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Looking for a some minor villians

Lord Zardoz

For my current game, I came up with an idea. Have the players kill some minor blow hard antagonist who picks a fight in the first game. Then have this mans absurdly large extended family come after them seeking revenge.

And hence the De La Roche family was born.

The players have already encountered and dispatched their first two adversaries. Giovanni De la Roche, and Antonio De la Roche, both low level fighters.

The basic plan is to periodically have someone with the name De la Roche show up demanding satisfaction for the demise of their relatives. Also, it gave me an excuse to use the line "My name is Antonio De la Roche. You killed my father. Prepare to die." By the end of the campaign, I intend to say "My name is Hubert De la Roche. You killed my grandmothers nephew's son in law. Prepare to Die."

Now, what I would like is for any of you who are interested to throw together a quick NPC, and slap the name 'De La Roche' on him for me.

Within the campaign world, the De la Roche family is a large and influential family. Powerful politically, and they have a great deal of wealth. However, they are not a dominant power; They are at best dukes, not kings.

Here are the requirements.

1) Must have a Spanish or Italian sounding first name.
2) Must be human. Half elf is somewhat acceptible, and a few half orcs are ok, but most must be human. Half Fiend may work once. No Half Dragons, no Undead.
3) Is preferably non good.
4) You are limited to the following sources. PHB, PHB2, Complete Warrior, Complete Divine, Complete Adventurer, and Book of Vile Darkness.
5) For equipment, keep in mind that their primary purpose is to die, usually in the same encounter they show up. They are meant to be an inconvenience to my players, not a renewable source of powerful items. Aim for one off items (Scrolls, potions, limited use items). Also, they are likely to travel with bodyguards / cannon fodder, so figure that into their equipment costs.
6) Describe a prefered tactic for combat with the players.
7) Must specify a relationship to a De La Roche already posted in this thread, or to Giovanni De la Roche.

Anyway, here is Antonio De La Roche:

Antonio De La Roche, Son of Giovanni De la Roche;
Ftr 4; HD 4d10+8; HP: 35; Init +3(Dex);
Spd 20ft; AC 18, touch 13, Flatfooted 15; AL NE; Bab/Gpl +4/+6;
Atk: +8 Glaive, 1d10+3 Crt x3 (S); +6 Hand Axe, 1d6+2, Crt x3 (S);
+7 Composite Long Bow(+2 Str), 1d8+2, Crt x3, Rng Inc 110ft (P);
Saves Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 12;
Skills: Ride 7, Climb 5-4, Diplomacy 3.0, Intimidate 4;
Feats: Dodge, Mobility, Combat Reflexes, Wpn Focus (Glaive), Short Haft(PHB2), Spring Attack;
Eqp: Breast Plate, Composite Longbow(+2 Str), Masterwork Halberd, Hand Axe, Potion Cure Critical Wounds;

Tactics: Make the opponents earn it. Start the fight by firing with the long bow and moving away. Once melee does start, stay mobile and exploit the reach of the Glaive. Disarming with the reach weapon may be a good option if the Reach can prevent an AoO.


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Why no undead? Surely a scumbag might have a Death Knight or Lich somewhere up the family tree? "I am Septimus Rochus Maximus. You have killed a scion of my house; prepare to die"

Lord Zardoz

There are a few reasons for the lack of Undead.

1) Its hard to put much conviction into "You killed my Uncle" if said Uncle has been dead for about 50 years.

2) My player group consists of 1 Fighter, 1 Sorcerer, and 2 Clerics. I also use the Turning Does Damage variant from the Complete Divine. Undead simply will not last very long against this group.

3) The concept of the De la Roche family is a large, wealthy, and politically powerful aristocratic family with an over developed sense of pride and vengeance. Something of a cross between the Kennedy Family and the Mafia. Its hard to see them fill that role if 90% of the NPC's that the party faces are Half Orcs, Half Ogres, Fiendish, or Undead. Of course, a few family members will be fairly far out there. But I need the sorts of NPC's that can easily enter towns and ask after the party.

