After 1 year and 7 months (real time), my campaign has ended in triumph!
The party has been stranded with a community of refugees in a fey world for 445 days (in game time), but managed to contact an ancient civilization (Taranya) to help them out. Tarayna opened a portal (after a big ritual was performed to show the Taranyans where the world was at), and the party raced with their refugees to make it through.
The final fight involved them fighting two fey masters with their scores of servants that wanted to stop them from leaving. It was my 10th level party, some soldiers they had trained from the refugee community, and a 20th level epic fighter from Taranya. An epic battle with over 30 initiative slots commenced, and though the party was almost wiped at one point, they managed to get it done, and when one of the fey masters betrayed the other (ahh fey politics), the party was able to overcome, and get their people safely to a new world.
With the game over, I took the time to interview my players about level up. What they liked and disliked, with the aim of deciding how much of level up to use in future games. Here is the feedback they provided me.
My players for reference:
Game started at 3rd level and finished at 10th.
For our next game, would you rather play OG 5e, Level up, mostly level up, or mostly OG 5e?
All - Liked Character Creation Option (Culture/Heritage/Background). The most consistent feedback was that everyone liked the more custom options and interesting character notes that this section gave (so I've removed that from the individual notes). Some like destinies as well, but this feedback was more mixed.
All - Dislike:
Any other specific feedback you want to give?
and now what did I the DM think of the system overall? My notes.
DM Pros
DM Cons
The Future (what will I use LU for in the future?)
So right now my tentative plan is to go back to OG 5e for the next campaign, but keep a few LU elements.
The party has been stranded with a community of refugees in a fey world for 445 days (in game time), but managed to contact an ancient civilization (Taranya) to help them out. Tarayna opened a portal (after a big ritual was performed to show the Taranyans where the world was at), and the party raced with their refugees to make it through.
The final fight involved them fighting two fey masters with their scores of servants that wanted to stop them from leaving. It was my 10th level party, some soldiers they had trained from the refugee community, and a 20th level epic fighter from Taranya. An epic battle with over 30 initiative slots commenced, and though the party was almost wiped at one point, they managed to get it done, and when one of the fey masters betrayed the other (ahh fey politics), the party was able to overcome, and get their people safely to a new world.
With the game over, I took the time to interview my players about level up. What they liked and disliked, with the aim of deciding how much of level up to use in future games. Here is the feedback they provided me.
My players for reference:
- RF - Ranger (Hunter*) / Fighter (Battlemaster*): A highly mechanical player that often likes to optimize.
- WG - Warlock (Genie*): A very non-mechanical player only focused on roleplaying most of the time.
- R - Rogue (Cutthroat)
- C - Cleric (Sunpriest)
- WD - Warlock (Diabolist)
Game started at 3rd level and finished at 10th.
For our next game, would you rather play OG 5e, Level up, mostly level up, or mostly OG 5e?
- RF - OG 5e
- WG - no preference
- R - some level up
- C - some level up
- WD - OG 5e
All - Liked Character Creation Option (Culture/Heritage/Background). The most consistent feedback was that everyone liked the more custom options and interesting character notes that this section gave (so I've removed that from the individual notes). Some like destinies as well, but this feedback was more mixed.
All - Dislike:
- Fatigue/Strife penalties are way too harsh. Especially Strife 1 (we swapped strife 1 and 2 penalties because my players almost revolted at how strong strife 1's penalty is).
- Destiny inspiration point generators are very imbalanced. Some are DM determined (and its easy to forget as the DM because you have so many little things in LU to keep track of), others are generated by game mechanics, and those inevitably generated far more points.
- Dislike: Expertise Die system, really found it annoying and fiddly compared to the standard. Didn't feel that spells were really changed much in the ways that mattered, the broken spells were still mostly broken, weak spells were still weak.
- Like: Really enjoyed her metamorphosis destiny inspiration point ability. That created some fun flavorful interactions.
- Like: Manuevers were fun when their special niche was found and they kicked in well.
- Dislike: Too many crunchy bits that ultimately weren't very impactful but still had to be tracked (specialization as one example).
- Like: Some of the new skills and uses for abilities.
- Dislike:
- Some of their initial abilities were really cool at the beginning but fell off hard later in teh game (example: they had an ability to create "simple tools". Handy at the beginning of the game, never game up in the second half). They wish they had more retraining options for some of that stuff.
- Some of the control spells felt very "hit or miss". They wish Black Tentacles had a more "save for half" kind of option as an example.
