Level Up (A5E) Marauder: Secret Ways clarification.


The RAW for Secret Ways says: when you navigate while traveling, pursuers have disadvantage on checks made to track your group. Additionally, you can travel stealthily at a normal pace.

1) what does the "navigate while traveling" mean? There is no action called navigate in the standard book and no journey activity called navigate in the Trials and Treasures book. There is a navigator's tools listed, but it is only usable at night and only gives you a couple of minor pieces of info about your relation to other places. I don't see how this item would affect your ability to be tracked especially if it can only be used half of the time and out of the likliest periods to be traveling.

2) Does the movement while traveling stealthy apply to the whole group? Usually when "traveling" this is a group stealth check. The context of the ability also implies that this ability is meant to make your group tougher to track down, so an ability that only makes YOU move at full speed doesn't seem to fit.

Thank you for any illumination you can provide.

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I believe that 'navigate while traveling' means making a Survival check.

Survival. The Survival skill allows a character to perform the tasks necessary to thrive in the wilderness: hunting, tracking, avoiding natural hazards, and traveling without getting lost.

As for movement while traveling stealthy applying to the whole group, I think that this background feature from the Marauder background applies to your character only.


"Feature: Secret Ways. When you navigate while traveling, pursuers have disadvantage on checks made to track your group. Additionally, you can travel stealthily at a normal pace."

I have assumed that traveling stealthily applies to the group, not just you. Otherwise it has limited benefit, as the rest of the group can still be easily noticed as they would not be stealthy, so group stealth checks would automatically fail (at best only 1 of the group succeeds, unless there are others with double your traveling movement rate to stealth it which is never the case to my knowledge).

Voidrunner's Codex

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