Antonio De la Roche, wealthy human fighter, can walk into a town, hire some mercenaries, and get some measure of co-operation when tracking the players from average towns folk. With the right kind of rewards posted, said common folk may act against the players.

Acerak De la Roche, the Half Fiendish Demi lich will cause the common folk to run away in terror. Maybe he can cause a TPK for me, but he cannot really do much to indirectly make the players lives miserable.


Lord Zardoz

Here is Giovani's other son, Antonio's Older brother.

Ricardo De La Roche, Brecht Ftr 3 Rog 3; HD 3d10+3d6+6; HP: 38; Init +3(Dex);
Spd 30ft; AC 18, touch 13, Flatfooted 15; AL NE; Bab/Gpl +5/+7;
Atk: +9 Two Blade Sword 1d8+2,Tht 19, (S); +7 Short Sword, 1d6+2, Crt x3 (S);
+8 Long Bow, 1d8, Crt x3, Rng Inc 100ft (P);
Full Atk: +7 / +7 Two Blade Sword 1d8+2,Tht 19, (S);
Saves Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10;
Skills: Bluff 3, Climb 9, Gather Information 3, Hide 6, Intimidate 7, Jump 9, Listen 3, Move Silently 6, Spot 5;
Feats: Exotic Wpn (2 Bladed Sword) , Wpn Focus (2 Blade Sword), Two Wpn Fighting, Expertise, Improved Trip;
Class Features: Sneak Attack +2d6, Evasion, Trap Sense +1;
Eqp: Breast Plate, Longbow, Masterwork Two Bladed Sword, 2 Tangle Foot bags, 1 Smoke Stick, Potion Cure Critical Wounds x2;
Tactics: Nothing particularly fancy. Just use the hired help, pull of an Improved Trip and go to work. Use Expertise to pump AC as needed. Open the fighting with the bow. Use a Tanglefoot bag to glue an opponent to the floor, so he can work on one opponent at a time. If he needs to escape, light off the smoke stick and run.

Ricardo is Antonio’s Brother, and Giovanni’s son.

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First Post
Oh, jesus. "I'm X De La Roche. You killed my Y's Z's W's H's A's gamma's delta-G-knot-standard's brother. Prepare to die."

you should throw in the women in the family, too. they'll be hell on their husband-killers.

pennies to anyone who knows what delta G knot standard refers to.


First Post
Marcos De La Roche - Brother to Giovanni, Uncle to Antonio and Ricardo.

A Fighter who uses dirty ambush tactics. He claims to want to fight the PCs mano y mano, and spouts an honorable mantra, but he is really trying to draw them into an ambush he has laid in advance, using a handful of 2nd or 3rd level Fighters or Rangers to snipe the PCs from rooftops, 2nd story windows, trees, etc. using heavy crossbows with poison bolts.

Not an idiot, he will lead the PCs around, shooting with his masterwork shortbow and trying to get them to chase him into the ambush if words fail to do the same. :]

Human FTR 5

STR: 16 +3
DEX: 12 +1
CON: 14 +2
INT: 10 +0
WIS: 12 +1
CHA: 14 +2

HP: 52
BAB: +5
AC: 18 (Chainmail + Heavy wooden shield)
Fort save: +6
Ref save: +2
Will save: +2
Init: +1

Ride +9
Intimidate +15
Handle Animal +9

Mounted Combat
Mounted Archery
Weapon Focus Rapier
Weapon Specializatoin Rapier
Skill Focus: Intimidate!


Masterwork Rapier
Attack: +10
Damage: 1d6 +5
Crit: 18-20 x2
Type: Pierce

Masterwork Composite Shortbow +3
Attack: +7
Damage: 1d6 +3
Crit: 20 x3
Type: Pierce

Also carries 2 potions of Cure Moderate which he will drink if injured significantly.

