D&D 5E Rebels On The Loose!

You don't need to be an expert to stage a revolution but having one around certainly helps.

EN5ider is unusually defiant this week. Carry forward the cry for rebellion with people who have made it their ethos: the Acacian Liberators! With the help of an Acacian operative (CR 4) even the most ragtag efforts can lead to a revolution, their experience and wisdom helping find, degrade, and ultimately break down the fulcrums of authority wherever those might be. Defiantly designed by Gabriel Kerr, illustrated by Gui Sommer.

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Lately on EN5ider:
  • 559. Intriguing Organizations: Acacian Liberators. Carry forward the cry for rebellion with people who have made it their ethos: the Acacian Liberators! With the help of an Acacian operative (CR 4) even the most ragtag efforts can lead to a revolution, their experience and wisdom helping find, degrade, and ultimately break down the fulcrums of authority wherever those might be. Defiantly designed by Gabriel Kerr, illustrated by Gui Sommer.
  • 558. Monstrous Menagerie: Gaggle of Gobbos. Goblins can be capricious, creative, and curious—so make the next encounter the party has with these short greenies something to remember! Expand the goblin repertoire with the exacting crone aunty (CR 4), haunting goblin geist gaggle (CR 5), sticky and sweet honeycomb goblin (CR 1), insanely fun madcap goblin (CR 3), overly loud noisemaker goblin (CR 1/2), fiery pyrogob (CR 3), and the inimitable thingflinger goblin (CR 2). Distressingly designed by Andrew Engelbrite, illustrated by Phil Stone.
  • 557. Inns of the Multiverse. Planefaring is all well and good until it's time to tuck in for the night. While you might have a magic tent or some spells that will suffice, wouldn't it be nice to bunk somewhere emblematic of the wondrous realms upon which you tread? Snap up a copy of the latest edition of Otim's Guide to the Inns and Taverns of the Multiverse to discover the premier places of rest wherever you travel! Each is a destination worthy of an incredible journey whether you're headed for the sublime accommodations of the Celestial Rest, the strange sights in Compost Heap, an exotic underwater stay at the Deep House, incredible service from the Fairy Circle, or the impossible air-built wonders of the Aerie. Dedicatedly designed by Anthony Pryor, illustrated by Indi Martin.
  • 556. Mini-Adventure: Palace of Eternal Delight. In true magical painting fashion when the adventurers look upon a superlative portrait of the orc Prince Lanithon they are dragged into his deluded realm and made to placate its master! To escape from this demiplane the PCs must traverse through the prince's endless festivities and search for the real portrait, the ancient artwork concealed far below and protected from interlopers. Diabolically designed by RK Robison, illustrated by Júlio Rocha, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 555. Adventure: Wondrous Weaving. A great disturbance roils just beneath the surface of the Waking, the skein of reality stressed by other worlds pressing upon Elissar. This strangeness manifests upon the horizon with increasing frequency, commoners cowering and hastening in their duties eager to return home to their loved ones—without the help of an unlikely wizard the realms material would have been torn asunder already. Even the immense power of Harviskari the Void Mage has its limits however, and to implement a permanent solution she requires specific components that are difficult to acquire, all of them from the lethal haunted woods of Spinnelund. Includes the aquarachnid (CR 13), death spider (CR 7), ghost spider (CR 9), pit spider (CR 5), and a spider prince (CR 15). Dimensionally designed by Mike Myler, illustrated by Phil Stone, and features the cartography of Kate Moody and Russ Morrissey.

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