Level Up (A5E) Fatigue Confusion

While I was mucking about looking at the rules of advanced 5e, I noticed an inconsistency. The adventurer's guide mentions fatigue and says when you gain 5 levels of it, you die. However, the Trials and Treasury book says there are 7 levels of fatigue with tracking effects not mentioned in the Adventurer's guide.

Given that maximum Fatigue is supposed to be doomed, and the fighter has an ability that ups the amount of fatigue they can take before reaching doomed and the lack of clarification that the fatigue table is optional, should you use the 5 strife by base or the 7?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Both fatigue and strife have 7 levels. They are detailed in the appendices of both the Adventurer's Guide and Trials & Treasures, along with the rest of the conditions.

There is one typo on page 450 of the AG I'm aware of where there's a 5 instead of a 7. This is corrected in the errata.

Hope that helps!

A5E usually puts things that players should know into the AG instead of "hiding" them in the Narrator books. That's why the book is that massive.
Level Up's Adventurer's Guide has something like 651 pages. That's about 76 more pages than Pathfinder 1st edition's Core Rulebook (which sits at 575 pages). :)

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