player again in PF2E and Call of Cthulhu groups, finally not running 3 games a week anymore.
Got some great deals on PDFs through Humble Bundle.
Started paring down my physical RPG collection so I can better organize and focus on games I like.
My wife and I were finally able to return to Origins since the first time before COVID.
Ran a Spaceballs RPG (based on WEG Star Wars) at a wedding reception, and it went over great.
Finally had revenge on an adventure that TPKed my original group in 1995 when my old friends got together.
Found some good YouTube channels and gaming podcasts to help pass the time.

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