[LPJDesign] King of All Pulp Monsters Now Available!


Louis Porter Jr. Design, in association with Devil’s Workshop, has released King of All Pulp Monsters, their D20 Modern Neo-Pulp supplement focusing on King Kong. This supplement is perfect addition to fans of the pulp era and game setting like Forbidden Kingdoms: Modern by OtherWorld Creations, Inc. and the upcoming Haven: City of Bronze.

“This is one of those product you have to ask how did other Pulp publishers miss this one? It amazes me on the controversy this product has caused on the Internet as of late. For some reason certain people don’t want to believe that King Kong, in name and story, are public domain, even thought it has been proven twice legally in US courts in Universal City Studios, Inc. v. RKO General Inc., et al., and Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Nintendo Co., Ltd. I don’t understand what the issue is. All people have to do is a little research on this topic to find this information about King Kong. But for some reason people don’t want to do this,” comment Louis Porter Jr., president of Louis Porter Jr. Design. “To me I get the feeling that this sour grapes over me taking the time and doing the research on the topic, while others assumed something that was not true and continued on with the assumption to try to save face over them not doing the research and work. People don’t have to believe me on this topic, they can look this information up for themselves and make their own informed decision on what is the truth and what is not.”

This D20 supplement contains information and statistics on Kong, the natives and other various monsters on of the island plus templates you can use to add to monsters to make unique creations. Available Here the at EN World Gamestore: http://www.enworld.org/shop/index.php?do=product&productid=1458

For more information on the upcoming Haven: City of Bronze Neo-Pulp D20 Modern setting, check out this link: http://www.lpjdesign.com/HavenCOB/HavenCOB.html

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First Post
This whole post is tacky, Louis. I respectfully ask you to retract it and post a press release that focuses on the merits of your product instead of taking cheap shots at other publishers.


Urizen said:
This whole post is tacky, Louis. I respectfully ask you to retract it and post a press release that focuses on the merits of your product instead of taking cheap shots at other publishers.

Actually, no. I have been attacked on this topic is several places by several individuals in this industry claiming I am infringing on the copyright of another company. But none of these comapnies actually ever checked the facts ont this. They believed one party's side instead of checking the facts, attacked my business and me personally, and they were incorrect. I feel no need to act respectively to them since these individuals did not act respectively to me.


First Post
lmpjr007 said:
Actually, no. I have been attacked on this topic is several places by several individuals in this industry claiming I am infringing on the copyright of another company. But none of these comapnies actually ever checked the facts ont this. They believed one party's side instead of checking the facts, attacked my business and me personally, and they were incorrect. I feel no need to act respectively to them since these individuals did not act respectively to me.

That's your perogative, I suppose, to act in this fashion. However, I for one am not just a pdf publisher, I'm a customer. I'm one of YOUR customers. I've purchased products from you in the past and was looking forward to buying this product. I don't care about the legality, or your squabbles with other companies in this industry. You're a big boy Louis. You make your own decisions regarding what products you choose to publish and I'm not in the business of faulting you for your choices in products.

Legal, not legal...

I don't really care because I'm not the one who's going to get sued if you are wrong.

I looked at the press release hoping to get some insight into what you were planning on doing with the product.

Unfortunately I got very little in that regard.

Schoolyard "he-said, she-said" BS tactics like this are unproffessional, and that's why I asked for a retraction, because I'd RATHER be reading a press release that focuses on what the product contains, not whether it's legal or not.


Hello Louis,

This looks GREAT! Beng an avid pulp aficionado, I was glad to see that you were coming out with this product. King Kong is such a staple of the pulp era that its a must have/must include in any Pulp campaign.

Combined with the imagry from the latest iteration of the movie, Skull Island is such a fertile ground in which to grow action packed, two-fisted stories.

Good luck with it.


Henry Lopez


First Post
lmpjr007 said:
Actually, no. I have been attacked on this topic is several places by several individuals in this industry claiming I am infringing on the copyright of another company. But none of these comapnies actually ever checked the facts ont this. They believed one party's side instead of checking the facts, attacked my business and me personally, and they were incorrect. I feel no need to act respectively to them since these individuals did not act respectively to me.

How about using copyrighted images from Universal in your banner ads. Doesn't that count as 'infringing' on another company's copyrights, Mr. Porter?


First Post
AnthonyRoberson said:
How about using copyrighted images from Universal in your banner ads. Doesn't that count as 'infringing' on another company's copyrights, Mr. Porter?

Hmm...Something told me that I would get no reply to this post. I wonder why? ;)


First Post
Kong by any other name...

Isn't it interesting also that 'King Kong' and 'Skull Island' are no longer mentioned by name in the copy for 'King of All Pulp Monsters'? I thought that Kong was in the Public Domain, Mr. Porter. Is it possible you were mistaken? :p

Voidrunner's Codex

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