[LPF] No Loitering


First Post
Wilmorn, human male

[sblock=MiniStats][SIZE=+1]Wilmorn[/SIZE] Human Ranger 1
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +2

In Hand: Bardiche
Conditions: Poisoned, reduced strength (-2),
Medium Encumbrance (+3 dex max, -3 ACP, 20' move)
Favored Enemy:
  • Human +2
  • Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
  • Weapon Attack and Damage
  • May ID creature untrained (look, it's a human!)
Wild Empathy: 1d20-1

Acrobatics +7, Handle Animal +2, K(Dungeoneering) +5, K(Geography) +5, K(Nature)+5, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Survival(Track) +7

Notes for this trip:
Chain shirt (equipped; removed studded leather)
"Have you ever thought you knew someone, and thought well of him Then realize one day that you might be wrong. I mean, may be?" Wilmorn sighs at the words, wondering why he's even talking about it. Who could possibly be interested in this except me? As much as he would like to be reassured, the ranger decides it's best to focus on the task at hand for now. With a deep breath to push aside the stray thoughts, he presses onward.

[sblock=Rolls]Perception/Stealth x3 (stealth -2 for chain shirt): 1D20+6 = [17]+6 = 23
1D20+4 = [14]+4 = 18
1D20+6 = [5]+6 = 11
1D20+4 = [19]+4 = 23
1D20+6 = [6]+6 = 12
1D20+4 = [7]+4 = 11

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[sblock=ooc]Giving [MENTION=6700202]Anastrace[/MENTION] a chance to check in. Looks like she was on fairly recently. If we've not heard from her by the time I do updates on Monday, I'll probably ask grtrtle to NPC her for the scouting so we don't drag too much.[/sblock]


First Post
Erin Vaneese


Moving as stealthily as she can manage, Erin tries to keep her spectacles up as she scans the areas she passes through. "It's ok Wilmorn, we can talk about this later at camp."

Stealth Check : 1D20+11 = [5]+11 = 16
1D20+11 = [2]+11 = 13
1D20+11 = [11]+11 = 22

Perception: 1D20-1 = [17]-1 = 16
1D20-1 = [5]-1 = 4
1D20-1 = [19]-1 = 18


[sblock=Erin Vaneese Mini Stats]

Erin Vaneese
AC:16 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 5/8
CMB: +1 CMD: 15

Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +1
Perception: -1 Sense Motive: -1
Initiative: +4

Concentration: +5
Arcane Pool: 5/5
Level 0 Spells Prepared: Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1 Spells Prepared: 1/1 Mirror Strike

Class Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Linguistics +9, Profession (Cook) +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +11

Current Weapon in Hand: Wakazashi, +3, 1d6-1, 18-20, S or P
Current Conditions in Effect: Str -3
Temporary items in possession:
Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: none


First Post
While the others stay back away from the bend in the road which the map tells them leads to the forward position, Erin and Wilmorn slip into the bordering woodland. The blaring midday sun falls to cool, dappled shadows under the canopy of leaves, and -- having encountered so much trouble last time -- both of the scouts are a bit more sure-footed as they slink diagonally out of sight of their companions.

Erin holds back a hissed expletive as a rabbit races out of some thick underbrush with a loud rustle. The pair freeze, but hear nothing, and soon enough decide to press on.

As the darkest patch of wood begins to once again lighten, they catch the guttural rumblings ahead. Soon enough, carefully peering through the branches, they see the source: a grouping of four orcs, gathered just where the map had indicated they might find the "recruiters." Their forward-most member is clearly a more imposing figure, but none of the orcs are what one would characterize as dainty.

Wilmorn can't make head nor tails of their grunts, growls, and hacking consonants, but Erin's broad linguistic background once again comes in handy, and she's able to understand the orcs speaking in their native tongue

[sblock=Orc]Orc 1: "Why can't we do this at night?"
Orc 2: "So hot. Hate the bright."

Front Orc: "You think I like this? Comes from working with humans. Stupid human eyes don't work at night. At least we only have to be here another hour."

