[LPF] Crypt of the Everflame (01)


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Anaerion can tell when to give up. With a small nod, he says "Very well. Then let us be on our way."

OCC:Mowgli, what are we going to do w/ Ravenath?

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
[sblock=OOC/Ravenath]I've been pondering that very thing. He hasn't been on in a LONG time now. Did I miss a memo about him being out of town again, or is this a genuine AWOL? If he's AWOL, what would be your preference? Most tidy solution I can think of is to leave him with Roldare (the madman); I'll make a note of the date and we'll calculate XP without him until he returns. Alternatively, I could recruit another player from the Dunn Wright and we could do some mysterious GM hand waving to put him in need of rescue in the next room.

Anyone have a preference?[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
[sblock=OOC/Ravenath]He has been AWOL for 30 days now, and I didn't see any notice that he was going to be unavailable for a while. I say we march Roldare outside. When we get outside the crypt, we find a new player has been sent on the quest from the town as well, so Ravenath gets the job of escorting Roldare back to town, while the new guy takes his place.

It ensures our "rescue" part has succeeded at least partially, and is a mostly seamless transition for the new guy to come in. And it gives us one fresh guy at least. Kalgor's words and attitude have painted him into a corner where he will try to press on to rescue the sister when it is not the wise choice.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OOC: Replacement found! I've got some book-keeping to do to track XP/GP accurately. I'll consider today the official end of Ravenath's character and the intro of our new PC, though she likely won't make an actual appearance for a day or two.

In discussions with perrinmiller (the new player) we've decided that it works out best for his character and for the story for her to be actually in the Crypt; you'll encounter her once you've sent Roldare on his way home and started clearing the remaining areas.

I hope to get everything tidied up and moving again over the weekend - I should have lots of time to devote to it.

Feel free to use this time RPing getting Roldare outside and working through how to proceed from here - you should have a good idea of how he'll act if you want to include his actions in your posts, and he's told you all he can/will of what his fractured mind remembers from his days in the Crypt.

Satin Knights

First Post
"OK, Get up you miserable bastard!" as Kalgor lifts Roldare to his feet by his elbows. "You are going home, because I am not going to put up with your sniveling cowardliness. March!" Kalgor points to the door and Gragnor takes lead going to the entrance of the crypt. Kalgor prods Roldare along with the butt of his hanbo.

Once outside the crypt, "Ravenath, you take him back to town. Report to the mayor that these fools managed to provoke the curse and most of them died. We are going back in to try and save Roldare's sister, which this sniveling waste left in there alone for three days now."

"I won't leave without my sister!"

"Boss, you said I couldn't eat anything inside the crrypt." The panther licks his lips, "He ain't in the crrypt anymore."

"Aieeeeeeee!" Roldare starts running, his hands still bound behind him.

The panther smiles.

To Ravenath, "Have fun chasing him."
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Roldare hares off in the general direction of Haatse, Ravenath in hot pursuit. The normal evening sounds return gradually in the wake of the two men's noisy departure.

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