If he cannot lure the party into his ambush with words and taunts, he will shoot arrows from horseback back at them while leading them to his preferred arena. His horse is a light warhorse with Studded leather barding and a military saddle.

Once he gets them in the zone he will do a mounted charge, and go to meele with his rapier. Anyone he can threaten in meele he tries to intimidate, with a +15 bonus.

We'll say his mercenaries are three 3rd level fighters with Dex 16.
Feats: Point Blank Shot
Presice Shot
Rapid Reload
Weapon Focus Heavy Crossbow
Far Shot

Attack: +8 Masterwork Hvy Crossbow against the likely flat-footed PCs
Damage: 1d10 +1 (If within 30 ft)
Poison: Fort DC 15 Initial 1d6 CON Secondary 1d6 CON

If in an urban setting, have the snipers hiding in the windows or rooftops of folks homes. I'm sure the De La Roche family could spare a few coins as payment for allowing them to use the property to spring a trap for a murderer. Hopefully if your PCs are good aligned, they will think twice about magicking them and possibly setting the town alight.
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Lord Zardoz


Yeah, I will eventually throw some of the De La Roche women into the mix, though it may be a little while before I get a chance to do so. But you nailed the idea on the head. After I get to "You killed my grandfathers nephew's Son. Prepare to Die!", it will get pretty damn funny.

I like the concept for Marcos De La Roche. I look forward to seeing the end result. Stat him out as though he will likely be used against 5th to 7th level PC's. Thanks.


Tuco De La Rocha - Cousin to Antonio and Giovanni.

Spoiled and effeminate, Tuco is looked down upon by the men in his family. His cousin's death is a chance to prove his merit. He does not directly confront the party, preferring to travel between villages, gathering information on the whereabouts and actions of the party. He then spreads resentment and fear by telling villagers malicious lies through song. If confronted, he will try to flee or pull the support of angry villagers.

Tuco, male human Brd3: CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 3d6+3; hp 17; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+1 Dex, +4 Armor); Attack +4 melee (1d6 rapier), or +4 ranged (1d8 crossbow); SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; AL NE; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 15.

Languages Spoken: Common, Draconic, Elven.

Skill points: Brd 54

Skills and feats:Concentration +3, Diplomacy +7, Gather Information +7, Hide +1, Knowledge (Arcana) +8 Knowledge (Local) +7, Knowledge (Nobility) +8, Listen +0, Move Silently +1, Perform (Song) +8, Perform (Dance) +5, Perform (Stringed Instruments) +9, Perform (Oratory) +8, Sleight of Hand +6, Spot +0; Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Weapon Finesse (Rapier)

Possessions: MW rapier, MW light crossbow, 10 bolts, mail shirt, light warhorse, riding gear, MW lute, 200 GP

Bard Spells Known (3/2): 0th -- Daze, Detect Magic, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Read Magic. 1st -- Charm Person, Grease, Sleep.
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First Post
you asked for it... (all that wacky honor stuff)

Mortin De La Rocha - Adopted Son of Giovanni

He's a Half-Orc. Yeah, he was trained, before adoption, by a Samurai (who, assuming Giovanni is not too dishonorable, was Giovanni's friend, they saved each others lives or something)

I would have to guess and say that the true father was tied to Mortin by his honor, which with him being a samurai, explains why he was trained. I'm not sure how the real Bushido would deal with this, but I guess that he would have to treat Mortin well, regardless of how people might normally treat Half-Orcs.

Tuco, male half-orc Samurai 2/Barbarian 1/Fighter 2: CR 3; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 2d10+? plus 1d12+? plus 2d10+?; hp ?; Init +?; Spd 40 ft.; AC 15 (+1 Dex); Attack +4 melee (1d6 rapier), or +4 ranged (1d8 crossbow); SV Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3; AL NE; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 11, Cha 15.

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