- Contagion spell seems way too OP.
- Like: Enjoyed the destiny system, liked traits like cosmopolitan added some fun flavor to the game.
- Dislike: The spell list felt pretty limited compared to OG 5e. Didn't feel like he could be very strong in melee, and felt forced into more ranged options.
Any other specific feedback you want to give?
- Was overall surprised they didn't like LU, as they thought they would really enjoy all the extra crunch in the system, but by the end they didn't feel the crunch really contributed much to the game.
- There is a lot of "crunch" in the game that ultimately feels pretty inconsequential and not worth tracking.
- There are a lot of abilities that need better narrative justifications. Examples: That only rangers can "set snares" is dumb. The ability that lets you just determine a creatures' CR is extremely weird and dumb.
- Ultimately failed as a survival system (this game was a more survival focused game), supplies are just far too numerous.
- Not enough rules for crafting things.
- The manuever system concept was good, but the maneuvers are very imbalanced, and too many things require high exertion (aka the character was running out of exertion too quickly).
- Really enjoyed the mechanic where Legendary Resistance now weakens the creature. While they still hate LR as a concept, they get its purpose, and this at least gives the players SOME feeling of progress.
- Ultimately felt like "1 step forward, 2 steps back".
- Was not impressed by the new subclasses, thought in most cases the OG subclasses are just better.
- The Rangers "nova" (aka the Trained Accuracy bonus) is too good, they shouldn't be able to blow all of their points on a single super attack.
- Did enjoy the split between Fatigue and Strife as a narrative concept.
- Also agrees there is too much "fiddly bits" that aren't worth the tracking and mental energy. Felt bad for the DM having to track so many things.
- Thought the wormway spell was really cool (he was disappointed we didn't get to 11th so he could cast it).
- Likes the idea of Doom condition, but thinks there should always be a way to fix it. aka have it last longer and have some "plot" means to undo it. Just having someone go to doom without any way to stop it just doesn't feel great.
- High level cleric spells (aka 4-5th level spells) felt more balanced and interesting.
- Really hated the Doom condition
- Found the new layout for the warlock pretty confusing.
and now what did I the DM think of the system overall? My notes.
DM Pros
- I really like the NPCs in the MM, there is a lot more interesting variety.
- Enjoyed a good amount of the new magic items.
- The "boon" tables was great to create little random fun things for the players to find.
- Rare spells was one of my favorite things.
- I did find the class "exploration" abilities really did work for this exploration heavy game. The cleric for example used their "cosmopolitan" trait a lot to glean neat little tidbits of things. The ranger was able to suss out enemy vulnerabilities and resistances which they used to good effect, etc.
- I liked the strongholds, though I only used them a bit they gave good inspiration.
- I liked the countdown mechanic and used it a decent amount, though my players were mixed it seems on its desirability.
- The encounter math was a marked improvement from the OG.
DM Cons
- The manuevers need a wholesale balance pass, there is some real imbalances there. Most of the bow school for example is very bad.
- Subclasses for the most part I did not like. I think the OG ones are better.
- There was a lot of crunch going into the game I thought I would enjoy, but very quickly dropped, as I found it just way more tedious than the value I got out of them. The armor materials, damaging items, weapon special bonuses, skill crits, I dropped them all pretty fast.
- I had real trouble remembering destinies and I would forget to give out inspiration for various destinies a lot.
- While monster design I think was overall better, there was too much reliance on reactions and bonus actions, which as a DM is very easy to forget when your running 5-6 monsters in a fight.
- My biggest disappointment was the journey system. That was actually what I waited on LU for, as I didn't want to run this kind of "high travel, high exploration, survival" game without the rules. Ultimately they didn't really do the job for me. I found supplies way way way too plentiful (I houseruled them down twice in abundance and still found them too plentiful). The journey activities were narratively clumsy and it was weird because some things seemed to work on a day to day basis but others in a more "nebulous time" that I had a hard time resolving. I ultimately dropped the system in favor of a custom one I created.
The Future (what will I use LU for in the future?)
So right now my tentative plan is to go back to OG 5e for the next campaign, but keep a few LU elements.
- Culture/Heritage/Background
- Countdowns
- Magic Items
- Monsters (some at least, I'll pick and choose ones I think are especially better in LU).
- Destinies: But I will likely give all the destinies the basic "Excellence" destiny ability to generate inspiration points, so its all tracked by the players and not me.
- Rare Spells as fun gifts.
- Fatigue/Strife I'm torn on, not sure what I'm going to do with that.
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