I'm giving Gabriel healing powers. It goes with the whole Phoenix theme. But I want it to be Empathetic, so he basically takes the injury away. I'm going to add the Resurrection modifier as well, so he can raise the dead. Of course he dies when he does this, but he'll come back the next day, or sooner as he gains power, and have a resistance/immunity to whatever killed him. So yay.
However, I had thought about being able to transfer my injuries to others. A power that I can only use if I am, in fact, injured.
How exactly would I go about doing that? Could I do an affliction based, or a damage based touch attack, with a limiter that I can only use it when injured? I could do "Injury Transfer: Damage, Alternate Resistance (Fortitude), Limited (Only when injured).
If it hit, I would then heal from the injury, so would I have a separate Regeneration power with the flaw "Must inflict damage from Injury Transfer Attack"? That would trigger my Regeneration, but only when the first attack was made, and the first attack can only be made when I am injured. Or would it be easier to do Healing, Limited by Self Only and only when the attack hits?
I know this is getting complicated, I've just had this concept in my head for along time and I want to see how it plays out. If I'm reading it right, that would be:
Injury Transfer 2:
Damage (Alternate Resistance (Fortitude) +0, Limited (Only when injured) -1)
Regeneration 2: (Limited: Only when attack hits)
Injury Transfer 2 (2 points):
Damage 2 - Alternate Resistance (Fortitude) +0, Limited (Only when injured) -1
Healing 2 - Limited (Self Only) -1, Limited (When attack hits) -1
Either way, it basically makes an attack that I can only do when injured that transfers my injury to someone else. Coupled with the healing I gave him, which is only 1 point, I can get all this for the 3 points. Well, I say "All This", and its only 2 ranks in each thing, 1 in the healing, but still. That power can grow over time.