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[LPF] Distant Relations


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Quioan is understandably surprised by the appearance of the woman, to whom there is clearly more than meets the eye; if nothing else, the dwarven captain's wariness of her is proof enough of that. Quioan has a vague idea of the kind of creature he's looking at, but he's unable to be certain. Leaning over to Anna, he whispers, "Do you know what sort of creature this is?" [sblock=Stats]
Quioan Scorchsong
HP: 15/15
AC: 15 (Touch: 15, Flat-footed: 10)
CMD: 18
Fort: +3, Ref: +8, Will: +4
Perception: +8
- 0: Light, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound
- 1: Mage Armor, Gravity Bow, Shield
Bonded Item: Unused[/sblock]

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Anna whispers back. "I can't say that i do... I think she is a fey of some kind, but I can't know for certain. Something in my blood called out when she appeared on the deck, that was really my only clue..."

Anna's sad smile shows that there is a lot more going on in her head than she is mentioning.

"I don't think she is a threat to us if we stay back however..."


Elenka is about to concede to Yoshiki that her idea adds an unacceptable level of complexity to their subterfuge when the most recent events leaves her blinking rapidly. Mention of powerful gates and then the sudden appearance of what looks to be some sort of powerful nature spirit has her struggling to keep up. She covers her mental fumbling with a smile and nods agreement with Captain Renlow's subtly worded orders to remain aft.

"Wonders never cease."

She stays back in the crowd of her companions to allow the Captain space to make his bargains undisturbed by his passengers.

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 3
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +5

In Hand:
1st level: 4/4 remaining.
Special: Summon Monster 2 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +1 Perception: +0; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +7 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +3

In Hand:
Conditions: [/sblock]


First Post
Allebasi giggles at Anna's remark. "I like that one. She reminds me of myself," Allebasi says as she rises gracefully. She turns to meet Renlow's raised eybrow and crossed arms, and sighs.

"Always business with you, Phineas," she says, her pout returning. "Never any fun. It's sad, really. I can be ever so entertaining." She runs her lithe finger down the length of the dwarf's nose. He smiles and chuckles.

"Have I gone and bored you already?" It's Renlow's turn at playing coy, it seems. Allebasi laughs.

"No, no, my lovely little anomaly, you continue to fascinate me as much as you frustrate," she says, then straightens up, finally giving up on her flirtations. "Give me a moment to clear the way, will you?"

With that, Allebasi drops off the deck and into the water with the barest splash. The party sees nothing for a few moments, until the waters at the blockage of the tributary begin to swell, eventually forcing the debris out of the way. It's an impressive display of power, and while Nevil 'oohs' over it, Renlow seems unphazed. He pulls up the anchor and orders Nevil to steer the ship into the now-open waterway.

The tributary lies under thick layers of tall trees, with quickly-deepening forests on either side. Still, there's enough room for the barge and its mast, and the half-hour's travel passes quietly; it's clear from his expression that Renlow is too focused to answer any questions at the moment looking straight ahead from his place at the head of the ship.

Finally, he raises his hand. Nevil rushes about to trim the sails and the captain weighs anchor, though there's no gate you can see. Allebasi only becomes visible when she steps out of the water and walks up onto the shore.

"You'll be sure to stay longer when you've not such pressing business, my dear? Maybe I can even play with your little crewman?" the water-dwelling woman asks.

Captain Renlow chuckles. "We'll see, Allie. I do need him to help run the ship, after all."

Allebasi shrugs. "Always assuming I break my toys, Phineas. Such a faithless friend some days," she says, though she gives a playful 'tsk' and a wink. Then she raises her hands in the air and begins chanting in an indescipherable tongue.

"All right, folks, find something to hold tight to. This part can get bumpy!"

Sure enough, the water of the river begins to glow and churn, and it becomes obvious why it is you could see no gate: This one rests below the surface of the water. There's only a few more moments to heed Renlow's warning before the water below you suddenly drops away, and the ship with it. You get the briefest glimps of ancient cracked stone covered in glowing runes, and then you've fallen through the portal the gate has created. Light and sounds streak all around, a disorienting display which, along with the sensation of falling at a breakneck speed, seem as if it might never end.

But then, with a sudden woosh of air and a jolting stop, the world returns. The very wet world, as the massive splash of water from the ship landing drenches you all. The Downpour pitches horribly on the water where it has landed, but Renlow and Nevil--perhaps used to these sorts of magical transitions--quickly bring her back to an even keel. Gone is the dense wood and the small tributary, and in its place is the wide rushing water of the Ouhm.

"Now then, that's better, eh?" Renlow says, settling back on the wheel as Nevil adjusts the sails for the new wind and current. "Sorry about my friend back there. I keep telling Allie I'm immune to her charms, but I suspect she'll keep trying till the end of both our days.

"In any case, I'm hoping you folk don't mind one last push? If we keep on through night, we can make Martna before daybreak. To be honest, now that we're here, I'd rather keep moving. Word has it the halflings have been indulging in far more piracy of late, and a moored boat outside the protection of a city's port is just begging for boarding."

GM: apologies this and the previous post were so long. Got a bit engrossed in my own narrative tangent... ;)


First Post
Quioan tried to recover his senses after the surprise and disorientation of their trip through the gate; one look at him makes it clear that he didn't fully succeed. "By all means, captain - press on. Would you like some aid in keeping watch for pirates?"

OOC: No need to apologize, jk - it's a bonus. ;)


If the sudden appearance of Allebasi left her almost speechless then transport through one of the ancient gates of E'n has left her totally speechless and awe struck. Belatedly Elenka fumbles through her pouch for what looks to be an acorn which she tosses into the water behind them as some sort of token tribute.

"Thank you, Allebasi."

Drevezh'korol, in a state of heightened watchfulness, relaxes only slightly now that they are through the gate. He nods in agreement with Quioan's offer of aid to the watch.

"Yes, Captain, we would aid in the watch as well, if you will."

[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Elenka[/size] Human Summoner 3
Initiative: +2 Perception: +5

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 23 Current: 23
CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +1 Ref: +3 Will: +5

In Hand:
1st level: 4/4 remaining.
Special: Summon Monster 2 6/6

[size=+1]Drevezh'Korol[/size] Eidolon
Initiative: +1 Perception: +0; Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 15 (11 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 29 Current: 29
CMB: +7 CMD: 18 Fort: +4 Ref: +2 Will: +3

In Hand:
Conditions: [/sblock]


Anna's sad smile melts away as the magic takes hold of the vessel. Her eyes widen, caught up in the wonder of the magic, and she breaks out in laughter. Throwing her arms into the air, she spins on the deck, taking in everything swirling around her.

When the boat finally lands, drenching all aboard, her sparkling laughter rings out even louder, and she looks for all the world as if she had never been happier in her life.

At mention of pirates, Anna seems to come back to her senses. She quickly nods her agreement and offers to take a turn looking out for any seafaring menaces.


First Post
GM: I'll assume the previously agreed-to watch schedule unless you folks decide differently? Bit of a busy weekend ahead of me, so updates might be sparse.


First Post
OOC: Fine by me, on both points; I also have a busy weekend, so I'll only be popping in sporadically until Monday afternoon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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