D&D General Luke Gygax Brings Back Gary Gygax's Castle Zagyg

Luke Gygax is bringing back his father's creations starting with the Castle Zagyg.

Luke Gygax is bringing back his father's creations starting with the Castle Zagyg, Yggsburgh Campaign Setting. Written by Gary Gygax and first published by Troll Lord Games in 2005 and dropped from publication in 2008. It is available now in preorder. The intent is to ship in September/October.

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For the near future this is the first of three planned products, the second being The Hermit followed up by the Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds series, probably via Kickstarter or other crowdfunder, maybe in January. The executor of the estate seems to have granted access to just these things so far. If they do well then more will be available and Luke intends to get the entirety of the Castle printed.

If you preorder the Yggsburgh book you will get a PDF and a docx with conversion notes to D&D 5E. The book is as it was in 2008 and they currently intend to leave it that way, other than updating the PDF via new software, and change the logo on the cover and the product number on the spine.

They intend to make the PDF available as a separate product, via their store and DriveThrRPG.

This book uses Castles & Crusades as its system--you can get the 7th edition Player's Handbook in PDF for free.

Other items mentioned:
  • They don't intend to print Gary's notes, as his wishes were they not to be published.
  • They will see about other creations of Gary's if they can show the executor of the estate they are good stewards. Good sales will absolutely work towards that goal.
  • Luke doesn't want to attach this to anything he's doing separately, like his own setting.
  • Gord the Rogue books are also on the list of things they'd like to bring back.

The transcript of the youtube video is in the spoiler block.

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I'll take this a step farther: Saga was easily in the top 5 worst books I've ever read. Possibly top 3. Maybe...maybe even #1.

On the flip side, I find Yggsburgh to be a fantastic example of a decent-sized but still pretty contained hex map region and city all in one book, and Upper Works to be a far superior "castle ruins and dungeon" plus "caves of chaos pastiche" than anything before it, including Keep on the Borderlands. There's just so much more to it, and it's got a more interesting ecology and encounters. IMO, it's Gary's best adventure output ever. (NPC names notwithstanding.)

I can't say Saga of Old City holds up on re-read. But Yggsburgh is a cool setting. I used it for my C&C campaign back when it came out. As we've often seen, writing an RPG and writing a novel are two different skill sets, and the ability to do one does not always confer the ability to do the other.

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I can't say Saga of Old City holds up on re-read. But Yggsburgh is a cool setting. I used it for my C&C campaign back when it came out. As we've often seen, writing an RPG and writing a novel are two different skill sets, and the ability to do one does not always confer the ability to do the other.
Yeah, I enjoyed them for their direct AD&Disms, but man they have not aged well.

I'd also back the hell out of a full set of Yggsburgh, I have the first 2 original print

My brother had a copy of the Upper Works on pre-order from TLG. Sadly he wasn't one of the lucky ones to get his mailed out before the estate shut it all down.

I thought Yggsburgh was all right. What we all really wanted was the dungeons. Has Luke or anyone from TLG given an indication of how much material exists that wasn't released?


I crit!
Troll Lord Games had a bit of an update on Facebook about how well things are going.

A quick note (there will be more soon) to let everyone who has pre-ordered the Gary Gygax's Yggsburgh book that your efforts have been wildly successful. We established a 90 day goal and a 120 goal for the Estate Managers. You helped Gary reach that 90 day goal in 36 hours and we hit the 120 day goal in about 72 hours. We have surpassed the goal and then some.

Thank you all! This is surely good news to the Estate Managers and if we all didn't need more reason to be proud of our community, this is yet another reason.

You all are fantastic. In the parlance of yesteryear, you are .... the Bee's Knees (My apologies I've been watching alot of bee hive rescue videos lately and I have bee's on the the brain).

Steve & the Troll Lords


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