D&D 5E Lucky Archetypes To Spice Up The Dice

A flip of the coin can determine if that sneak attack deals more damage or less.

EN5ider is rolling the dice with today's article of archetypes. Adventurers that want fate to play a bigger role in their questing need look no further than the Gambling Primal Path, College of Chance, Oath of Incidence, and Gambler Roguish Archetype! Really rely on the destiny of the dice by rolling for that Rage Damage, turn luck upon your foes with Bardic Inspiration-fueled rerolls, make a terrible failure into a critical hit with Channel Divinity, or leave it up to fortune to decide if your Sneak Attack is a step deadlier—or a step weaker. Dubiously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.

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oath of incidence paladin by Jeffrey Chen shrunk.png

Lately on EN5ider:
  • 562. Archetypes of Fortune. Adventurers that want fate to play a bigger role in their questing need look no further than the Gambling Primal Path, College of Chance, Oath of Incidence, and Gambler Roguish Archetype! Really rely on the destiny of the dice by rolling for that Rage Damage, turn luck upon your foes with Bardic Inspiration-fueled rerolls, make a terrible failure into a critical hit with Channel Divinity, or leave it up to fortune to decide if your Sneak Attack is a step deadlier—or a step weaker. Dubiously designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Jeffrey Chen.
  • 561. Dangerous Scenarios: Ooze Farm. Not every member of the Gutter Guild is responsible with their gelatinous experimentation even if they have the best intentions in mind. Reckless ambition has led Binthi Glowstone down a dangerous path however, and as oozes start appearing everywhere the trail quickly leads back to her workshop—a gooey deathrap! Disgustingly designed by Charlie Brooks, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 560. Adventure: If The Black Crow Flies. No one goes into the hills of Albia unprepared or if they do they seldom leave. But prepared for what? This stark wilderness is the background for age old grievances where fresh blood is spilled in the name of forgotten affronts. It is better that the stranger to this land remains innocent of such politics—yet there are some who need not seek trouble for hardship awaits at every corner. Right now a rivalry blazes over Mageblight, an ancient and powerful axe considered sacred to the Pyll family that drags the party into the intrigue around it, catching them between ogres, dwarves, and monsters besides! This Elissar adventure for 4–6 PCs of 5th level was decisively designed by Thomas Pugh, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza, and features cartography by Umut Comak.
  • 559. Intriguing Organizations: Acacian Liberators. Carry forward the cry for rebellion with people who have made it their ethos: the Acacian Liberators! With the help of an Acacian operative (CR 4) even the most ragtag efforts can lead to a revolution, their experience and wisdom helping find, degrade, and ultimately break down the fulcrums of authority wherever those might be. Defiantly designed by Gabriel Kerr, illustrated by Gui Sommer.
  • 558. Monstrous Menagerie: Gaggle of Gobbos. Goblins can be capricious, creative, and curious—so make the next encounter the party has with these short greenies something to remember! Expand the goblin repertoire with the exacting crone aunty (CR 4), haunting goblin geist gaggle (CR 5), sticky and sweet honeycomb goblin (CR 1), insanely fun madcap goblin (CR 3), overly loud noisemaker goblin (CR 1/2), fiery pyrogob (CR 3), and the inimitable thingflinger goblin (CR 2). Distressingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Phil Stone.

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Mike Myler

Mike Myler

Voidrunner's Codex

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