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Looking for Interest--Fullmetal Alchemist (using Mutants and Masterminds)

Rystil Arden

First Post
Hi everyone!

One night when I was probably not getting enough sleep reading the Mutants and Masterminds book while FMA was on the TV in the background, a spark for a great adventure randomly popped into my head. Just for fun, I started creating characters and storyline, and now I'm itching to try it out. So the question is, would anyone like to play a game in the world of FMA using the Mutants and Masterminds system? Knowledge of M&M is not really crucial at all, but knowledge of FMA is very helpful. I'll be weaving in interesting complications and intrigue to make for an interesting storyline and world in which to interact. There is also some level of secrecy, and in lieu of my usual favourites, SBLOCKs, I think this time I'll go with PMs and e-mails to keep the main adventure thread nice and happy looking.

So just chime in if you think you would like to play in something like this. I have six pregen characters (including Al, Clara/Psyren, Rose, and Selim Bradley), and there's a few more I'd be willing to make if people really wanted to play them (including Fletcher Tringham). I'll give more details if it looks like people want to play. Otherwise, I'll just save it for my Face to Face group.

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Dire Lemming

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Hm, don't know a thing about M&M except that it's inspred some really cool art from Aquana, and that it might be interesting to play. However FMA is one of my favorite uses of audio-visual media ever. When would this take place? I haven't seen the movie yet see, so I don't want to spoil it.

I've never played M&M, but would be willing to learn (I don't have the book, though).

I have watched most of the FMA series, up to episode 23 or so, have both of the video games, and am starting on the manga. Haven't seen the movie or the rest of the series yet, though. I would be interested, but I'm not sure of my ability to RP one of the main characters of the series...

Rystil Arden

First Post
DL--this wouldn't spoil the movie, as I haven't seen that yet either (unless I somehow predict the movie or something)

GFA--this would spoil the rest of the series for you. The movie will too, actually. If you've only watched up to Heart of Steel, then you don't know a lot of the major plot twists yet. The manga is actually different from the show, so it isn't likely to help.

Hrm, then I think I will bow out until I am able to get my hands on the rest of the anime series. Thanks for the spoiler warning - I thought that some of those names in your OP didn't sound familiar, just thought I might have forgotten them. I like the series enough that I still want it a surprise. :)

Sounds interesting though - good luck! :)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I'm the boat as above: No M&M, but seen FMA all the way through (no movie yet, though I know its details). Its been a bit, so I would have to familiarize myself with some of those names, but I can say I am interested. Committed requires more info. :)

Rystil Arden

First Post
stonegod said:
I'm the boat as above: No M&M, but seen FMA all the way through (no movie yet, though I know its details). Its been a bit, so I would have to familiarize myself with some of those names, but I can say I am interested. Committed requires more info. :)
M&M knowledge is not needed. It takes a lot of skill to build characters in M&M, but playing is easy, and I made the characters for you. Well, I'll rephrase that--if you can play d20 and you've watched FMA, you can easily play this game. Skills and feats work just like in d20, except there are also powers (like Alchemy). I will take the time to explain your character to you in detail so you know how it works :)

Some of the characters I picked are admittedly obscure.

I'll need a tad more interest to run this yet (I can probably manage with less than 6, but should be at least 4 players).

Here's a bit more details--

SPOILER ALERT!!!!! If you have not watched the anime series to the end and don't want to be terribly spoiled at some of the events, DO NOT READ the following SBLOCK. I repeat. DO NOT READ the following SBLOCK

[SBLOCK=Details]It has been eight six years (timeline under consideration) since Ed vanished forever. During that time, the world has been changing. Roy Mustang is the new fuhrer, and he is trying to herald in a new era of peace, although the military's enemies from Bradley's time are many, and they have seen this new policy and the civil war that led to it as a sign of weakness, so one can never be sure when or if they may strike. Alphonse Elric, a young man with a dream, longs to see his brother again, the brother who he knows deep within his soul has given up his life to save him, even though the memories have faded...

Continuity-wise, almost everything is exactly the same as from the series. Two changes that you should all be aware of (well, I guess *technically* none of these characters except know this information except the obvious one, but I'm giving it out anyway because I'm nice: Lust was sealed and stripped of her powers by Wrath using Al, but she was not killed. Instead, he taunted her with turning her into a weak human like she wanted, and so now she still roams the land as a traveling alchemist. Envy did *not* follow Ed into the gateway. And that's basically it for changes!

I can explain who the characters are to help those who need a refresher--when you pick a character, you'll get a bio with secrets and personality stuff too:

Alphonse Elric--If you don't know who this is, leave now :lol:

Rose Thomas--The girl with the pink and brown hair from Lior in the first episode. She became the Holy Mother and lost then regained her voice

Clara/Psiren--The nurse/teacher/nun/phantom thief with power over water and cards. She told Ed about Mugyar's red water thing in Xenotime.

Selim Bradley--Fuhrer Bradley's son. Maimed by Archer and saved by Mustang. In my game, his mother also died, so he was raised by the military. Since nobody else could do the job well enough, like the puppy, he wound up under Hawkeye's purview.

Elysia Hughes--You probably saw 1000 baby pictures of her, at least until Maes Hughes was killed by Envy. Now she's nearly 16, the same age as Ed was in the TV series.

Lust--I just got done saying she wasn't dead. She's also a PC.

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Dire Lemming

First Post
[sblock='Rystil Arden']Doesn't the movie take place two years after the end of the series? Not that it really matters, but eight years is a long time. Al would be 18-19 and Ed would be 23-24 and Clara would be thirtyish. But I guess you know that. :p Maybe I just can't picture it yet.

Are all those characters going to be PCs?
What about Wrath?[/sblock]

Rystil Arden

First Post
[SBLOCK=Spoilers]As I said above, I've never seen the movie. The movie is completely ignored. Yes, this makes Al 18 and Clara is about 29 or 30. I might also change the timing a bit to 6 or 7 years and just claim a bigger gap in the show and massaging the numbers, allowing Elysia to remain 15/16 while the other characters get to be a bit younger (Al could then be 16/17 and Clara could be in her late twenties)--actually, that seems a bit better, so that's probably what I'll do. This just means that the time shift in the show was a bit longer, allowing Elysia to 8 in the episode where Sheska Sciezka (darn that's hard to spell!--the book girl) arrives to her birthday and she is listed as age 6. All the characters mentioned there are possible PCs. I can also do Fletcher Tringham (the younger of the two tree guys who were working with Mugyar in Xenotime. The only one that is absolutely essential to keep is Al. Rose is also strongly recommended. The others I can take or leave.

I understand from my brother that Wrath is a "nice guy" in the movie who does altruistic things. He's still out there in this game, and he's got the automail like at the end of the series, but I'm not going to be bound by that at all (though that doesn't mean I won't either :) [/SBLOCK]
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