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[LPF] The Forge of Fury, Pt1


~ A few days later ~

Coming back to Blasingdell was uneventful. You did not encounter any more orcs or other monsters. Maybe the drizzling rain for most of the journey had something to do with it. So it is a bedraggled and somewhat disgruntled band of heroes that enters the gate of the mining town three days after the deadly battle with the orcs.

Seeing your return, the guard at the gate greets you.

He is armed with a halberd and wearing chainmail.

"Well, hello. You have any interesting news from up north?"

You cannot tell if the guards knows you or not from your brief stay a few days ago, but he doesn't appear to recognize you.

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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Marcus gives the guard a wry smile, limping a little still from one of the wounds suffered from the arrow barrage days earlier. While the flesh heals, muscle needs a little more time.

"They send their warmest regards, and a little bit of their equipment."

He nods toward the bundles on their backs, in particular the bristling load Markas shoulders.

"Unfortunately they were in a bit of a temper. We're going to give them a short while to cool off, as this rain should be doing for them."

He stands mindfully near Fae'shiel, despite any comfortings she might have issued that she would indeed be alright after their ordeal.

"Have you a message for the Orcish neighbors? We'd be happy to deliver it when we pass back through."



The guard chuckles at the bantering humor. The other guard manning the gate comes over to get a better look and see what the big deal is.

"Aye, you can tell them to listen carefully as you cut off their ears with rusty blade. Har, har."

"Good for you. There is a bounty on orcs, did you bring back their ears or heads? 25 gold coins an orc if you did."


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"As much as I despise Orc's, did your city ever stop to think that placing a bounty on their entire species would serve only to add fuel to their hatred of your own species?" Fae'shiel says with a bit of ire in her voice. After all that was the exact reason that her own race did not fall to such a stupid action. Yes the Elves killed Orcs that intruded on their lands, and the Orcs did the same, but the Elves and Orcs did not stoop so low as to kill each other for such needless things as bounties placed on their entire species... at least not generally speaking.

OOC: WOOT! 1,000 posts!


"I'll not part with my ears at those prices, even if you offered full price." It is hard to tell if Iago is joking, or genuinely angry.


The other guard mutters to the half-orc, "Keep your ears, mate."


Both guards stand side by side, blocking the entrance to the town, the joviality gone at the elven woman's haughty attitude. The first guard retorts curtly, "The orcs up north are killing and raiding the peaceful settlements. Halflings, humans, dwarves, and elves. We don't have enough men-at-arms and trackers to go root them out and deal with them."

"This ain't no fookin' war over silly ears. Heh, you think the orcs out there care one lick your stupid ideals? Claim the bounty or not, I don't give a goblin's arse. We guard the gate."

He holds out a hand, "Five silver each. Toll."
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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
[sblock=ooc]Sorry for the double reply, at least I can log in, sorta, now. It isn't showing me my posts. Site is being all wonky. Wonder if it's due to the upgrades they're doing.[/sblock]
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Artur Hawkwing

First Post
Marcus seems to be getting ready to keep the jovial comments moving along when the mention of bounty stops him. He turns a look to Fae'shiel when she admonishes the guard as if he were a child who had been fighting in the school yard. He can't help but grin, though Iago's comment causes him to withdraw his grin a little. A glance at Markas gets him a large shouldered shrug. He turns back to the Guard at the mention of a toll.

"A toll? When was there a toll to enter town? Sort of a bad deal for your bounty hunters, having to pay to get back inside to collect their money. Tell you what, though. If you two want to meet us after you get off shift, I'd think we could get you something to drink and a good meal in you in thanks."

His tone is less jovial than before, but still friendly despite the shift in disposition of the two guards.

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