[M&M 3E] October 1962 (Full)

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Wait, we wake up in the shelter? Are there hundreds of people around? I assumed we would wake up in an obviously different place. My reveal makes no sense this way. I guess I have to change it if there are beds.

Wait, we wake up in the shelter? Are there hundreds of people around? I assumed we would wake up in an obviously different place. My reveal makes no sense this way. I guess I haves to change it if there are beds.

In the shelter? Yes. There are no other people around. I didn't mention beds, but that's fine. It's not an unreasonable addition to the shelter, as further events shall clarify.

The same point with any time travel story. It adds tension. The effort of getting back to your own time, or of trying to prevent the disaster that killed everyone, or finding their future selves or whatever, adds to the story and makes your character care.

If we’d just all made orphans with no attachments to anyone, they wouldn’t care if a bomb just destroyed the town. This gives personal stakes.

And I’m just guessing about the time travel anyway. I’m looking forward to hearing where we’re going from here.

The amount of tension added is dwarfed by the amount of interaction removed. When you make an NPC, you want to interact with them. If the NPC ends up being the end goal of traveling back to the starting time, they're just a MacGuffin. Not a character.

Um, Star Trek didn't debut until late 1966. Although I suppose since it is 1972 technically outside the shelter maybe Sofia was able to receive those transmissions. :)

And the computer called Sofia Jennifer.

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