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[Mage: the Awakening] Legacy of the Stone Assembly


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...whoa. That was...fast.

I can't leave you guys alone for a weekend without this going on. :)

For my own sake, I'm not sure what people were expecting, character interaction-wise. These things take time to develop and grow. We were all total strangers. You don't just instantly leap from that into being buddybuddies...especially when y'all are relatively egotistic folks (as mages tend to be :)).

I'm sorry people weren't willing to give it more of a chance. I was enjoying it.

But so it goes.

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Yeah, I don't really know what you were expecting as far as chemistry and interaction, but I think it would have developed over time. I'd say we should at least keep going for a bit when everyone is actually here and participating, but in the end i'm not the one running the game.

Well, if this is the end, it has been a pleasure gaming with you.


Darnit, I leave to finish my finals, and I come back to see things just falling apart. I have to admit, the beginning was a little awkward, but the game Tellah was aiming for had a lot of potential. I'm sad to see it go, really.

If you want to give MtA another go, I'll be more than happy to join in the endeavor.


bah. I suppose I should have checked the OOC thread more. I'm back and I'm all caught up with the IC happenings and ready to go some more. I would have posted yesterday but I saw HT got Leva going again. I was gonna wait for some other players to respond.

But if people aren't feeling it, then I guess we should have a discussion about the future of the game. I didn't think the situation was that bad that it had to end. But if it's HT's final decision, I respect it and I'll say that it was good gaming with you guys while it lasted. :)


Wow! I felt like the game was really grinding on you guys, and assumed that interest had flagged. Admittedly, I've never done play by post before, so it was hasty to assume my assessment of the situation was all there was to it. I thought we had a lot of "meh" out there, and it's encouraging to see so much positive reaction. Above all, I don't want this to feel like a job, and I wanted to get out ahead of that if things were starting to get dull for everyone.

I've really enjoyed the game, and I think each of you has done interesting things and made surprising decisions--the very reason I GM/ST/DM/WTFBBQ is to see that. You're all good players, and I definitely didn't choose any of you on some kind of a "warm bodies needed" basis. I'd have been just as happy to run a solo game as one with five or six players. I like the characters, and I like what each of you is bringing to the game.

I like running the game, and I'm getting the impression you guys are enjoying it, too. I think I may have mistook "needed hiatus" for disinterest. I thought I had lost three out of five players, but it looks like we've still got a strong, four-player contingent. I still want to explore Boston's Awakened society. I still want to describe spirits, ghosts, Clavicularii, Scelesti, Seers, and Tremere. I still want to see brilliant plans put together in preparation for epic confrontations of powerful willworkers. And I definitely still want to see how you and your characters react to the surprises and twists I've got packed up my sleeve.

So if you're still with me, even after a hasty crisis of confidence...

Game on.:)
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Yeah though, speaking as a veteran of sorts of PBP's, they can have lulls...especially as holidays draw nigh. This happens for all kinds of reasons, but usually it's a good idea to give a game at least a couple of weeks with no (or little) activity before scuttling.

Players will often try to notify you of absences, but sometimes things creep up, or spring out, and I for one know that a weekend can go by and leave me wondering just what I did with all the time. :)


Hope everyone had a good Festivus/Solstice/Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Nothing! We got stuck at my girlfriend's parents' house for way longer than I'd planned for, and despite their excellent bandwidth, I didn't have access to a computer the whole time. I did finish another Harry Dresden book, as well as Orson Scott Card's Xenocide, though, so some good came of it!

Another uncommonly known rule of spellcasting: sensory casting doesn't necessarily mean line of sight. Sensory range means you have to be about 200 yards, and have some way of perceiving the location of your target. Seeing isn't really necessary. It does form the best conditions for casting, but it is also possible to make do with hearing, or other methods, possibly granted through spells or other supernatural means. Don't quote me on the last part though: I'm not sure if spell-granted perceptions always count, or count at all.

Casting this way always imposes penalties though as opposed to seeing your target, and the harder it is for you to tell where your target is, the greater the penalties levied. For example, you are in a shootout with a Seer, and she has stopped to reload. You can hear that action clearly, so you take the opportunity to fry the her brain with a Psychic Assault, but it is done at a -2 penalty. Hearing soft footsteps from somewhere in your Sanctum in the middle of the night is a great deal harder to pinpoint, and may induce penalties of -8 or greater.
Well said. To add on: spells of the practice of Unveiling improve or add sensory perceptions, so they can be used to get Sensory range. Knowing practice spells, on the other hand, do not involve the senses, but grant knowledge a priori--they don't alter the senses or require the senses or any form of experience to gain that knowledge, and they therefore can't be used to get Sensory range. Hence the Sense Mind/Life spells can't be used to target.

Spirit Tongue
is labeled Knowing, but I can't for the life of me figure out why. It directly states that it grants the capacity to "see, hear and speak with spirits." Knowing the language of Spirits is certainly Knowing, but the rest augments the senses, so it ought to be labeled Unveiling. Anyway, I'd say you could target the spirit at a small penalty while he's talking, but if he keeps mum there's no sensory element to target on.

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