My turn!
Ask yourself how 'far down the rabbit hole' you want to go with your "Digital D&D Stuff". If you are interested in nothing more than making maps on your computer to print out or show on a tablet/projector during the game... I'd actually go with:
NBOS ...for quick rough sketch, then bring that into Krita (Free:
However, if you really want to get into the real power of making digital maps and using digital 'stuff' with them for organization of your campaign, printing stuff out, finding info, online use (VTT stuff), and/or use during the game via a laptop...
CC3, and either NBOS's "TheKeep" (
http://www.nbos.com/) or maybe "RealmWorks" (
http://www.wolflair.com/realmworks/)...combined with LibreOffice (
Using CC3, TheKeep, and LibreOffice you can create your maps in CC3. Those maps can have "hotlinks" embedded in them. These links are, effectively, the same as an internet hotlink, but can link to anything you want. You could make a map of your world, then 'hotlink' your countries. Clicking on a country brings up another CC3 map of that country. That country map can have hotlinks to city names, for example, which could then bring up another CC3 map of that city. On that CC3 city map, you can have locations linked to PDF's, or internet sites, or audio, or video, or any other 'digital asset' you care to link to. Maps of CC3 can also have "layers", with buttons that can turn them on or off...so you can have a 'layer' button on your country map that removes all the names of the cities, and shows an overlay of weather patterns (which areas get a lot of rain or snow, which direction the prevailing wind goes, etc).
In short, CC3 is
MUCH more, potentially, than "just a mapping program". But, and this is a Kardashian sized but, you have to be willing to put in the effort to learn it. That can take several months on the short track...years to truly master and learn/develope your own mapping tricks. Campaign Cartographer 3 is
extremely capable...but, the old adage rings true: With great power, etc, etc, etc.
So, yeah. If you just want to make 'simple' pretty maps...CC3 is overkill, to put it mildly. If you want to develop your own digital campaign, I can't think of anything that can stand up to CC3's potential.
Paul L. Ming