Orc 3: "Grymblor be praised. Dark tents and raw meat make it all worth it."[/sblock]



First Post
Wilmorn, human male

[sblock=MiniStats][SIZE=+1]Wilmorn[/SIZE] Human Ranger 1
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +2

In Hand: Bardiche
Conditions: Poisoned, reduced strength (-2),
Medium Encumbrance (+3 dex max, -3 ACP, 20' move)
Favored Enemy:
  • Human +2
  • Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
  • Weapon Attack and Damage
  • May ID creature untrained (look, it's a human!)
Wild Empathy: 1d20-1

Acrobatics +7, Handle Animal +2, K(Dungeoneering) +5, K(Geography) +5, K(Nature)+5, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Survival(Track) +7

Notes for this trip:
Chain shirt (equipped; removed studded leather)

Wilmorn steadies himself, and takes a long moment studying the orcs and their noises. He leans over toward his companion, and whispers to the tiefling. "Perhaps we should head back and see about disabling this group. From our conversations before, I suspect we lack the skills to sneak by them unnoticed."


First Post
[sblock=ooc]NPCing Erin since it's not particularly significant and it'll let the full party plan.[/sblock]

Erin studies the orcs for a long time, considering Wilmorn's words, then finally nods. The pair sneak back toward the group and report on the placement and number of the "recruiters." Erin's lengthy observation suggested they weren't running any kind of patrol, but holding position until their time on post was done.


[sblock=Bluff question]Does pretending to be a mute count as a bluff? How would any rolls on that work? Lots of interesting possibilities if you ask me.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]People may rule differently, but I think there's a very real difference between not speaking and actively attempting to convince someone to believe you can't speak. The latter is definitely a Bluff if your character isn't actually mute.

Likewise, body language still matters when presenting oneself for evaluation. If the party is posing as recruits, they'll still all have to make their Bluffs vs the others' Sense Motives, otherwise, the recruiters would notice, say, their eyes darting furtively or their stance being off when whomever's telling the story tells it.

Once the lie involves everyone, and thus draws the attention of the recruiters, I'm saying their scrutiny triggers the skill checks. They are, after all, trying to figure out if they can trust you in their camp.[/sblock]


Siddhartha the Hunter
[sblock=Mini Stats]Siddhartha the Hunter
HP: 5/9
AC: 18 FF:14 T:14
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +1 Reflex: +4 Will: +3
Perception: +3 Initiative: +6
Unarmed: C. Longbow SR2 +5 d8+2
Armed: Longsword +5 d8+4
Arrows: 98/100
Common Modifiers: Deadly Aim -1/+2, Point-Blank +1/+1[/sblock]

Siddhartha pensively listens to the pair report their findings. He thinks back to the planned deception, and looks around at his sorry cast of friends. "Siddhartha will follow the group's wishes, but will be uncomfortable not telling the truth. Maybe we kill them fast, and kill the next too. Simple and easy." After hearing himself talk, he realizes that not everyone always has to die out in the real world just because they died in Buloxi that way. He quickly returns to silence, clearly troubled by his own thoughts.


Kepli Stormborn, shaman

Kepli shrugs as she listens to Siddhartha. She doesn't seem nearly as bothered by his suggestion as he himself does.

"If Wilmorn and Erin think we can sneak up on them and take them out quickly I have no qualms about it. I don't think our efforts at diplomacy with the goblins worked as well as I would like; I'm not sure our efforts at deception would work much better. We may be a motley crew but I don't think we quite have that air of ruthlessness and desperation these fellows would think is normal for a band of ruffians."


[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Kepli[/size] Aasimar Shaman 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: +10 (+12 w/ Alertness); Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 13 (11 touch; 12 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +1 Ref: +1 Will: +5

In Hand: shortspear
Conditions: None yet
Spells Prepared:
  • 1st level (DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
  • Orisons: Daze, Detect Magic, Guidance
Concentration +6
Spirit Magic: Charm Animal 1/1
Stormburst: 5/6 (target treats foes as if they have concealment, 20% miss, for 1 round)
Alchemist's Fire 2/2 (w/ Aszar)
sling (9/10 bullets)

[size=+1]Scuttle[/size] Seagull Spirit Animal
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 15 (14 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 6 Current: 5
CMB: +0 CMD: 6 Fort: +1 Ref: +4 Will: +4

In Beak: Nothing
Conditions: None yet
Speed: 10 ft; fly 40 ft
Melee: Bite +4 (1d3-4); 0 ft reach
Improved Evasion


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