Malvoisin's Way of the Wicked, Act 1: Knot of Thorns [PFRPG]


A smile makes it's way across Ethan's face. "The pentagram is the symbol of Asmodeus. I wonder if your visitor was a follower of the Dark Lord."

He turns to face Valeria. "It looks like we'll be able to take vengence, well start taking vengence, today"

At the word, "Asmodeus", Osrin's head perks up. He looks across at Ethan, but says nothing for now. He looks down at the pentacle tattoo just above his navel.

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Disposable Hero

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Ethan watchs Anitol as he works the thieve's tools in his shackles and eagerly awaits his turn.

He looks to the 'F' burnt into his skin. "Forsaken only by I God I choose not to accept. Asmodeus will stand beside me as we watch this land burn."


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Anitol holds up a hand to forestall Valeria's ramblings.

"Give me a moment to concentrate here. I promise once I'm free, the first thing I'll do is get rid of that gag. Your lisp is getting on my nerves."

Then he turns his attentions to the picks and his cuffs, attempting to twist hands, wrists, lock and picks into the right alignment that will allow him to get leverage on the mechanism.
Anitol works to jimmy the locking mechanism on his manacles. Unfortunately, His efforts are hampered significantly by the awkwardness of having his hands above his head, and the lock remains stubbornly closed. Still, he thinks he's probably close to success, if he keeps on trying.


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At the mention of Asmodeus, Jaylen's eyes rise up once more, with a renewed vigor. His hands move as much as they can, as the familiar words escape his lips. His hands are shackled, but perhaps with this new sign that his god IS nearby, or at least watching, he can't let the chance go. His finger points at the end of the chained manacles that go above him. Hopefully it would be just enough to test his theory, as well as get him free...

[sblock=Malvoisin]Attempting Orison of Acid Splash above him. Hopefully this will test the manacles, his spell casting ability, and the securing of the chains above.[/sblock]
As the familiar words of his orison escape his lips, Jaylen is pleased to discover that he is able to manipulate his hands just enough to successfully cast the spell. An orb of green-hued acid appears above him, then falls onto his manacles. The caustic liquid burns the steel of the shackles with a hiss and wisp of acrid smoke, before disappearing after a few seconds. However, it doesn't seem that the acid lasted enough to do any significant damage his bonds.


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Nearly nauseous with tension, Anitol forces himself to stop for a moment, take a three deep breaths and then try again.
Second time does the trick! With an audible 'click' the lock trips and Anitol's manacles spring open, freeing his hands. His legs remain shackled for the moment, but the lock on those fetters looks very similar to the one Anitol just picked.

OOC: Anitol may now take a +2 circumstance bonus on further attempts to pick the locks on the manacles binding his own legs, or the hands/legs of his companions. Each attempt will needs its own roll (No taking 10/20), though, because failure on these rolls may have negative ramifications...


Anitol has to force himself from crying out as his shackles spring open. He bites his lip to forestall any noise until he is able to regain control. He takes a moment to rub his wrists and he can't quite resist giving a small smirk of self congratulation to his fellow prisoners.

True to his word, he reaches over Ethan to pull Valeria's gag the rest of the way free, and then does the same for Curz (and anyone else who's gagged if I missed them). Then he peers about the room for a second and then whispers to the others.

"Alright. One down . . . eleven to go. Quietly now, it'd be a bad time for visitors."

Then he leans over and starts in on the manacles around his feet.

OOC: I don't know how you want to do all these rolls, there are quite a few. After his feet he'll move on to Ethan, Jeylen, Valeria, Curz and Osrin.

Fangor the Fierce

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Jaylens triumph over the manacles is small, but still a win for him. He hears the click of the lockpicks working, pushing his own endeavors to free himself. The damage was small, but with enough of the acid, it should be what he needs to get out of the manacles. Relying on one person to free them all is just not in his favor...

He casts a series of the spells, hoping that each one would burn through enough of the clasps on his wrists to free himself before he would have to rely on the others to free him.


Ethan watchs Anitol as he works the thieve's tools in his shackles and eagerly awaits his turn.

He looks to the 'F' burnt into his skin. "Forsaken only by I God I choose not to accept. Asmodeus will stand beside me as we watch this land burn."

Osrin looks at Ethan. "You claim to know the Dread Lord. I thought I was alone in this."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Yes!" Curz says as the gag is removed and is hushed by the others almost instantly. "Sorry," he says eying the door. "I'll watch the door I have a few prayers I..." he stops as Osrin speaks up...

Orsin said:
"You claim to know the Dread Lord. I thought I was alone in this."

He pauses and watches the two, wondering what part The Dread Lord has in all this.
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