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[LPF]A Merchant in Need of Assistance


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"This one feels thanks you for the help and feels that healing Gig-Git is most important but would like some healing himself if there is some once Git-Git is better. Is there anything this one can do to help?"

OOC: A single cure light wounds would be all cethyn would want but only after we see what Git-Git needs :D

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Eldrick's wife, a middle aged tiefling woman, tells Cethyn "If you could go out to my garden and out back and gather these herbs (and proceeds to describe what she needs), I can focus on your unconscious friend."


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"Gladly this one will help." Cethyn will then go and pick the herbs as requested happy to have something to do to distract him from the pain of his wounds and the worry for his friend.

OOC: will take 10 on either Knowledge nature =15 or Survival =16 to make sure she gets what she wants


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Bozzago rubbed his leg as his allies sought care from their graceful helpers, observing that it was still sore and bruised from the spill they took on the bridge earlier. It was an annoyance, but it was not serious enough to require extensive treatment - it would not affect his combat capability in the least. He was more concerned with Git-Git, who had nearly been felled by the bandits.

"I do not require any healing, but I will gladly help look for what Git-Git needs; we can't spend too much time licking our wounds."


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Git git rolls slightly in his pained sleep, inwardly grateful for such caring allies. Though he wasnt aware just yet of their help, hed certainly shiw them his thanks with coin and verbally. More importantly hed keep hinself safer so not to fall victim to the dangers.again.


After Bozzago pretends to supervise, getting some friendly chuckles from the local patrons, and Cethyn gathers the required spell components from the garden the two healers get to work. After a few minutes work and some praying, the party feels as good as they have ever felt. After thanking the healers, and helping them cleanup the room the healing was done in, the party heads out once more, hopeful that the pending darkness will hinder the bandits as much as it hinders them.

[sblock=healing cost]Git Git - 70 gp worth of healing
Cethyn - 30 gp worth of healing
Gregori - 30 gp worth of healing
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With everyone back on their feet and fully healed, Gregori will suggest that we move quickly to get back to the bandits place. He thinks dusk is probably a good time to sneak up because of the cover of darkness.


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"This one agrees stealth will be best at night." When we get back to the ambush site Cethyn will attempt to track the bandit the ran off.

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