[LPF] Crypt of the Everflame (01)

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
GM: [MENTION=99475]Ravenath[/MENTION], [MENTION=91452]rb780nm[/MENTION]
Ravenath and Iosef are up.


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"Die Evil Abomination!" the paladin shrieks, dashing around the combat to the great cat's side. The paladin swung at the shadow...

Swift: Declare smite evil on the shadow.
Movement to G5
Attack shadow, 24 vs AC - hit, 8 damage (it's undead, so i get double bonus damage from smite), bypasses any DR the shadow has.
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First Post
Ravenath advances to the front line of combat and tries to hit the shadow, even when he knows it would be useless.

Sorry guys. I have been very busy in the office and I didn't even tell you something.

Action: move to 5E and slash the shadow (don't care if I hit it or not)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OOC: Update later this AM - Had a very busy weekend, then got sick Sunday evening. Spent most of the day yesterday either in bed or at the doctor's office. I'll be home today as well, but I'm feeling better - I'll start playing catch up after I get the wife off to work and our daughter off to school.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Round 02 Wrap (At Long Last)

Iosef and Ravenath move in to attack the Shadow. Iosef's shriek fills the room as he calls on the powers of his God to fell the evil creature. His longsword pierces the shadow, inflicting a grievous wound. Ravenath is not so successful . . . he closes and extends in a nice lunge, but the point of his rapier passes harmlessly through the incorporeal creature. The shadow counterattacks, reaching out to touch the fighter with long insubstantial claws. Ravenath feels the strength being pulled from his body . . .

GM: Round 3: Party is up!

[sblock=Combat Status]
[u]Combatant          AC/ T/FF   -HP      Condition[/u]
Gragnor            24/14/21    00      
Kalgor             16/12/14    00      STR Damage: 5
Ravenath           17/13/14    00      
Anaerion           17/13/14    00      
Iosef              18/10/18    02      
Shadow             15/15/12    15      

[U]Rounds in Smoke[/U]
Anaerion: 01
   Iosef: 01
  Kalgor: 01
 Gragnor: 02
Ravenath: 01


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Ravenath feels his strength flowing out of him. All is becoming black. He feels weak and weak.
Suddenly, Ravenath listen a familiar sound. Yes, there was no doubt. It's the golden dragon he was dreaming about all this years. But now it's different. The sound came from his own soul, flowing out like fire.
Ravenath opened his eyes screaming and flames came out of his fingers, striking in the shadow.


First Post
"What the?!" Anaerion was able to hold the shock of seeing Ravenath blast fire off long enough to blast the shadow with another magic missile, but still "Quite impressive Ravenath!"

OCC: The rest of the party might kill it before Anaerion acts, but if not go ahead and roll the magic missile attack [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION]
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Satin Knights

First Post
"Your mamma was a lemure!" as Gragnor snarls and swipes at the air around the shadow.
Kalgor thows a bit of minor acid magic from the back row, missing wildly.[sblock=actions]Gragnor: free taunt, fight defensively, swing claw at E4, swing claw at G4.
Kalgor: Acid splash misses wildly.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Anaerion gestures and another bolt of force flies from his pointing finger . . . the shadow shrieks and disappears, leaving only the greasy, oily smoke from the fire pit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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