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Looking for a versatile Sorc Build


Nightingale 7 said:
Antimagic Ray is a 7th level Wiz/Sor spell from Draconomicon.It is a ray spell,and if you nail an opponent,he can't access his spells and spell-like abilities for one round per level.Magical equipment,scrolls and the like can still be used.It doesn't have a saving throw.
That's it in a nutshell.

Saving Throw: Will negates (objects)

Be careful, this doesn't mean that ONLY objects receive saving throws against this spell, all targets receive a Will negates saving throw against the effects of this spell. The (objects) means that the spell can be cast on objects, which receive saving throws if only if they are attended or magical, that's all.

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zeo_evil said:
Good point about the XP. I guess I thought a sorcerer is a sorcerer.

That's fine. Wouldn't have a problem with that myself.

I took the spellsword level super early, but my party didn't want me to loose to many caster levels, so I am waiting until 11th caster level (when scorching ray caps out) to take more spellsword levels.

Practiced Spellcaster (Complete Divine) is your friend. :)

The whole idea is to take spells that don't require saving throws to be effective. I have always found the fact that the sorcerer must trade cloak of Charisma for cloak of resistance to be lame. He gets the shaft in a way the other classes don't. Bar none.

You can get the items in different forms (I like headband or brooch of charisma), and even if you only use items as written, there is a vest of resistance in Defenders of the Faith.


Nightingale 7

First Post
Be careful, this doesn't mean that ONLY objects receive saving throws against this spell, all targets receive a Will negates saving throw against the effects of this spell. The (objects) means that the spell can be cast on objects, which receive saving throws if only if they are attended or magical, that's all.

Strange.I never thought it works that way.I don't have the Draconomicon near me now,but I could swear it was Saving Throw:None,Will negates(objects).

I always thought this meant that if I was aiming at the mage I only had to worry about the touch attack,but if I wanted to nuliffy his magic staff with a second casting of the spell it would get a Will Saving Throw.


Yea, that's easy to do since it's a ray and most ray spells don't have saving throws because of the need to roll a to-hit, but it seems to make good sense what with the power of the Antimagic Ray (though it's a rather all or nothing type spell which 3.5 was trying to generally steer away from heh).

My quote is straight from the Draconomicon and a good spell to compare it to would be Polymorph Any Object spell which also has the Saving Throw: Fortitude negates (object) in it's spell stats.


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Draconomicon said:
Antimagic Ray
Saving Throw: Will negates (object)

SRD said:
(object): The spell can be cast on objects, which receive saving throws only if they are magical or if they are attended (held, worn, grasped, or the like) by a creature resisting the spell, in which case the object uses the creature’s saving throw bonus unless its own bonus is greater. (This notation does not mean that a spell can be cast only on objects. Some spells of this sort can be cast on creatures or objects.) A magic item’s saving throw bonuses are each equal to 2 + one-half the item’s caster level.


Mac Callum

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Thanee said:
Note, that by a very strict reading of the spellpool rules (which I think should be done there), a sorcerer cannot make use of the spellpool, since they cannot "leave their slots open" as wizards can, not even with Arcane Preparation.

I agree. At first I thought that MotAO was the hands-down best PrC for Sorcerers because of the flexibility, but the close reading says it isn't possible.

Would you allow a Sorcerer to take "Spellpool" as a Spell Known, however? That would effectively leave a slot 'open' for them. I would limit it to whatever level spell they give up however, so that if you give up a 4th level Spell Known you can only cast from that slot.

Less flexible than the Wizard? Sure, but that's the name of the game in Sorcerer land.

As for a flexible Sorcerer, it's mostly in the wands and scrolls. UMD is the Sorcerer's "killer app", especially for a campaign where clerics or druids may not always be available.

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